FFXIV is changing! Part 3 #ffxiv #ff14 #shorts


7 thoughts on “FFXIV is changing! Part 3 #ffxiv #ff14 #shorts”

  1. This is just new player experience. It sucks.
    I quit the game 3 times already. 2 expansions in I am waiting for story to get good. If not my friends I would give up long time ago.

  2. been trying to get into the game like 5 different times now, bc of all the good things I've heard about it, but it's all just such a slog to go through, I cannot imagine how anyone plays this game without friends who already have lifetime investments in it

  3. One of my biggest complaints with the game is the new player experience. It waters down the old expansions to fasttrack you to the newest one, which can really ruin the fun of older content. They need a new approach to that kind of thing if they want more players to join the game, especially as the time investment to get through all of that content gets higher and higher. Yoshi P. and team shouldn't expect new players to slog through bland content for hundreds of hours to get to "the good shit"

  4. The one thing I've always said since I started playing the game like, 2 years ago.
    Why cant I just keep my high level abilitys but have them do less damage when i do lower level content like roulettes, whats the harm in that ๐Ÿ™

  5. I love playing FFXIV, but it really is rough to get new people to play. I have made new characters and played through the story multiple times with friends who always end up quitting in the middle of post ARR

  6. Yeah I agree getting synced down sucks, mfw no bloodwhetting ๐Ÿ—ฟ theres room for some improvement but I prefer it. Some players already have no idea whats going on at 90. Imagine a sprout having a near full kit at like 40 ๐Ÿ’€ way too much damage out the window cause i know they aint pressing all those buttons nor will they bother to learn to use them properly


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