The Crown, Sphene & Yoshi P Hints – Stream Recap FFXIV Theory

Yoshi P spoke with multiple media agencies at Gamescom 2024 and gave us alot to think about with regards to 7.1 and beyond.
Here is a recap of my unscheduled stream where I think we cracked the case!

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34 thoughts on “The Crown, Sphene & Yoshi P Hints – Stream Recap FFXIV Theory”

  1. Did she die from the sickness, or from the event in Alexandria where she attempted to save people, but got caught in a blast..? I'm trying to recall where it was said she died from the Lightning sickness, however, I am so eager to see what is coming! More so with the possible little hint of Southern Gustaberg in the Interphos fight. it's a sort of blink and you'll miss it moment, but it seems one of the FF11 buildings from that area appears in the background during a part of the interdimensional sync and it's been making rounds on speculation forums.

  2. Pashtarot's Mask is what I'm guessing. Not Azem's. I do agree with you, Sphene (original) is a sundered ancient, the question is which one. Azem and the key are a source lore thing. Sphene is a shard, not related to the key. Think of what Emet Selch/Hades did for Garlean, put a spin on it's head instead and make Sphene into an Ascian who matured a shard and decided to maintain her people till it was the right time.

  3. One problem with this theory about the crown, is that Azem's seat glyph is known. It can even be seen in game back as far as the Scion Traveler's Mask, where it is part of the bit that covers the face, albeit possibly upside down. That being said, one could bend the crown in such a way as to resemble it I suppose. But it's not, as pictured, the glyph of Azem.

  4. I have held that Sphene is a shard of Azem. I think the crown isn't an artifact from Azem but instead made of Auricite, amplifying her will to protect her people no matter the cost. I can remember who, I think it was StoutHelm, but someone came up with the theory that Ultima is our next big bad, and I am inclined to agree

  5. If Sphene is really the Azem shard from the ninth, then wouldn’t the WOL’s soul be less dense than the others on the source (or at least would have been less dense until being joined by ardbert)? Wasn’t most of the ninth already rejoined with the source?

  6. "Might I call upon your aid?" is like code for "yo I'm an Azem shard, want to be friends?"

    Thats exactly what Azem's power is – they call upon friends when they need them

    Great vid!

  7. dont think sphene is a shard. when an azem shard appears in msq its usually made known. also if this is azems mask this is the mask of the original owner. i do agree this is a mask or something thats been made into a crown thats really well spotted. but i think if it was his mask it would have reacted to us the way the key did

  8. Well it’s said her crown is a “special” regulator, the crown on her projection is not the physical crown, the physical crown is elsewhere, if I were to give you my piece about her crown it holds backups of her consciousness. That’s what makes it special. Also we kind of have an idea about what the Azem glyph should look like, it’s on the scion traveler’s mask it couldn’t be more on the nose than the Traveler’s set having the glyph right on your face. So while there is probably some way some how that sphene is a shard of Azem I personally would opt that she is not for now. If her crown is somehow the true symbol of Azem, why wasn’t it on the Scion travelers set? Why has it no resemblance to anything about ardbert or the real golbez? It’s a nice theory, but it’s so far removed from explicit material regarding every other shard of Azem.

  9. Ok in any case, let me throw my theory: the people of Alexandria didnt account for a problem happening when too much prayer happens in the presence of high levels of aether: Primals. Usually, we need crystals because they have powerful amount of elemental aether; but these people were surrounded by a dome of thunder element, and a thunder calamity. It is entirely possible they just prayed too much and Sphene is, in fact, an primal of thunder aespect. Electrope works by transforming thunder aether to any other type of aether, so a thunder aespected primal in this situation would be all mighty. And the prayers? A cult centered on her: Preservation. If they still exists, and they keep praying, Sphene will be back. One final thought: Sphene's crown might have the same mechanism than Odin's blade: it would be used to take control on a new Vessel for such primal. She is just a primal under this theory, BUT the origin of the crown its as unknown as Odin's blade at this time.

  10. I think the crown's thing is more literal than we think it is.

    At one point, one Alexandrian citizen (I think in Outskirts) mentions that Sphene's crown functions as a regulator, specially made for her. This was of course forgotten in the wake of the reveal that Sphene was an ai, and probably this comment was a guess on the citizen's part, but perhaps that train of thought wasn't entirely wrong. Perhaps the Real Sphene still exists to some capacity within the crown.

  11. not really sure about the crown being Azem's mask…

    idk if you touched on it, but there are still many large areas of golden energy wafting around Living Memory in certain spots.

    i think those are probably more significant to reviving Sphene somehow (or at least revealing more of the OG Sphene's memories/mind). but to my knowledge, no one in game has mentioned them.

    the mask really is probably just a fancy regulator, or the prototype for them. i am taking the NPCs' comments about it at face value for now.

    personally, i want to replay Aloalo for more insight Lala magic…

    but regardless, i am almost 99% sure we haven't heard the last of Queen Sphene.

  12. When interacting with NPCs I believe one of them mentions Sphene's crown or equipment are widely considered to be special storage devices. First generation endless are separate from the system and have both soul and memories intact. Therefore, where is the first generation Sphene? She must exist because the same process used to preserve Ottis was used on her. We know she was converted to an endless before Everkeep was finished. Therefore, she predates living memory.

  13. Looking at the tweet re: the ninth, I don't think that's a solid confirmation. The interviewer said that they asked if she was from the ninth. Yoshi just urged them to imagine various possibilities to look forward to and then the quote mentioned afterwards where only the crown, Sphene as we saw her in 7.0, and discussions are mentioned. To me, this looks like he side-stepped that question if that is in fact exactly how the interviewer worded it. No confirmation on the ninth.

  14. The crown resembles more a specific part of the Pashtarot glyph then anything Azem related. Then Pashtarot was given the title of the preserver of discipline and order and he was mentioned from Emet-Selch when Hermes was talking about Kairos, the memory reconfiguration system used in Elpis. And now we have something similiar to Kairos. Kairos was able to delete memorys and reconfigure them and its very very similiar to the whole memory system of the alexandrians. Maybe Pashtarot build something new off Kairos? I mean … Yoshi P said we were done with the hydaelyn/zodiark arc but not with the ascians. To me it makes no sense for the game to give us two Azem-related McGuffins: The key and the crown.


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