I FOUND MY NEW HAIRSTYLE I WILL BE USING! I’m a HUGE fan! These hairstyles for Hrothgar are a HUGE win from the developers! New Hrothgar Hairstyles WITH EARS were added in Patch 6.3.
I’m a BIG fan of the “default” hairstyle added. This is AMAZING!
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0:00 New Hrothgar Hairstyles with Patch 6.3
0:25 Rainmaker Hairstyle
I found my brand new hairstyle
This IS a big W indeed! The other options are mostly "special." And the only two decent styles appear to have long neck hair which keeps cliping through the armour. So thank you for bringing the news! (Not sure but I think you forgot to put some videos up on the end card)
Got Rainmaker which I wanted forever, Jesus and Artoriel look really good and two mogstation hairs were fitted it was a very good patch for hroth
The new free style is great, but its so disgustingly low res when you zoom in. luckily its not too noticable, but for msq cutscenes it certainly is
Some looks "too human" on hrothgar but I'm glad that there is some kind of variety for everyone, that feels good.
Nahh g. Lala 4 life
Still waiting for the Wind caller hair qwq
Rainmaker makes the head feel so long. Especially when you look from the side. But the new hairstyle? chef's kiss The first hairstyle to REALLY rival the default ones!
Don't forget you can buy another hairstyle from the pvp wolfmark vendor (Fashionably Feathered) and I think the twins hairstyle is also available from the mogstation.