What's Next for Final Fantasy XIV?

Let’s talk about Final Fantasy XIV and it’s future now that patch 6.1 is out in the wild and everyone’s had a chance to experience the new PvP mode.
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20 thoughts on “What's Next for Final Fantasy XIV?”

  1. PvP has always been a lost cause. Now it’s just chasing after trends… I don’t like the new mode and existing modes, while good to pass the time, just get to stale with the limiting rotation of what PvP we’re allowed to play.

  2. Hey I'm sorry if his is not the proper place for this question, but could you please make a vid about the current state and near future of FFXI? I'm just really hoping we still might get to play that through the launcher as part of our sub. I know it was just a rumor but a man can dream right? LOL

  3. If CC is Order I'm terrified of Frontlines lol. I've been playing it and I feel lost most of the time, it feels like there is just so much going on so fast I can't keep track of it and can't figure out what to do besides run head first at the crystal and dive into the chaotic melee hoping we survive.

  4. I'm a little worried that the PVP action overhaul is a soft launch for a major simplification of all job actions in PVE. Yoshi-P has already said that they're at limits for actions, and talking about what a new decade of this game would look like. But I'd be lying if I said the new PVP mode and job actions weren't fantastic for what they are.

  5. I wonder if your opinion would change had you chosen another class. Right now sam blm drg and nin feel extremely broken as does war. The burst damage they have in comparison to the other damage dealers makes everyone else a joke especially the ability to one shot that sam and nin have. Hopefully we'll see a balance or nerf patch soon before to many people are pushed away that do not want to play the meta.

  6. I agree about frontlines, I was thinking an 8 v 8 mode though as a smaller option, make it just 2 teams as well instead of the 3 it has now. It would be cool if they could transition the LB's into PvE somehow and give everyone their own lb bar but that might be hard to balance for all the content thats been balanced for the current lb system. I also really want the machinist sniper rifle as a weapon glamour

  7. I cannot believe I'm excited for PVP, I usually hate PVP, I've played FF14 since ARR and only did Frontlines once until now and the last couple days I've basically only been playing Crystalline Conflict and gave Frontlines a chance again. If they can find a way to overhaul the other modes to have the addictive quality of CC, it would be amazing.

  8. In my opinion, the issue with Frontlines isn't necessarily the rules, but rather the structure that is the problem. As it is now, it's 1v1v1. This leads to a LOT of ganking/teams just getting jumped vs. outplayed. This is largely the "chaos" you may have had in mind when you mentioned it here in the video. Having said that, they could easily fix Frontlines by making it a proper 1v1/team v team. Other than that, they could also consider shortening the match times.

  9. I’m obsessed with the new PvP as well. 😳 I’m honestly surprised, it’s not usually my style, but I guess, since we can’t use the chat function during PvP duty, there is no one calling me useless noob and other terrible things. 😣 That was my biggest concern. 😅 Overall, the PvP community has been really decent! And death and defeat don’t scary me anymore! 😆 Those player profiles and adventurer plates are so cool! It gives you a hint of who you’re playing with. 😃 I really think SE did a great job! The toughest part is holding on to those stars. 🤣 I don’t know what’s in the future but for now, I’m quite happy. 😋 Stay safe Brian. ❤️


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