FFXIV: Full Tips and Tricks to Prepare for Dawntrail and Maximize Your Experience

Whether this is your first time experiencing a new expansion or you’re a seasoned vet, here is an extreme guide full of tips and tricks to maximize your new expansion experience.

We’ll cover everything to do in the next month leading to the expansion, what to do on the week of Dawntrail, and a few tips for during your first moments into Dawntrail.

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7 thoughts on “FFXIV: Full Tips and Tricks to Prepare for Dawntrail and Maximize Your Experience”

  1. Most likely have to work June 27 and the place I work at closes at 1 am (June 28) so I am going to go to the store and get snacks and drinks that way I am ready by 5am when the servers go live.

  2. 22:19
    I actually recommend saving the book if possible until you reach a point in the msq you are stuck and need quick exp to continue the story. turning in the book at level 98 gives a lot more than turning it in at only level 90!

  3. Here's a tip. If you already have a Fantasia and plan to use it at DT, make sure you log off with all your armor off before the maintenance, because you need to be wearing nothing for the Fantasia to work.

  4. Remember you can create a female Hoth on the benchmark, and that will allow you to save the appearance, if you want to optimize your fantasia time
    Also, back to mutamix, it doesn't always gives you a higher grade materia, HOWEVER, it can all be traded eventually to craft/gathering materia, and those will either be really important if you want to have those classes geared up quickly, or sell those week one to make a LOT of money!

  5. I have a question: lets say I only have the starter edition and was waiting for the launch of downtrail to go back, as I stoped playing at lvl 70 and only did the first exp. If i buy the pre order, i will be able to continue leveling up, or will need to wait for the actual launch


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