FFXIV – Checking Out Old Dungeon Updates for Patch 6.3 (HW Dungeons)

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48 thoughts on “FFXIV – Checking Out Old Dungeon Updates for Patch 6.3 (HW Dungeons)”

  1. All those little (and some not so little) changes and tweaks to HW dungeons make me wonder if there was any original ideas for post-5.x that they had to throw away simply because the scion bots couldn't handle it. People complain that dungeons are getting stale, but nearly all modern dungeons had the additional requirement that they have to be bottable from start to finish, which ought to be huge a limiting factor in how SE can design them from now on.

  2. I'm legitimately surprised how happy everyone seems to be about them wiping out the things that made some of the old dungeons and jobs interesting. Some of the difficulty and the history of the game was at least preserved there. How much watering down and homogenization of everything is going to happen before people notice how boring and predictable this game is getting…

  3. Fun fact: adding Duty Support to Antitower fixed a minor plot hole concerning Thancred. In the original version, the excuse they had for Thancred not going with you is that Matoya was concerned about Thancred’s aether disability causing problems with him if he got too close to the Aetherial Sea. Cut to him being perfectly fine running through the Aetherial Sea in the Lv 89 Dungeon and no one even mentions it being a concern. However, since he goes with you into the Antitower, that plot hole is sidestepped.

  4. Where I've noticed changes, I'm generally been either neutral or greatly displeased with the gross mechanical oversimplification.
    It's not like they can't program the AI to react appropriately; they're every bit as choreographed as the bosses themselves are; the trial that showcases their system at its best is probably The Mother Crystal.
    But it seems they'd rather not go to the effort, and instead remove or rework anything that requires more than a cursory effort to choreograph.
    You could also argue the reworks were necessary just to give the old content a fresh coat of paint, but they've ruined some of the fights I rather liked (e.g. Midgarstormr at the end of KotL), and made some old stuff (e.g. Copperbell mines) an even more boring pain in the butt.

  5. There's some other marker changes that sneaked in; the tankbuster in Seat of Sacrifice (The Bitter End) is now properly marked, as is Ultima's Redemption tankbuster in Orbonne. Thunder God Cid's Crush Weapon(?) now has the yellow arrow marker indicating that it's a following aoe.

    The update to Ultima's tankbuster is interesting, since I don't recall Agrias' or Mustadio's tankbusters getting updated markers from the run I did.

  6. RIP Gubal. Idk what it is about that dungeon, but all my runs through it were just cursed. Idk what it is about Bibliotaph but you'd think it was a secret test of Criterion savage with some groups…

  7. That's all well and good, but when will we be able to jump into duty support with a partial group? Like say if we're just playing through the game with one friend?

  8. It's always bittersweet for me every time they come out with new Trust MSQ dungeons. The new tweaks are always interesting to see and even the NPC allies themselves can be entertaining in their own right. But at the same time, I miss the old mechanics and I find it really depressing how much of my beloved game is just straight up being deleted forever.
    I hope they find some way to bring back the original format of these encounters. Maybe create an optional "Boss Gauntlet" mode where you go through a sequence of randomly selected bosses from all throughout the game, and they either have their original mechanics restored or some remixed/updated version of them with proper markers.

  9. Can't wait for them to update Stormblood ones… markers on tankbusters would be nice, even nicer if the cast time for them isn't just 2 seconds…. nicer STILL if they could also stop randomly critting 🙂

  10. Dude, the old phase 1 was awful, the bosses constantly switched places and spammed incredibly annoying slippery floor bullshit. New one's way better and also they use it to teach you what phase 2 is about, which is also better.

  11. Look at him hop! 🤭🤭 Portraits for trusts! Yes please!! This could be used to reflect their diffirent personalities, imagine like Estinien having the default one because he couldn't figure out how they work! 🤭

  12. I'm guessing they changed Sohr Khal because of the AI addition. The programming exists for avoiding floor mechanics and they may have needed to create new code for them to jump to each platform. Sorry to see that go though. I know many say they didn't like it because they felt they were running more than fighting – but that was mostly if you didn't go to the correct platform. It was original enough though.

  13. Am I the only one disappointed that they didn't let us fight alongside Yda and Papalymo in Baelsar Wall? They hit us in the heart with Haurchefant in the Vault, but not let us have one last fight with Papalymo?!

  14. the main thing I gleaned from this is that they removed a lot of player-placed pulsing AoEs – the void balls on Gubal last boss (still player placed, but now far less dangerous), the storm cloud in Sohr Khai''s unicorn boss (same as the previous), and the wind AoE on the 'big fan' ixal in Xelphatol. Which is nice because it sucks when a mechanic is made harder purely because of someone else's poor decisions

  15. are they just dumbing down old mechanics and replacing them with new ones so basicly every expansion has the same uniform mechanics with the clear indicators of what to do to make it more in line with the current expansion but in reality they lose that sense of how the game evolved and how old content feels different and not allowing people to maybe relive the expansion they liked….. god i hate this game. I think theres genuinely a reason to have a classic ffxiv 2.x and 3.x server at this point. And lets be honest….. ARR and HW is truly when this game felt unique and the mmo and ffxi players actually played this game.


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