FFXIV – Clarifications Regarding Recent ToS Updates

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/10d71b82be39855db03c49bc946fe7354364902d

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48 thoughts on “FFXIV – Clarifications Regarding Recent ToS Updates”

  1. the reactions to these 'rule updates' is genuinely kind of funny to me. I decided long ago that I would treat players in FFXIV the exact way I would treat coworkers at work– where it's expected that I be respectful and professional with others at all times. And over the course of six years, I've never had a single issue that resulted in my being reported or having to talk to a GM.

    It's not difficult. It really isn't.

    In the rare case I end up in a party or group with someone that's really grinding my gears, I use the leave duty option to leave the duty, take the 30 minute penatly, and move on with my life– because that is vastly preferable to venting my frustrations (regardless how warranted that venting may feel) and logging into the gaol the next day.

  2. I'm really dissapointed that they had to do this, all because people who read these on streams etc. Didn't make it clear, that nothing had changed, except for the things that specifically said they had. Glad they did though, to at least stop this before it went out of hand.

  3. I absolutely love that they posted this follow-up, because even in your last video we had goofballs arguing how this was all so awful and everything was now screwed and the game was pandering to "weak snowflakes rabble rabble rabble" and it's just like… Most of the article covers literally the rules we already had, we've already dealt with for years, and they're actively trying to explain how it works!

    I guess reading comprehension rather than wild enraged flailing is hard x-x

  4. I TOLD YOU SO, MORONS. (you know who) I had to correct a billion people in the comment of your prev video that irs been same rule since 2 years x_x
    Also, the glamour comment wasn't about the opinion of the glamour but "quit the game" like hell yeah you get banned you try to get them to lose a subscriber!
    Never tell a player "Quit this game" and expect it won't get you banned! They need all players! Even scummies like those who make the comments!

  5. I have seen a fair amount of people being absolutely awful to sprouts in dungeons, and when I've asked them to dial it back, they inevitably hide behind "well I'm just giving advice."

    It's that kind of person who freaks out about the TOS and makes a big deal about "what, are you saying I can't give advice anymore?" Because in their heart they know they are just being an asshole to people and might face consequences if reported (also insert whining about "snowflakes" here).

  6. Seems that many of us were too quick to jump to conclusions about this. I will admit that I never read the ToS, so this comes as a surprise to me, and probably a lot of people, so that is where all of this came from I assume. Personally, I disagree with some aspects of the ToS, but ultimately I think it is worth making some concessions for the sake of being able to play the game. Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of people will perceive such restrictions on their behavior as a personal slight against them, in the form of taken away their control. I think that when faced with a perceived removal of control, some people will get defensive, and I think that the doomposting we see is a direct result of this. My gut feeling is that many of the people that are upset at the "changes" are people who feel, in some way, out of control of certain aspects of their life, and unfortunately have decided that an MMO is the perfect place to compensate for this. Then again, I could just be an idiot, but god damn is it interesting to think about. Where my psychology homies at?

    Also, would someone mind clarifying something for me? I had an experience in a dungeon a few days ago with a tank who did not use tank stance and was repeatedly asked nicely to turn it on. At no point throughout the entire dungeon did the tank turn on stance or even indicate that he was reading chat. This experience was stressful for the rest of the party, including myself. We ended up kicking the tank because we knew we could not clear the final boss. Was this the right course of action? Otherwise, what recourse do players have in situations such as these?

  7. My comment on the other video has been vindicated. Its litterally "Hey, we're letting you know what we do behind the curtain in hopes that people act better".

    Litterally, Just dont be a jerk to people and you're in the clear like always.

    Also, Am I the only one who ACTUALLY read the full ToS? I only did it once, but back when ARR first launched I read the whole thing. Now I just keep up with updates.

  8. "Don't be a jerk and you'll be OK" suuuuuuure. Until some random person or group of people don't like you and decide to report you and some trigger happy gm decides to ban you. Again this goes to show how everyone in this goddamn game is a whiny little baby who reports anyone for telling them game mechanics or simple things like that.

    Best thing to do is don't talk to other people. Miss the old internet where everyone had thicker skin. Communist social credit system game

  9. Wow…. that is … just wow. The changes are not enough, PF related and on the other hand just bloating the TOS and will the peeps that are just "special" not stopping from beeing "special". All the Doomsayer should drink a tea and relax. In my opinion the only change that will happen is the adds in PF will now be reworded. Sigh I wish peeps would stop with their one sided extrems.

  10. To be honest, I have a feeling the examples given are far from ideal and that's the main source of the fear and doomsaying. Using as examples sentences that are simply normal usage (especially within a Party Finder Context where who did what matters) is likely to cause unrest. I don't know if this is due to simply translating the Japanese examples, but jumping the gun to say this is all because people want to be rude/abuse sprouts seems to be going too far. People are allowed to have concerns on their ability to talk out wipes when progging Savage, or what will happen if a hastily written sentence comes across wrong. A lot of concern was on the people's ability to call out sandbaggers/griefers too, from what I saw.

  11. This is written on the page:
    It is prohibited to make statements such as: "There's no way we can clear this with [suggestion]."

