Final Fantasy XIV Vs. The Elder Scrolls Online (TheGamer Article)

When you read a title like ” The Elder Scrolls Online VS Final Fantasy XIV : Which is Better ? ” you know you’re in for a SPECIAL treat, so when I saw this obvious clickbait, I couldn’t resist.

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35 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Vs. The Elder Scrolls Online (TheGamer Article)”

  1. I'm thinking the author played 14 up to about level 25. Probably played a rogue that gets stuck with a 2 hit combo almost until Ninja. That is the only boring combat class that I've seen.

  2. this article is 100% correct. Only when you send someone who doesn't play mmo before and that person only spend about 1 day on each mmo and write the article.

  3. I haven't played the final fantasy mmo but as someone who played eso for around half a year. It's only really fun with friends, the lore and quests tend to be boring and super repetitive that most of the time I would just skip dialogue unless playing solo. The end game seemed too hard for me but maybe that's because it's my first mmo. The gameplay loop is pretty repetitive, at least what my friends and I did. Spam dunegons and world quests, fight world bosses and there are "raids" but you need a big group for that. The game tends to require super optimized builds and has confusing mechanics in the dungeons.

  4. ESO is a good game, in very small instances. Trying to play for long periods of time will instantly reveal that at it's core it's an incredibly shallow game, like most of Bethesda's titles. As the saying goes, "wide as an ocean, deep as a mud puddle."

  5. I played ESO when it first got released. Think i got to level 16 and quit. I expected an Elderscrolls gameplay. But it was just a generic mmo with an elderscrolls skin. JUST LEMME PLAY MY STEALTH ARCHER -.-

  6. ESO is buy the play almost in theory only. In practice, I don't know a single person who's gotten ESO Plus subscription that can play without it anymore. I know I can't. They created problems and sold the solution. But unlike in Fallout 76 it doesn't feel like it doesn't have value outside of that. You get access to most of the stuff that has been released so far aside the latest expansion, there might be some stuff like classes that you have to buy separately, but it has been a long time since I played.

  7. I think FFXIV is better overall…HOWEVER the exploration aspect of ESO is undeniably outstanding and I love the fact that I can terrorize the local npcs. I basically found a good balance where I play the hell out of FFXIV and during the downtime between patches I play some ESO.

    EDIT: Just saw the point "Elder Scrolls Online has a better combat system" EXCUSE ME WHAT?

  8. The reason I play ESO is because of the general freedom, there is alot of room to experiment with your characters builds and you can basically pic up any storyline at any time. Just a word of warning though once you run into your inventory space issues in ESO that sub fee will no longer feel optional to play the game.eso is at this stage basically classless you are able to play as any role with any character but there are some classes that do have a bit of an edge with some roles.

  9. Well in GW2 the level was still rewarding because you need some level to go certain zone ( and the scaling was hard but you were still better than a new character , I liked it in guild wars 2 ) . But if in ESO you don't even need that .. it's not for me at all xD
    And for the combat system I'm scared because Skyrim sucks gameplaywise… It's really boring
    It's remind me of smash ultimate, you have a lot of choice but they're not significant because everything feels/looks the same

  10. 5:05 And here is where any credibility the writer had goes out the window.

    TL;DR: Numbered FFs are different universes that aren't connected. Writer didn't do proper research.

    If it's your job to write about video games, you'd think part of that job would include doing proper research…like looking into other games in the franchise to see HOW they're connected. It's not hard to figure out that NONE of the numbered games in Final Fantasy are connected in terms of story.

    Each numeral in the franchise is it's own universe. It's possible to have sequels, prequels and spinoffs within each universe (with VII being the most expanded upon), but they're not connected to universes of other numerals.
    The only exception is Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced being in the same world as Final Fantasy XII. But they're so far removed that you don't need to play one to understand the other. Collaboration games like World of Final Fantasy and Dissidia are not canon to the games the crossovers originate.

