How YOU Can Finally Get a House in FFXIV! Patch 6.3 Housing Update [FFXIV]

The 6.3 housing lottery is upon us! Good luck with bidding and use the tips in this video!

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10 thoughts on “How YOU Can Finally Get a House in FFXIV! Patch 6.3 Housing Update [FFXIV]”

  1. I can tell you now, if anyone wants a house, just move to Halicarnassus in North America, we have TONS of small houses available, I mean TONS and NO ONE IS BIDDING ON THEM!?!?!? In fact, so many houses, that our data center was completely left out of the new housing in this patch. We have those added districts, but no one can bid on them because of all the available housing.

  2. i mean..its great that they added new wards…AT ALL, but their method of doing so is sooooo incredibly flawed that its just ridiculous. 1800 plots may SEEM like alot, but its not. Most plots were taken in the first lottery round and those that remained were either in Empy, or simply those from upgrades or relocations. Their apartment system works waaaaay better than their housing districts ever could. SE needs to up their housing game….

  3. I finally won my dream LARGE home today… so happy. I have had every size house but a large, so it means much to me. Did the same thing Yukyuk mentioned and waited until the LAST day of lottery to bid on my house. In fact, on Halicarnassass we had a RECORD SEVEN premium Large houses for sale in different districts. I won the only premium lot in Mist, so I was thrilled. Still we have 100's of small houses available if you want a house now, and the best part is no one will bid against you to get it. =)


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