    So, saying "We can't clear Ifrit if we don't kill the nail" is prohibited.

    Let's take the example they put just under that:
    Example of a violation: "We can only beat [duty/content] by using [something]. You can't do it any other way, so stop doing that!"
    Example of a non-violation: "I think [duty/content] will go more smoothly if we do [something], so I want to try doing it this way, is that okay with everyone?"

    With my Ifrit example, here is what it looks like:
    Example of a violation: "We can only beat Ifrit by killing the nail. You can't do it any other way, so we have to do that."
    Example of a non-violation: "I think we could pass this phase if we kill the nail, so I want to try doing it this way, is that okay with everyone?"

    The amount of coton candy we have to wrap our words with to be sure not to offend anyone by presenting an """opinion""" is ridiculous.
    That's the kind of stuff people are refering to when they say that we basically can't talk anymore. Sure, that's exaggerated, but when the silent kick/leave is the best option to avoid taking any risk, no surprise people will chose that option instead of trying to talk.

    I get what the intent behind these rules is, but when they are written like that, it's pretty normal that people will be concerned about their years old account. So, is saying that Ifrit can't be beaten if the nail is not killed will get people banned? Probably not. But given what's the stakes, that "probably" is pretty scary regardless.

  12. been seeing a lot of "well now I can't say ANYTHING now I gotta walk on EGGSHELLS everybody these days are so EASILY OFFENDED" from people who just see other people being offended at them a lot because they're a dick

  13. I read this game’s terms of service once, many years ago. Sometimes, when SquareEnix updates I’ll take a look a it again. And when important information is discussed in social media, I learn more about it and what was changed. Overall, it hasn’t really affected my gameplay in nearly 10 years. Thank you for helping those who may have questions or doubts on this subject MrHappy. Stay safe. ❤️

  14. Doom posters always feel like they forget stuff is reviewed by a human being when there’s a report filed. My friend has made reports in the past and the GMs make sure to get the full context.

  15. On one hand, I'm very happy they're taking more action against stalking, clear sellers and house resellers. They're issues that have been plaguing the game for too long.

    On the other, I fully understand the concern with things such as talking in dungeons. I've seen first-hand someone get reported and sent to GM jail over explaining mechanics (and no, they were not being an ass about it, as so many like to try and counter with). It's perfectly valid to be worried about walking on eggshells in this game, because there is in fact a portion of players who cannot handle someone saying "hey, please do this thing, it'll help us clear". Recently I quite literally had a sprout tank in Sastasha yell at me about judging them when all I told them was to not toggle their stance on cooldown because they need it to keep aggro. It isn't rampant, but it does happen, and those who choose to ignore it or write it off with "yeah sure I bet you were being mean about it" are also part of the problem.

  16. This helped dispel a few of my concerns, but something I feel still isn't clear is that one of the rules makes it seem like you can't ask for help at all in the PF, and the PF must just say what you're doing without using the words "Please help me" or something.
    I doubt that isn't allowed, but it's so unclear that it still concerns me.

  17. This discussion has a real Witch Hunt feel to it.
    "Hunt the Jerks!" "He gave advice! Burn him for Jerkcraft!"

    I find it funny how people think the problem is if the ToS changed or not, when its what is or not. I think its positive that people are skeptical of all the shit that goes under this game. It shows that people have been enjoying the good side of the community, wich is great. It shows it has come great ways from what is used to be.
    But I think worry is reasonable here. The game team is clearly aware of this, and the time is opportune. EndWalker is likely to bring an influx of new players, with their skip pots, who will be completely lost, and have not read the ToS (Who does it anyway?). FF14 is unlike most MMOs. With dozens of skills per job. Those new players will be completely lost. And amidst a player base that's likely to be emotionally volatile. From apprehensiveness, or hype, or others…
    That's a breeding ground for misunderstandings. It makes me wonder: Why hasn't Yoshi-P introduced a tutorial for new players on skip pots yet. So they can get a basic overview of their job and what's expected from them.
    But I guess its easier to pit player against player and say: "Kids behave. Or we'll offer you on the ToS altar".

  18. Since people tend to be really stupid sometimes, I also want to add something. ^.^

    When companies say they examine the entire context of the conversation — that absolutely means you can get yourself suspended or banned if you're the kind of person who is trying to troll/goad someone into retaliation. If you harass someone to the point where they respond with "fuck you," and you try to report them for telling you off — the GMs will recognize that you initiated it, and you can ultimately self-report yourself.

    I always forget that this has to be mentioned. But I've heard a few people joking already about trying to goad people into breaking the new rules just to ban them.

  19. I appreciate them clarifying even more with this follow-up to hopefully reign in some of the fearmongering. The way people responded originally is why we had to listen to hours of stat squish and belt-removal talks from Yoshi-P. The original post was clear if people read the entire thing and looked at examples in context.

  20. I imagine you can still make an offer to help. All you'd have to do is put up, say, "Ruby Weapon extreme, learning, first timers welcome" Even if you've cleared it, and you're not looking for a reward, this would still let you offer your services to help people clear. You can just state as people join if it comes up that you've already cleared it yourself. I can't imagine something like that, for your example, would be anything close to bannable.


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