    The connection between Final Fantasies is the tropes, naming conventions and reimagined characters, items, monsters, etc. Bahamut is in FF1 as an ally that tests you and rewards you with a class upgrade if you succeed. He's a god that let's you call upon his power in FF4. Ultima Weapon was introduced as a main story element in FF7 and was reused as something else in FF8. PROTIP: If you use draw on it, you get the strongest guardian force in the game "Eden".

    So yeah. For those who don't know, you don't need to play other FFs to know what's going on in the FF# you're playing. While FF14 has lots of references to the rest of the franchise, you don't have to worry about not understanding something because you didn't play the other games.

  11. I play FFXIV but i think i would prefer TESO but the combat is so bad .. that i just cant play it… so i went for final fantasy… both for me missing something but i still prefer to play FFXIV overall

  12. FF14: i dont care what you want to play but well be here when you want to 🙂
    Player: but ive played this other mmo and i will be left behind
    FF14: no you wont its ok go play with your friends now take care and have fun!

  13. "It's not packaged in a way TES players are used to" Oh I dunno. Could it be because … ESO is MMO ? I know, shocker. I pretty much play ESO as average TES game, so .. Whoever wrote that knows 0 about ESO.
    FFXIV story … and here I remember person telling me how you were told to cross from one zone to another just to deliver letter and then go back and deliver reply. I dunno. I somehow do not believe that's much complex storytelling.
    ESO story is begginer friendly !? What !? I literally had to explain dozens times to new players WHERE they should go to start chronologically main plot and alliance plots because ESO drops you off in newest chapter.
    ESO is stuck on TES mindset of gameplay, try and learn, no time to explain anything.
    Whoever wrote that article shouldn't be writing about things they don't know or understand.

  14. tab targeting just feels so old and rubbish, but then my mate who prefers mmo's swears by it. It's just a player choice thing I find all of the traditional mmos slow and dull.

  15. I'll admit im 3 seconds in, but "which is better" is such a weird question. they're so very different. I play ESO as a surrogate between Skyrim and ES6 for my ES world fix, I love the world, the general vibe; they just appeal to different people.

  16. At least you can buy a house in ESO without wasting half your life camping a plot 😛 . Ironically, my favourite part about ESO (in 2000+ hours of playtime) was farming for all the furnishing patterns to craft cool stuff for my house (also, the system for manipulating furnishings in ESO is so vastly superior to FF14 its not even a contest.) I also have 2000+ hours in FF14 and while levelling additional jobs held little enjoyment to me, I have enjoyed doing all the crafting and gathering jobs and stories (and ofc the MSQ).

    As for the combat, I think they're both great, but they're very different takes on the same base system (kill crap don't die), could either be better? Sure, but neither are bad and ESO's action orientated combat I think is one of its bigger highlights, the limited action bar and weapon switching allow for all sorts of builds and play styles, but FF14 has a very solid underpinning where you know what you need to do to do your job without having to try 100's of skill combinations before you find something you like (or just go the meta).

    FF14 is more a "multiplayer" MMO, the most I've enjoyed the game (outside the MSQ, that, realistically you have to do to unlock all the cool other stuff anyway) is in groups, dungeons, raids, hunts and even ocean fishing (which I thought was dumb at first but grew on me loads), while ESO feels a lot like a single player game that you could do group stuff in if you wished but never felt mandatory (it kinda is mandatory in FF14 to a degree after all), its MSQ is much more bite sized and less pivotal to the overall feeling of the game (each expansion is basically its own thing, that barely ties into the other stories from the game), its fully voiced and does allow the player to make decisions that albeit subtle, alter the stories you can playthrough. FF14 is one long, continuous storyline that ties together with all previous parts (although, some of those pre-expansion patch MSQ stories do drag on a little lol) and has that huge epic feeling of the highs and lows of your continued adventures with the Scions.

