woops' first 6.5 Zeromus EX Trial clear! – FFXIV Highlights #34


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Edited by ▶ https://twitter.com/imJillTime

Thumbnail & Art by ▶ https://twitter.com/mepedrop
Additional Art by ▶ https://twitter.com/skullvolver

Outro Song ▶ hella sketchy – ghost

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11 thoughts on “woops' first 6.5 Zeromus EX Trial clear! – FFXIV Highlights #34”

  1. It's really funny if you take too long on the hp push she'll loop sparking/branding flare and when you finally reach the threshold you'll never see claw or nostalgia.

  2. Im kind of surprised you naturally had both tanks up front for sable thread fr the beginning. Most Blind PFs ive seen melt to the 1st Sable thread because the 1st 2 people in line take buster level hits


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