Why Healer DPS Matters in Final Fantasy XIV

Still think Healer DPS doesn’t matter in Final Fantasy XIV raids? I’m spelling out the importance of optimizing Healer Combined Damage and the significant impact it can make in beating any enrage in the game.

#ffxiv #finalfantasy #mmo #mmorpg #gaming #healing


25 thoughts on “Why Healer DPS Matters in Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. Agreed on one thing, Week 2-4 high iLvl PF is Bullsquares! Everyone knows Dps get priority on BiS! We get scraps once enough repeats are filled! I only PF Savage and I didn’t get my first drop till week 6 last week! So unfair!! Also! Cool! I learned something new today! My DPS has been 4 and below on charts! It’s good to see how i can manage more efficiently! Soooorta! See I PF…..I NEED to heal…so I don’t see this helping me get my numbers up. I wanna clear, not risk green dps raging random people cause my co-healer wants to (75% of time) Glare mage it.

  2. Just wanna ask but if mch is left behind so badly why is the FF14 devs not looking at this…. or are we so bad at mch that yoshi-p and his team can clear this as a mch thus making us look bad o.o or does mch just need a strait up rework?

  3. Nice informative video but sadly the people that need to see this the most won't. Most casual players don't raid week 1 and wait until they have gear so they don't need to worry about dps checks. They don't want to spent time mapping their cd rotation and are okay with spamming gcd heals because their dps don't matter in week 4 and just want the clear

  4. Healer damage does matter, despite the game in every way trying to teach it doesn't matter given how fucking boring their damage spells are and general heals are. FF14 had a healer flair problem. They need to look sexier whilst doing their bland job and handhold the raid. They should look like the finely aged mother/daddy figure, not hideous crone or male gone to seed that they are.

  5. I’m only half way into the video and I see a slight issue. Looking at the door boss on p8s is bad because if you get snake first you can kill it before dog 2 which inflates all parses.

    Additionally, I played in 2 different statics this tier. One as healer main and the other as a dps. The one I played as dps suffered greatly because the healers were trying to play as if they were in a parse group (meaning they were relying on self healing of the group, weren’t tipping players off, etc). It was absolutely causing the group to prog slower, a lot slower. There is no reason for healers not to spend an extra GCD to top people off during prog. Yes it’s less optimal for this dps, however it’s better for the group during prog so people can make a mistake or two and the group doesn’t wipe to the next mechanic. I can’t tell you how many times I died to a raid wide weeks 1-4 because I wasn’t topped off fully and someone forgot to mitigate the AoE. Playing safe during prog is way better than trying to go for those parses…. I’m not saying don’t dps and healer dps isn’t important, I’m saying STOP trying to be a green dps during prog. It literally made my other group take over twice as long.

  6. As a healer man I find it absolutely infuriating playing in a group with inconsistent Tanks/DPS and even more so with an inconsistent healer partner. The whole crux of this argument is consistency. I've always argued, it doesn't matter what you press. For the love of god, just press the same thing at the same time with each pull.

  7. @CaerEsthar #CaerEsthar I have to say that I disagree with you So, here's THE Tea. I'm a lvl 90 ilvl 620 Healer main on Faire with all my classes/jobs maxed out and I have been playing FFXIV for the last 8 years. I've also played many other RPGs and MMORPGs over my lifetime (last 25+ years), such as: THE Original D&D, Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter, RuneScape (RS), Everquest 1/2 (EQ), Everquest Online Adventures (EQOA), Dark Age of Camelot, Guild Wars 1/2 (GW), Albion Online, Tera, Rift, World of Warcraft (WoW), Final Fantasy 11 Online (FF11), The Lord of the Rings Online (TLOFTRO), Warhammer Online (WHO), Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), and Black Desert Online (BDO). As such, I can proudly and confidently say that I know a thing or two.

    First — A Healer Archetype/Class's primary function and role within a group/party is to: 1) Heal wounds/damage, 2) Cure diseases/poisons/curses, 3) Revive the fallen, 4) Buff teammates, and lastly, 5) Support their team. Heal, Cure, Revive, Buff, and Support (H.C.R.B.S.). Yes, Healers do indeed have damaging spells and abilities. This is the case amongst ALL fantasy and sci-fi games. However, in every single one of these games, a healer's damage-dealing spells/abilities have primarily been for self-defense, for solo content, and/or for supporting their allies in a pinch. Healer damage has NEVER in the history of role-playing or gaming, been a replacement for an actual Damage-dealer/DPS Archetype/Class (** Note: except in very specific circumstances — such as a Priest/Cleric/White Mage having a significant Holy-aspected damage-dealing advantage over Undead and Demons). This is case in point why in every single RPG or MMORPG, Healers have the lowest damage output and the smallest number of actual damage-dealing spells/abilities out of all other classes and roles. Why? Because, It. is. Not. Their. Job. To. Do. Damage. Reread that. Game developers have labored intensely to make that very clear to the player base without having to outright state it out loud on repeat like a parrot and put it in large red writing all over the place.