    I think that both games are great, while still having flaws and performing better in some areas to others depending on the game. Would I say one game is better than the other? No, because I'm not biased, I don't prefer one combat system over the other, I don't prefer one storytelling system over the other, I just enjoy each game for what it offers and try hard not to compare it to anything else as that's a pretty surefire way to dislike a game before you know it.

    Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. PS, good video 😀

  17. Even as someone who enjoys ESO (or at least use to) I can say that ESO combat is bottom of the berral. If I had a list of best combat systems it would be:

    1. Guild Wars 2
    2. Final Fantasy 14
    3. World of Warcraft
    4. Elder Scrolls Online

    Guild Wars 2 is a great game that needs so much more polish in so many areas, unfortunately. But the combat system is what I believe all MMOs should aspire to be if you plan on doing Action Based combat. Not to say it's perfect but if you're looking for an MMO with action combat done right you'll find very few if any better than Guild Wars 2.

  18. Honestly, for both games, the player doesn’t have any real choice in how everything goes down. Like, I can’t choose to serve the empire as a warrior of dark, or say no to the mother crystal and join Zodiark instead. The whole story is pretty much set with you being the warrior of light destined to save everything. Likewise in ESO I can’t join the vampires of Blackmore, or just allow all of Tamriel to get sucked into Coldharber if I hated everyone enough. Hell, at one point I just started hating all the covenant leaders due to my actions never actually swaying them. Most of the time it was the real enemy who convinced them, not my character. I told them of the real foe and they just laughed and disregarded me. As great as these games are, real choice is still an illusion. But I still like both a lot and play both whenever I feel like it regardless of no real choice given. I say just play whatever you like more and have fun. It’s what games are for at the end of the day, right?

  19. "ESO has more impactful player choices"
    BS… xD They're impactful in the same way choices in a Telltale game are impactful… it's the illusion of player choice, nothing more. It's not like the Witcher where your choices literally effect the ending and how NPCs react to Geralt in the world.

    ffs game journos…

  20. I'm someone who recently JUSt started ESO during my burnt-out time from FFXIV and most of what this article mention is, correct. The customization is immense, the world is fun to explore and find things like treasure chest and quest and such, and the crafting/gathering system is a bit more interesting to learn.


    The combat I am very 50/50 on. I can see why people like it, free movement, dodge roll, blocking, interrupting, countering, etc etc, it is very engaging when I'm leveling in the early level, by myself.

    But the biggest problem is as I get stronger, as I do group dungeon content, outside of dodge-rolling I am no longer blocking, interrupting, countering or anything. I am literally just avoiding AoE And spamming my rotation, all things engaging gone and all I'm doing the exact same thing as other MMORPG. Avoid AoE, Do mechanic, Do Damage.

    Speaking of spamming, none of my abilities (Minus our Ultimate) has any Cooldown, meaning I am literally spamming all my abilities with auto-attacks inbetween. Using pots and foods to increase my Stamina/Magicka regen makes me simply spam my abilities more. Another problem is attempting to be a "Healer" in a group content, especially while leveling because I noticed all the class has some form of Self-Heal which they can morph abilities into or naturally have. Equip those + no CD + manage resource, and people are literally healing themselves 80% of the dungeon.

    This is still a early-game player experience, but simply being level 20+ and its the first thing I noticed as I get stronger, progress more or simply join group dungeon. Less dodging, less blocking, less interrupting. Just go in, kill things as quick as possible so you DON'T do any of those and move on. Heck I'm finding myself just making circles around the enemy to avoid AoE or 1 one dodge to avoid a circular AoE from the target. The spammy nature of the Combat-System isn't as engaging as I hoped, making combat very floaty, and the lack of UI showing certain effect (Like Bleed damage, poison damage, etc) is a bit lacking too.

  21. Surprised no one in chat corrected ClassixwArby at 7:02, XIV absolutely does not take place in the same world as XII. So that reasoning can't even be used to save the article's author from their stance that you can't understand details from other FFs. This article is the worst kind of fluff writing and you hate to see it.


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