Zepla ponders what's next for FFXIV?

Link to a letter: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/2bd6be695cc6d6ca8611f6cd38f0d9bf262ddbc6

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21 thoughts on “Zepla ponders what's next for FFXIV?”

  1. Aren't you reading too much into it? Moon waning, moon story over. Unfettered from the past, we are not longer bound to Hydaelyn, so we have no obligations to be the warrior of light anymore. Feels simple. As for what comes next? Exploring the rest of the world, obviously. Emet-Selch hinted at this in his last appearance: Ruins under the waters of the Bounty, Treasure Islands north of Othard, South isles temples, Golden Cities of the new world, the southern continent Meracydia, the true identities of the Twelve. Basically we take the duties of the seat of Azem and travel around helping people.

  2. It basically said that the story of 1.0-6.0, represented by Endwalker (the moon), has ended, and the we (Azem, represented by the sun) have returned to where we started. Free from the past, we set out once more on a new journey, not as Warriors of Light, but as the adventurers we started out as.

    So yeah, it's not really saying much, but 🤷‍♀️

  3. I distinctly remember that in one of the FanFest interviews, Yoshi-P mentioned that EW would drop a bombshell that would lead us into the future story.
    Only thing I can think of is the end of the universe itself. Interestingly, dynamis makes up the same percentage of the universe in-game that irl dark energy does, and dark energy is an unknown energy that's increasing the rate at which our universe expands. Eventually, it'll destroy it entirely.

    Sound familiar? I imagine this is how Meteion was speeding up the process.

  4. To paraphrase the ex-president of the "yew ess of aye": China (is responsible for the global shortages in the silicon semi-conductor market).
    Also, when do we get to explore that massive region around garlemald? It's bigger than the rest of the entirety of eorzea…
    Edit2: I didn't think SE could top Shadowbringers…. ever…. but they did it!

  5. 5:20 – Softly, on the eternal wind, we all heard the faintest whisper going "azeroth's woooooounds"

    Also, the sun in the poem could be Azem, seeing as how their stone has the alchemical symbol for a sun on it, and Hydaelyn had strong ties to the moon, and we ultimately "vanquished" her. "It's journey ended home at last" could refer to Venat finally relinquishing her role as Hydaelyn and getting to return to the aetherial sea to be with her people, with the rest of the poem being from the Ascian POV of them no longer looking towards the final days, but returning to the star ready to be reborn from the Lifestream.

    My money is on it Emet being the reconciled man. He was reconciled with his memories within the lifestream, but he was also finally reconciled with his friends – he got to go on one last adventure with both Azem and Hythlodaeus before they returned to the Lifestream.

  6. In a short space of time ..we have saw the end of Zodiark and Hydaelyn..the fall of the Garlean empire..I really don't envy the writers having to follow such a great previous storyline. They have have set the bar high.

  7. "my life's work" This is why FFXIV will continue to prosper while games like WoW exist to scorn it's own playerbase. Blizzard is focused on making a "product", not an experience.

  8. My take on everything: I don’t remember which character says it exactly, but they tell us about all of the places we have yet to explore. One major place they specifically mention is Meracydia. My guess is we are gonna go there. The other way I see future expansions playing out is in each individual xpac, we will be assisting a “former” member of the Scions (since they went their separate ways) with something. Final Fantasy XVII will most likely be the next MMO (if they truly are doing an MMO every other 2 main entries). And they may just lead all future patches/xpacs into the next MMO. These are all purely speculative of course.

  9. I think the key to the poem is the "unfettered" part because the writers, developers and even Yoshi-P was chained to what was started way back in 1.0. Now the story is done, ANYTHING is now possible and they can do/go wherever they want. So I think from now on we can expect the unexpected 🙂


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