FFXIV Yoshi-P On No New Player Races & More | Impulse Gamer Interview | Work To Game
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overhauling the customization would be better.
I don't know what to say. Not many people get on and deliberate about FF14 that I know of. Which is why I like and follow your page. Your sense of morality is not the end all-be all. Hate to break it to you. His morality isn't either. Huge difference between Hironobu Sakaguchi and Naoki Yoshida. Fortunately he didn't completely destroy morality but the world respect of it thereof is quickly dwindling on its own. And your respect of it is myopic. Well you only spent 2 seconds on your opinion. Sure. But thats your deal.
But, "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20
Fortunately you are still the Warrior of Light in FF14 because your character destroys evil in all it's likeness. They just deposed the idea that there is morality apart from the Zodiark and Hydaline plots. Which, in itself, is a moral dilemma. The root of their hearts cannot betray their actions. Hence your lack of action as Azem.
Give The bunnies their bois and give hroth their girls thanks and good day
I would be fine if Viera and Ronso if they were just beast tribes. I kind of just wanted them to exist and that it.
Female Au Ra all that the game needs anyway.
Possible Shadowbringers spoiler: Stop reading if you haven't played it yet.
If they add a new race then they should just do like they did in Shadowbringers with the dwarves. đ
More customization for the old races would be preferable to me. And I'm not sure why so many people in the comments are talking about male Viera and female Hroth as if they are just some check box button SE forgot to click when they made ShadowBringers. Making male Viera and/or female Hroth would take basically just as much work as any other new race, which they described in detail in the interview quoted in the video. Just because concept art of a male Viera exists doesn't make it any faster or easier to implement in game.
I think they could add a third clan to each playable race.
Chris, thank you for summing up the moral point of Shadowbringers so eloquently. There have been SO many arguments about this story, many that often swing wildly in one direction by either saying Emet and the Ascians did no wrong or that the Ancients overall were somehow undeniably evil and deserved their fate. Of course, everyone is going to have their own interpretations when it comes to a story, and they're entitled to that interpretation. But I think Shadowbringers was trying to communicate something so incredibly important, which is that we should always try to seek out and acknowledge the humanity in others—even that of our enemies. Even when our efforts to come to an understanding fail, even when we have to stand our ground (as the WoL needed to do w/ Emet & Eli), the act of trying is necessary. Because only then can we better understand ourselves and the full weight of the position we stand for and the path we follow—which is never as straight, good, and true as we would like to believe.
Well..this is the very same hot topic with Shadowlands too.
I agree with most of the folks here. No more races, and add bunnboys & hrothgals.
I'd prefer each x-pac for each race to get a new face-style, eye-styles, what have you. More customization would be better then new races (aside from missing genders)
Oh okay. Well…can we have butt sliders then? I want my char thicc as a bowl of oatmeal. However, I technically don't want her half naked using the 2B legs.
I believe we are at a good stopping point for races, however they do need to fix their mistakes and make viera and hrothgar more useable.. e.g modern aesthetics hairs available, hats for viera and hair changes on hrothgar – that is the bare minimum. i strongly believe they also need to implement female hrothgars and male vieras. It is not fair on players having gender locked races, its unlikely anyway but i will still be very disappointed if these things are changed in Endwalker
I can understand their P.o.V but WoW creates new races but they redskin I don't know why they can't reskin for male bunnies and female tigers then all there is is skin look and emotions
It should cut down on money cost some what and recycling is also a good thing I mean if they are gonna say, they could at least reskin for male bunnies female tigers get them hair options and be done with it.
I donât WANT N E W races i want them to complete the current ones
I was happy with vera until I realized how much i missed having hats. Now I'm back to a human. We don't need more races, just add more to what we have!
I'd just like another option for dudes that's allowed to be under 6' tall
I guess you can't put male viera or female hrothgar until the ones we do have are out of early access! Might as well call them a limited race haha.
Male Vierra absolutely needs to happen, Hrothgar females as well but to a lesser extent. During the reveal event the chat was blowing up with M Vierra comments. A lot of people, myself included feel like gender locking them was potentially the biggest mistake since 1.0. They need to address it.
