This video teaches you how to totally play like a raider in the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker.
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#ffxiv #endwalker
Another banger by Azurite
Loved this one but the sad part is that this is so common in pf
10/10, best advise. Just came out of DSR and cleard it all within 1 min. Thank you for that.
Also, i subbed. where is my FemRa GF?!?! >:(
On a serious note. Great video. Got me a laugh out of me multiple times!
healers aren't crying- they're screaming and calling you stupid.
Such wow.
How do i know if i won a femra gf?
I love when tanks find ways to run out of my earthly star
Gap closing the boss is sad 😭😂
Honestly I feel like a lot of the healer hate comes from the brainlets in PF who don’t know how to use their raid mits nor any cooldowns
As a dps I approve this message. Just let me hit um
This truly is the video of the century.
please let me win a femra gf so I can finally become a real raider 🙏
Waiting for 3 wipes in a farmparty? Your weakness disgusts me. A real dps accepts no wipes.
1 to 3 maybe on day one in a pf prog group!
This is one of those "I'm hurt both physically and mentally and I need to make this" type of video…
Good lord 9 mins of chuckling, sprinkled with Azu scolding AND it has yours plus Aitherea's voices in the same video? Christmas came early. Now i see what all those tweets about this video meant LOL.
Loved the editing with the icon usage, the more expressive voice matching Azu's expressions and the emote usage as well. Same goes for Aitherea's bun segment.
Au Ra chef's kiss.
Perfection 👏
Just described my normal playstyle.
Gonna paste this video into PF instead of strats.
‘Always blame the healers’ This is the way…
I feel like your co-star has a few choice words XD
Also, perfect compilation of things to do in a raid – I made notes 😛
"ur a tank and ur not tanking ? just taunt the boss your the tank!" lol ive met so many tanks that are like scared or whatever to pull the boss but like 10 sec into the fight when i popped maybe a cooldown they like "IM THE TANK" and spot the boss off me. than next try they dont pull again, wait like 5-10 sec and then spott if off me again, like i dont get these ppl ^^ or this tanks that pull a grp of mobs, stand still, do like a few attacks than decide to run and pull more without sprint, than run into the next grp stand there .. again for a few secs.. than sometimes even run to pull a third grp while the first he pulled is already kinda dead.
or always start running for the next pull if there is still like 2-3 mobs on 20-30%+hp.
ranged stay by your friend ranged so you get their ranged dps buffs and stay far enough away so melee dps doesn't get em ..
You can only die by 3 things in raids.
1st doing the mechanic wrong, aka YOU (looking at the person who did it wrong) fucked up.
2nd Lack of mitigation, aka either dps, healers and or tanks fucked up since every role have some sort of mitigation.
3rd lack of healing, aka you weren't topped or healed enough in time. Which is in most cases the healers fault and yes I know every dps but mages has second wind and tanks have also self healing, but in most cases that's not enough hence why in 9/10 times it's the healers fault.
Pretty self explanatory why so many people blame the healers in raiding content, since healers can mess up things easier than tanks or dps by not healing (enough).
Also before someone comes at me, this is not a healer front/hate just a explanation (from my PoV) why many more people blame healers than tanks or DPS if anything goes wrong.
Don’t reprisal , feint or addle then cry for aoes hitting too hard 🤭
You should do a character creation video for Azurites face!
This was pretty funny on top of just really nice editing. Great work!
Such wow.