Endwalker Town Theme "Those We Can Yet Save" – FFXIV OST

This is surprisingly dark in tone… I love it.

Full Endwalker playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9JKBGWkVcPFI-hRz22xJPrwj82FciFeZ

Buy the official soundtrack: https://www.jp.square-enix.com/music/sem/page/ff14/ENDWALKER_ost/en/

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FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


9 thoughts on “Endwalker Town Theme "Those We Can Yet Save" – FFXIV OST”

  1. I love how the theme starts somber and the more it plays it gets more sinister. Further on the song developes hope and the great battle and struggle we fight. Truly fitting for the strong title "Those We Can Yet Save". Also the EW Opening theme plays into it, which makes it even better and more impactful.

  2. I can imagine this theme (or at least the first minute ish) as a save room theme in a resident evil game. You've gone through a lot of hardship to get here, you're in a safe place now, have a rest and prepare for when you need to go back out there


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