Xeno Reacts to Dawntrail Trailer | The BIGGEST Expansion in FFXIV History

The newest Final Fantasy 14 expansion called Dawntrail just got announced at the NA FFXIV Fanfest in Las Vegas! Xeno reacts the the Dawntrail trailer and talks about the potential content we’ll get in this expansion and also about Final Fantasy XIV music.

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#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat

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30 thoughts on “Xeno Reacts to Dawntrail Trailer | The BIGGEST Expansion in FFXIV History”

  1. Music taste is subjective, it's not incorrect to say a song is good/alright but you just don't like it. Like it just vibe with you, or you personally don't think it fits the mood or environment. That's fine, that's valid.

    Just flat saying "I don't like it, so it's bad" is a bad take.

  2. i think people are reading into the shirt too much i think it means the magical dps is going to be green mage… i dont think theres anything else u can take away from it

  3. as much as I adore visuals and setting I'm very worried about the lack of direction. WoW as far as I understand has also huge problem with dragonflight as it's pretty directionless and you don't really have clear target before you and this trailer gives me off pretty much the same vibe

  4. 12:06 people think they actually edited the holster out in order not to give too many hints, and it's probably going to be there in the longer trailer. they did this with zenos' scythe too

  5. after stormblood, the music is not my cup of tea, it was good, but not my fav music ~

    heavensward and stormblood is my fav ost ~

    the musical doesn't have gravitas and richness like before~ just my personal opinions dont attack me~

  6. My issue with FF14's music and even the Endwalker & Dawntrail trailer is that its just the wrong choice for what they're going for and what FF is. Like… put pirates of the caribbean or some triabl music to Dawntrail and its 1000x better. The music they used for Dawntrail suits more of a Sonic game tbh. Its not the music thats bad, its the direction and tone. Some of the best music from ff14 comes from the 1.0 days when they had muiltple composers working on the game & ARR's launch. Nowadays… how many versions do they have for Ultima… Ruby weapon, Emerald Weapon, Diamond Weapon, Ultima, Ultimate Ultima, the final Endwalker raid, Endwalkers final boss, Shinryu's theme. Funny thing is Heart of Sabik being chanted over and over in the final boss of Endwalker makes no sense since it has nothing to do with Ultima.

  7. It's corsair. At 1:25 if you turn up the brightness/contrast and zoom in on derplander's left leg you can see a holster. Plus corsair would fit thematically, share gear with ninja, and it seems like a really straightforward job to design. Reverse red mage (build in melee, spend in range) with maybe a bit of RNG bc corsair in 11 was about random buffs.

  8. I still think TMNT was a clue that the melee job is gonna use Scouting gear so Ninja finally shares with someone. They just shared maiming gear in EW, too.

  9. I'm actually expecting WoL to be revealed as a Red Mage, and the sword is a fake out. After that moment, he'll tear off the cloak and reveal the magic bit. Seems like showing too much to me if it's the new melee, unless thinking it's just a sword is the fake out. I don't think it would be a sword plus another weapon, but maybe it's actually a swallow–a two-sided sword like what Zidane can use in FF9. Or Serge from Chrono Cross.

  10. Im waiting to hear the full song, definsome parts like the opening feels weak to me but i’m getting some renegade punk/shamty vibes and i’m curious… i love me some shanties

  11. I think the trailer music is kinda distorted as well, since it’s a teaser trailer. I know they distorted previous teaser trailer music to avoid any possible spoilers, so idk if I’m just thinking it’s distorted or if it’s intentional. Guess we’ll just have to find out

  12. I feel the shirt was just a Ninja vs Pirates reference, & as you can hear the speaker welcoming Meteor to Tural, most Likely a reverse Yugiri set up where a fem Hroth will be our introduction to the "New World".

  13. If not for Tortuga I think the turtles are referencing caster. Genbu was a caster of earth, it could be Geomancer. Also Green Mage is a possibility although I think Pictomancer or Geomancer are more likely

  14. Tea music just hits different. Never turned it off progging it. The crowd got so hype when the primals played it. I also don’t hate the new trailer music but I will most likely forget it.

  15. 8:32 interesting, for me it's exactly the opposite lol. Endwalker's main theme, dungeon music, Garlean Express, One Small Step, Hic Svnt Leones, Scream, White Stone Black (my favorite of all Soken's songs), Hopeful Dynamis… that's a lot shit I added to my playlist for one expansion


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