Pro Metal Guitarist REACTS: FFXIV Journeys "Brute Justice Mode Music Video THE PRIMALS"

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20 thoughts on “Pro Metal Guitarist REACTS: FFXIV Journeys "Brute Justice Mode Music Video THE PRIMALS"”

  1. The normal version of this song is one of the alexander raids. It's such a great song for a super fun fight.

    The boss transforms like in the kidsshow powerrangers, where 5 robots(previous bosses) fly around and join together, with one robot the body, 2 arms and 2 legs. With the finished transformation, the boss stomps on the ground, kicks everyone away and the song kicks in with the trumpet. I think this transition takes everyone by surprise going in for the first time. The flow of the song also fits very well with boss mechanics, where they split up again and slide across the battle arena. One of the highlights of the raids in heavensward IMO.

  2. The piece is originally from Heavensward, but this exact version didn't show up in-game until Shadowbringers, with the Epic of Alexander (Ultimate) fight that came out.

  3. Soken is one of those musicians who does a little bit of everything and has a blast doing all of it. we're always so grateful for him going 1000% on all the music he puts in the game bc the music enhances everything. i'm so glad you're enjoying going through all of these tracks!!

  4. There's a video titled something along the lines of "Soken doesnt use instruments", you should check it out. Dude is such a beast he can even play an empty cup of noodles.

  5. They do have a lot of fun developing the game, especially because Yoshi-P has a way of working that gives people freedom to pursue their passions. All of the members in The Primals band are members of the dev team. The main singer there is leading translator for the localization team, Soken is the leading composer and plays several instruments. They have people do different things as long as it adds to the game itself, and that's what makes the community love it so much, because it's just the dream for every gamer who wants to be a developer one day, to have a team who has so much fun and passion in what they're doing.


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