FFXIV Patch 6.1 Trailer Breakdown

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50 thoughts on “FFXIV Patch 6.1 Trailer Breakdown”

  1. This first raid tier looks to be the Heaven of Fire and the Heaven of Lightning. The Heaven of Lightning houses Byregot and Rhalgr, in the spire. The Heaven of Fire was built by Nald'thal fired by the heat of Azeyma's sun.

  2. @20:25 It took me until this breakdown to realize the Au Ra girl is the one from the Steppe Child questline, which was listed as a requirement for the tribe quests. I amusingly recognized the matanga woman before the Au Ra.

  3. I remember waking up, watching the trailer and being like "Thal's balls! This trailer is bloody awesome!" while simultaneous being excited that I'll be able to now explain Thal's balls to other FFXIV players without them giving me strange glances.

  4. @30:45 Erebos, if I recall. It makes me wonder if Yshtola's studies will involve The Void. After all, Voidsent and Unsundered Ascians are capable of travel between shards. Likewise, Nylebert and Taynor's Hollows. The shared element of all of these is Darkness/Astral.
    It feels like this is something that wants to converge with the Void Quests, but unlocking those is at present quite a demand on the job levels.
    Edit: In a reverse of my initial speculation, perhaps completing Ysh's quests in EW will be a prereq for more Void Quests later.

  5. It is worth that alot of this indicates the Scions are doing what they said they would at the end of Endwalkers. Urianger and Thancred were going to travel together so likely they are just stopping by on the way somewhere else. Infact, I might need to check but I have a feeling they are actually in that location currently at the end of of the MSQ for Endwalker.

    I have a feeling Krile will be significant because I think our characters will be working a lot with the Students of Beldesion.

  6. A thought: at about 25:48 when we see us, Nero, and Forchenault, I have to wonder if the scene actually takes place in Hingashi or Othard and not in Garlemald. The reason I say that is the warrior of light is dressed as a samurai and not as a paladin. In the Stormblood promotional scenes, they were very deliberate to dress the warrior of light as a monk for events that occurred in Gyr Abania and as a samurai for scenes in the far east. So the fact that the warrior of light is not dressed as a paladin there must be deliberate

  7. 23:30 I think this place is "The Heaven of Lightning." (In the Heaven of Lightning, one will find a towering clockwork spire built by Byregot with metal forged from a comet and powered by Rhalgr's levin bolts.)
    And because there's Azeyma and Nald'Thal, second place we see in this 24-men raid is "The Heaven of Fire" (In the Heaven of Fire sprawls an endless city built by Nald'thal from golden bricks fired in the heat of Azeyma's sun.)
    So there's 4 more heavens left and 2 more 24-men raids are left too.

  8. That spin is so ridiculous, it's great. Y'shtola spinning with her arms out. lol

    Yay Krile! I love Krile. Since she missed out being a Trust she did get sidelined often in EW but we still got more of her than usual and it was great.

  9. Tataru is knitting a sheep to symbolise the sacrificial lamb. That's why she's pining to get you back (and the rest of the scions). Her evil plan is moving along nicely.

  10. The foggy area right before the Alazadaal Ruins / Nyzul Isle aesthetic and mobs feels like Caedarva Mire, which is also the same area that leads into Alazadaal Ruins in FFXI.

  11. Low key, I've been thinking…

    …everyone thinks Azema is Azem, but what if the Twelve's incarnation of Azem isn't the WoL's former incarnation, but rather Venat's? Remember that Venat was Azem before Ancient WoL complete soul took over the Seat. It would also go into what they've been doing with the whole "We don't want to actually reveal who YOUR Azem was, since we'd rather you be able to invent your own headcanon for him/her."

    Venat as the former-Azem as the inspiration for Azema would get around this.

  12. The location of us and G'raha disappearing has already been found in Mor Dhona, on Silvertear Lake. My guess is that we're going to go with Y'shtola in Gubal and that's where the dark presence will be released and branch into the 24-man, similar to the Ultima Prototype in 5.1 branching for Gaius in 5.2.

  13. Blond character seen from behind exists
    Players: NERO?
    But I ain't judgin', I thought Quintus mighta been Nero before EW dropped. I do think map guy is just some other blond character. Whether he'll be a major or minor character though, idk.

  14. I'm interested in the state of Hildibrand. I think it was described that the spectral WoLs were just partially summoned, as in essentially just their essence.

  15. 0:17 – I think many people had the same problem with the initial trailer in the stream, I had the same while streaming and got really confused why it stuttered so much. 😅
    20:50 – They are all Matanga. Arkasodara is just the name of the tribe in Thavnair, Matanga is the name of the whole race.
    As for the Myths of the Realms, we see two heavens here: The Heaven of Lightning with Byregot and Rhalgr, and the Heaven of Fire with Azeyma and Nald'Thal. I believe the Silvertear Lake scene is how we go to the realm of the Twelve. This makes me wonder… 29:43 – Can this be the Hell of Fire?

  16. Isn't anyone curious why they showed us seemingly FOUR bosses from the alliance raid? Is this the first time they have ever shown all of them, or am I just crazy… OR are there FIVE bosses?

  17. Everyone seems to be forgetting, there is already a way to travel between the shards. I mean, voidsent have to be getting to the Source somehow. Maybe Y'Shtola should start by looking into that.

  18. "We can't just have a castle floating off in the sky somewhere"
    My dude, Azys Lla? There was all of that off in the sky, and the world is very large. Castle in the sky type biomes are fun, whether we do them past, present, future, or other reflections.
    Speaking of, Remember how the role quests ended in ShB? I think we're going to another reflection one of these days, maybe cleanse the 13th?

  19. I swear, everytime we see a character with slick blond hair from the back everyone immediately goes "NERO!?" even though the voice we always hear over top of said character isn't Nero's…

  20. The Hippo Calf minion from Vanaspati details that Hippos are native to Meracydia; Hippos are native to Africa. So… There's that. Perhaps an African-Australian hybrid land.

    Also, the Lambs of Dalamud wear red. These are wearing black. More likely ascian remnants.

    The Myths of the Realm is "below" Silvertear, it's taking place inside an Ultimatum. "Aglaia" is Greek, too, so. Makes sense.


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