Savix React to FFXIV Endwalker PVP News by Quazii

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Savix React to Endwalker PVP Crystal Conflict

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38 thoughts on “Savix React to FFXIV Endwalker PVP News by Quazii”

  1. I really want to try this new PvP mode out. It looks like it could blend some great parts of Overwatch style gaming with FFXIV. Kinda makes me wonder if it will come with an ability to switch your 'job' mid-match like you can switch heroes in Overwatch. Probably not, but that would be really interesting.

  2. The only thing I hate about the FFXIV community is that they seem to have something against Pvp and pvpers, Yoshi P literally had to defend pvpers saying something like "imagine if pvpers were the ones telling you to not implement savage content (pve) because they don't like it. It would make pvers sad! " lmao I love him so much

  3. Quazii doesn't go into it, but the translation seems to suggest that the stuff about removing role restrictions isn't just letting you do content with any role comp, they seem to be getting rid of the concept of roles in PvP entirely. So instead of tanks, healers and DPS with distinct roles, all jobs will be a kind of generic "PvP role" which I guess will be similar to DPS with some support cooldowns. This makes it so party comp is way less important which is kind of important for matchmaking in a mode with no role restrictions. If healers were still all about healing, you'd probably automatically lose to a comp with a healer if you didn't have one. Also, this isn't just for Crystal Conflict, the slide has an asterisk at the bottom saying it's for ALL PvP content.

    Depending on how they execute it, it could either be a good thing for balance and participation, or it could just remove all the flavour from different jobs in PvP and make PvP really boring.

  4. I hope that you spread this info to other WoW refugees: FF community hates PvP because of win trading. But they shouldn't be.

    The reason is that a long long time ago, people could do PvP with Free Trial accounts so it was super easy to do the win trading. And then YoshiP put the restriction on Free Trial account in which they can't join any PvP match anymore. Since then you hardly see any win trading anymore but the perception from FF community hasn't changed at all.

    It's the same with ARR where YoshiP removed 30% of quests and increases the spacing of ARR. But if you ask every FF veterans, people will tell you ARR is so slow. Why? Because when they played, it had a lot of fetched quests.

    Please tell everyone that they need to change their mind because the Devs are trying so hard to improve the game but people still keep their mindset in the past.

  5. Season-limited rewards are terrible because rewards that are unobtainable can never motivate anyone, AND it forces you to play. It's the same reasons people are leaving WoW, being forced to log in or they will fall behind and miss out. Imagine if they applied this same logic to other content like Ultimates, where you can only get the weapons/titles in the first 3 months and they are gone forever after that. It's just killing content for no reason. Tens of thousands of people who otherwise might have participated and had fun and accomplished something difficult instead don't because they missed out on the rewards, all for the sake of making a few hundred people feel special.

    I am not impressed when I see someone who has something that is time/amount limited. It doesn't mean they are way better than anyone else, it just means they were playing when that was available. I could be the best PvPer in the world, I could get 100% win ratio in 500 matches, but I will still never be able to get the Shadowstalker armour because it's from an old season. Meanwhile some guy who wintraded to rank 99 in that season will tell me I don't deserve it. It's dumb af. Seeing someone with an Ultimate weapon can make you think "I want to get that too" and then go and work for it. Seeing someone with a Feast mount or gearset can only make you think "That's cool but oh it's unobtainable, guess I don't care."

    There's plenty of stuff in this game that I have put a lot of time and effort into getting, but I've never thought "no one should be able to get this after me so I can just be special forever". It doesn't make my achievement more special, it doesn't mean it was harder for me than anyone who came after. I was just earlier. It's straight up bad for the game because it's something that could have made someone interested and involved in playing, and now it can't.

  6. Tbh the reason why pvp isn't exactly popular is because there is lack of incentive toward it. If there is something really cool behind it then people will play and while some portion is only there for the reward, some might actually get the 'charm' behind it. Like the happiness when actually winning and certain motivation to win next time is something integral to pvp player but it is an acquired taste. In short people need to get 'forced' to try it first XD.

