Island Sanctuary NOOBTRAP! Don't get stuck! [FFXIV 6.2]

ISLAND SANCTUARY HAS HUGE NOOBTRAPS! I got STUCK!🥴 Learn from my MISTAKES and don’t make them yourself! Well, that feels terrible! But as I said, learn from my MISTAKES and don’t make them yourself!

More Island Sanctuary content coming up soon… currently stuck…

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:00 Island Sanctuary Trick! Don’t miss this!
1:54 Tips for Island Sanctuary
3:08 How to get Seafarer’s Cowrie’s quickly!
4:08 Workshop tips and tricks
7:54 Recommendations for Items to Level Island Sanctuary Fast


24 thoughts on “Island Sanctuary NOOBTRAP! Don't get stuck! [FFXIV 6.2]”


  2. I am so glad you pointed out the spruce log. I had my mammets out to get silver ore. I would've mauled someone, if I had to wait an extra day because I didn't know ahead of time.

  3. I am Rank 5 and cant expand past the second expansions (after getting the windmill/treehouse spot) as i used my tutorial stones on the chest piece glamour and now have to wait till my workshops produce more, they are running 24/7 with calculated profits so i should be able to expand tomorrow

    Its really a shame the game doesnt warn you when you get the options to use them for glamour and shit xD

  4. I made this mistake of buying the minion as soon as I could. So being 4k down meant I've been stuck at lv 5 not being able to do ANY expansions and probably won't be for another day or two.

  5. nice job, i get my self on the grind mode of rank up just i dont figure out the damwn blu token come only from the mummet factory… i love it xD i know is a pain but if get how to raise up using some little trick is not so bad. is atrociously time consuming for sure 😀 if one dont love to grind a shitload of material please avoid it for your personal sanity 😀

  6. It's true that it's a trap to spent the currency on stuff other than expending the island but if you sprint too far ahead you will be short on recources no matter what.
    Island Sanctuary is just meant to be slow. I tried to do it on a medium to fast pace at first but realized quickly that it makes no sense to do that for that kind of content.


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