    Second — Yes, I agree that Healers * SHOULD/AUGHT TO * help out and support their team in dealing damage and taking down a difficult enemy or boss * IF * time and the situation allows for it. Especially if it makes dungeons/trials/raids faster and puts less stress on the DPS and Tank(s). What do I mean by that? Well, that means: 1) If there isn't an immediate one-shot mechanic going off that a Healer needs to move out of the way of to avoid, 2) If no one is suffering from an immediate life-threatening Debuff that needs to be Ensunaed ASAP, 3) If your Tank is fully topped off or above 50% HP, and/or 4) if you, the Healer, your Melee/Ranged DPS, and/or your Casters are fully topped off or above 75% HP; THEN AND ONLY THEN, should a healer stop healing and focus on hard-casting damage-dealing spells/abilities on an enemy/boss. Sure, absolutely, it's not at all unacceptable for people to reasonably expect a Healer who has a Damage over Time (DoT) spell/ability, to be required to maintain them on multiple enemies or a boss. Nor is it unacceptable or unreasonable to expect healers to weave in Area of Effect (AoE) damage-dealing spells/abilities during trash pulls. That is the exact reason why in most RPGs and MMOs, Healer's DoT spells/abilities tend to be instant-cast and why a Healer's damage-dealing Single Target (ST) and AoE spells/abilities tend to be quick-casting and on a short cooldown as well as straightforward with a simple one-two rotation. That way, a Healer can throw in an attack or two in between their heals. Sorry to break it to you, but a Healer’s damage-dealing spells/abilities are not meant to be comboed or meant to be complex and challenging to cater to the ADHD whims of fidgety-fingered teens/adults attempting to paint a DPS brush on a Healer. True healers “ain’t got no time fo dat!” Because the moment a Healer dies, or were to let others die due to the social expectation and player pressure that they need to be doing damage instead of healing; and then that subsequently leads to a wipe, is when it is squarely the Healer's fault. Why? Because they were DPSing when they should have been doing their job, which is Healing. And to those arguing about it, it just means that you're a winey petulant d-bag who’s too scared to put on their big boy panties and attempt the difficult and stressful job of healing yourself.

    Third — * looks to the left * … * looks to the right * If your group/party/raid is slow in killing enemies, or is consistently hitting up against a boss’s enrage timer, THEN. IT. IS. THE/YOUR. DAMAGE-DEALERS/DPS'S. FAULT! Period. Full stop. Sorry, not sorry. A Damage-dealing/DPS Archetype/Class's sole existence is to deal as much damage as quickly and effectively as possible. A Damage-dealer/DPS Archetype/Class does not have to worry about pulling or maintaining aggro and they do not have to worry about when to pop defensive cooldowns to soak up as much damage as possible, like a Tank. A Damage-dealer/DPS also does not have to worry about healing themselves and others, curing afflictions, or buffing people, as a Healer does. Nor do they have to focus on and worry about other people's positions during an encounter’s mechanics or lead and instruct the team. The only thing Damage-dealers/DPS * DO * need to worry about, is the encounter mechanics themselves, their positionals, and their damage rotations. So, if your group/party/raid just isn't getting the numbers it wants to, then look no further than your Damage-dealers/DPS. Either they're: 1) too under-geared for the encounter, 2) they aren't using their spells/abilities correctly, 3) they don't have their proper damage-dealing rotation or positionals down, and/or 4) they don't know the mechanics of the encounter. It's as simple as that.

    Fourth and Finally — I triple-dog dare you b^tch to pull up and review the DPS logs and meters. I can guarantee you with 97% certainty that a Healer or a pair of Healers' combined overall dungeon/trial/raid damage contribution did NOT exceed over 20% of the total damage done by everyone else. Hell, I'd bet you $500 USD on it. If by some weird utter miracle, it was, then your Tank(s) and DPS are under-geared newbies. For a good example of this — in a typical four-man dungeon, the damage breakdown will generally roughly be 35% DPS #1, 35% DPS #2, 20% Tank, and 10% Healer, for a combined total of 100% damage done. In a typical 8-man trial/raid, a Healer's damage contribution will be even lower. You’d be lucky to deal 5 – 7% of the total damage done, especially when there are now two (2) Tanks and five (5) DPS. In a 24/48-man Raid with typically six (6) Tanks and twelve (12) DPS, drop that number down to 1 – 3% of the total damage done. It’s just not really THAT much of a difference. That 1 – 5% damage will NOT help you beat a boss's enrage timer, contrary to popular belief. No, what's actually going to do it, is a Tank’s or DPS’s death in an encounter and then the time it takes to subsequently fully raise them (Ergo, the full animation sequence — the player's dying animation, to the healer-player targeting the dead-player, to the healer casting a raise spell/macro, to the raise animation spell playing over the dead player-character, to the dead player accepting the raise dialogue box option, to the raise animation bringing the dead player back to life with 20% HP/Mana — On the short end: 8 seconds, on the long end: 12 – 30 seconds) along with the – 25%/- 50% to all Primary Stats (Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Intelligence, Mind, and Piety) for 1.5 minutes due to the Resurrection Sickness Debuff ("Weakness"/"Brink of Death"). THAT is what is actually going to affect a group's/party's overall damage SIGNIFICANTLY more than just a healer or a pair of healers not dpsing.

    So, in conclusion, please stop protecting and coddling the Damage-dealer’s/DPS for their laziness, their stupidity, and/or their lack of skill and ability while blaming the Healers and trying to shirk a Damage-dealer’s/DPS’s responsibility on them. Thank you.

  8. While I think that Not everyone should be optimal all of the time, it would be really nice if more casuals took their time to learn their abilities and play a bit better, I don't know if I'll ever be able to manage this many abilities, but I certainly can at least try and make my party's life that much easier, It's really not that difficult to read your own abilities sometimes. Great video, I love getting more information about the game I play

  9. I go over healer parses with people all the time. The thing I’ve found is potency means nothing to the average player. I have to take the number of casts lost, and then I multiply it by the average cast damage. Once I return that number to them, they tend to get it. Since they see the damage numbers from their casts, it becomes relatable.


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