    Pvp community, it is now up to you to promote this new modes to death. Become the walking advertisement for the pvp mode with those sick glam.

  7. It's great that the rewards will be obtainable even after the series end, takes away the pressure of "I gotta do it or it's gone". Super good. But, I do think there should be something that isn't obtainable anymore, maybe a character profile bg or a title. Something small, but something, so that ppl who did play during this have at least a little bit of something to brag about.
    EDIT: posted this before I finished watching the video

  8. I have tried every single thing you can do in FFXIV from high end raids to crafting to roleplay, etc and have enjoyed every aspect, but what actually keeps me playing isn't dailies or progs. Its playing pvp. So what I'm saying is, I'm happy the dev team didn't forget about us players who play mainly pvp. Thank you Yoshi-P and creative business unit 3.

  9. As someone who played PvP in HW when we had all the buttons, it was a lot better and there was a lot more you could do. It was like playing WoW, but that was also in HW when the jobs were more complex than they are today. Ninja worked like rogue in WoW where you could stealth forever, then open up with trick and if you cc correctly (because nin had more ccs than they do now) they die in a few gcds. I don't really know anyone who liked the change to the pvp battle system from HW to SB, but we gotta roll with it for now :/

  10. i always think to my self and laugh at the people complaining about stuff being to easy man i play with 350ms -500ms always so to be honest i like simple easy classes seen guys through a tantrum and there hole pc on the ground because thy lost a pvp match when there ping went up to 150ms also talked to a lot off guys and there like "nha man i cant play right now because my ms is over 100 so i'm just solo grinding" and i'm like lmfao really?!!! and i realize that most people don't really know what its like to play hard try to do a savage raid with 350ms and then talk to me about how easy things are.

  11. completely agree on the 1 button thing. it dumbs it down too much and that makes it way less fun. pressing the same button over and over is not satisfying in any way. i played ffxiv before the 1 button thing was implemented, and while pvp at that point wasn't great either, it was still more engaging than whatever this is. i hope they will listen and change it

  12. If may speak for controllers
    we use L1 or R1 to target anything, from left to right, starting from the closest target.
    Aiming at the person we want to in let's say frontline so can push someone for a knockout is stupid hard, at least to me. Being able to have a single press button to deal damage make so we can focus more on trying to target the right person in the large scales frontlines.
    For rival wings and the new 5v5 sure not the same concern, but the hotbars are the same between all of them, so gotta remind for frontline it's really useful

  13. The new rewards and being able to go back for old stuff is pretty cool. I'm personally a fan of the GW2 rewards system though and think that would be a good way to work it. Basically, there are a bunch of rewards tracks you can pick from and work on, free to swap whenever and progress is remembered. You progress through your reward track depending on how you do in your matches, whether it's kills, doing objectives, etc. They also have standard reward chests (with stuff like resources inside them) which you obtain over time in matches and can boost the rate of by doing objectives and getting kills. A fun system that you can pick your rewards, always feel like you're progressing, and are rewarded for doing well and contributing. The variety of the track rewards is also great. Can be rare PvP currency, minions, pve glamors, etc. Allows pvp people to access some cool pve stuff if they don't want to go farm for it in pve, allows pve people the ability to get some cool pvp stuff even if they just want to play casually, and overall rewards for everyone to enjoy.

    Also, I'm personally a fan of the combo buttons for your single target and aoe combos, but would be nice if the rest of your skill toolkit aligned a bit better with their pve versions with stuff like OGCDs and such. Players build up so much muscle memory for their normal versions that when they swap to pvp, the job feels completely different in some cases.

  14. I saw some negative nancy talking about how β€œthey’re changing it for casual players, not actual PVP players” Buddy, the hope is those casual players will become PVP players.


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