FFXIV Podcast Lorecast 19: Endwalker Patch 6.0 Part 3 by Aetheryte Radio

Anonymoose joins the AR crew as we pick back up our Endwalker Lorecast series in Elpis, where the original sh*t hits the fan and the tears flow freely! Get your tissues ready folks!

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5 thoughts on “FFXIV Podcast Lorecast 19: Endwalker Patch 6.0 Part 3 by Aetheryte Radio”

  1. OMG Rook mentions Thomas More's Utopia – LOVE! Venat to me is Tara (a female Bodhisattva) from Tibetan Buddhism. She (Tara) refuses to attain Nirvana until all beings are capable of reaching enlightenment. As for Hermes I like that they didn't go the temporary depression, he's fine now. When Rook is talking about his selfishness, to me, that is what happens with a lot of chronic mental illness (e.g bipolar/schizophrenia/unipolar depression/etc), where there is never relief, where the mind has utterly betrayed a person. It can still present subtly or more stereotypically. Over time those of us who live with such can, through necessity, have to go into selfishness, and at other times in psychosis we are oblivious to that state of mind – it all seems justified. People who don't experience chronic mental illness often seem to struggle with that – "Oh but you know, listen to reason…" no, that's not how it works – and also when too many sane folk throw their hands up and walk away. As to the reach of Metion – entire universe, or just the bit her and her sisters could reach? Anonymoose on the duality thing of Emet-Selch – spot on! As someone who has only been in FF14 since July 2021, thanks so much this has been awesome to watch 🙂

  2. I saw meteion and instantly was dissapointed myself. The second she was introduced I was like…..oh no here's the random ass character thats going to turn into the big bad behind the big bad and it instantly ruined her for me lol

  3. The whole MSQ was up and down for me personally. The highs were high but there were A LOT of lows mainly pertaining to the pacing. First on the moon with the rabbits, then Elpis and later Laberynthos. The final area as well at some points. I know a lot of people say this was one of the best parts but I just didn't connect with any of the characters. I feel like Emet is cool but played his part on ShB. Hermes and Meteion were alright I guess…but I was more concerned with the real world events of the final days.

  4. It seems like there are complementary colors going on. Our soul is blue, Azem's crystal is orange. Emet-Selch's eyes are yellow, his crystal is purple. Fandaniel's eyes are green, his crystal is red. It might not track for everybody, but it does so far for the ones we know and have seen.

  5. I think I understand where some of the dislike of Meteion comes from. Because this is THE end of 10 year saga, some people wanted a being above Zodiark and Hydaelyn in terms of scale and power, in line with your typical JRPG conclusions be it Neo Exdeath or Necron. Something that we can't quite understand and monstrous and very "final boss" like. So to have that final boss be very personally connected to the story was definitely a very FF14-like choice, but may be not quite what people expect for the final boss.

    To put in perspective, Meteion would've made a classic penultimate boss – we win her over with our song of hope, then she helps us to defeat the real big bad. That trope has been done many times over and it would've made a satisfying story. Instead they went to make the story more personal than ever, with The Final Days obviously reminiscent of the despair in real world and its origins extremely humanistic (Hermes was the most human character I've seen, which is why his story leads the tragedy). Even the fight with Zenos after Meteion was just a celebratory dance with banging music and pretty scenery. It really goes against what people expect of the final big bad and I can understand why some people are disappointed. As someone who appreciates more personal stories, I agree that Meteion probably didn't quite represent the sheer scale deserving of final boss (because a ball of despair is simple to understand), but I still loved how personal they went about in execution.


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