I keep hearing this opinion about copperbell mines being a simple situation where the warrior of light and Ul'dah are doing terrible things. You're entitled to your opinion but I think its bigger than slavery is bad. We did a bad thing by profiting off of slaves and we are doing a bad thing by killing the slaves now that they're free.
The way I see it both parties could be in the wrong, Ul'dah in particular and the warrior of light for resorting to violence instead of diplomacy when at least some people in Ul'dah knew about the history surrounding the mines and why they were caved in and the giants for letting their anger get the better of them and lashing out at what we as players know are innocent people but who to the giants that were enslaved by people like those that now live in Ul'dah are not willing or able to make the distinction that these miners are not the same people that did them harm centuries ago.
What happens when the giants get out of that mine? If they were mad when some miners bumped into them do you think they'll suddenly realise the world now is a different place to the one that forced them into the mine and then buried them in it when they tried to fight back as soon as they see the light of day? Are they going to get a player's eye perspective and calm down when they see some farmers tilling their fields or some travelling merchants? Unlikely, at least not without further innocent people being murdered.
Even if every one of those miners and every mercenary and every adventurer who went in after those miners first came across the freed giants as well as every. single. person in the area around Ul'dah, including the farmers, merchants and even refugees from other nations were direct descendants of someone that benefited from the suffering the giants had gone through why are they guilty of the crimes committed centuries ago by other people?
Do evil acts you commit somehow irreversibly your genes so that somehow taint is passed onto your children and your children's children never to be cleansed? No. Do the modern people of Eorzea have any control over the events that happened centuries before they were even born? No. Of course not, so why should they bear the burden of answering for them?
On the other side of things Is the giants anger at what was done to them justified. Yes, of course it is. In a just and fair world would the people that made did harm to them answer for what they did? yes. is the giant's anger directed in the right place? Absolutely not. Their target had no control over what the people who lived in the lands they call home, even their ancestors, did.
Copperbell mines isn't a story of good and evil where the player sits firmly on the side of evil, its a tragedy where each side can't see eye to eye because of the way the die was cast long before at least half of them were even born.
We should delete Lalafels and get the two missing genders. Two for two. Food should not be playable. đ
Based on existing patterns, we might have to wait until 7.0 to get a new race. Let me explain. 1.0 introduced base races, no new races were released with ARR, HW introduced au ra, no new races were released in SB, ShB introduced viera and hrothgar, no new races planned for EW. If the cycle stays on track we could see a new race in 7.0 should it exist.
We just need to get Yoshi-P to recognize that theyâve been pronouncing Yâshtola wrong, at least in the English voice over, since 3.0. And now I have to add Gâraha to that mix. -.-
Make it possible to cut off the tail plz
The most I am asking involving races is to fix up the head options for Viera and Hrothgar
Glad to see their perspective for the workload of adding races/playable characters.
However, especially when it comes to races' lore, I still think they did a terrible mistake when making 2 mono-gender races instead of adding one with both sex during ShB and, if time allows it, the other down the line. The logic steps would have been to add Hrothgar during ShB when retaking Bozja and add Viera in EndWalker when we finally move toward Garlemald through Dalmasca…
This decision completely f*cks up the story behind Bozja when they're permanently teasing you with how the Bozjan ruler was often a Hrothgar Queen , that she had a council of * mostly Hrothgar priestesses* or in parallel in the Gunbreaker questline that Radovan lost his wife and daughter during the war.
In Norvrandt (the first reflection) there is a questline explaining that male Viera are extremely rare and it makes their spicies very fragile. We can assume that it's the same for Viera in the primal world but absolutely NOTHING has explained the lack of Hrothgar women in the ranks of the Bozjan army when it is said that Hrothgar compose the main population of Bozja.
For a game that often boast about its storyline this was a huge disappointment in both storytelling and game design.
Delete Veira. Yoshi and the crew clearly don't want them in the game, as even the game itself mocks them for just being humans with bunny ears.
They are literally the cause of every problem with the Hrothgar, being forced to shoe-horn them in last second as they had, and for what?
A waste of time, resources, and money.
the same issue why Arenanet has been so anti-new race. Sad that I will never see Bangaa as a playable race đ