We made a HUGE mistake.. First Time FFXIV Playthrough Part 31

Part 31 of my Final Fantasy 14 playthrough! We finally depart to take down the final Primal Garuda, but will it all go to plan? Hope you enjoy!

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

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3 thoughts on “We made a HUGE mistake.. First Time FFXIV Playthrough Part 31”

  1. Biggs and Wedge ("big guy" and "onion head') work for Cid and defected with him when he left the Empire as you saw in this episode – he's a pureblood Garlean whose father was involved in the early stages of Meteor Project (i.e. the downing of Dalamud in 1.0) and if you played in 1.0 you knew him then (hence his cryptic references to "I carried adventurers like you in this ship before"). The reason they show a ghostly avatar of yourself giving him the goggles is a nod to the Warriors of Light 1.0 players being involved with Cid back then – and if you're a returning player from 1.0. you were potentially one of the Warriors of Light nobody can remember now who maybe knew Cid before…

  2. To clarify a couple common misconceptions, Gaius isn't Cid's father, he just sort of took Cid in after his father Midas became too obsessed with the Meteor project to pay any attention to his family. Also you weren't literally there in Cid's past, but he could see you using the Echo to view his memories thanks to his third eye, and you handing his goggles to him was symbolic of your powers restoring his memory.

    Also, I've noticed you never use Limit Break and don't seem to have it on your hotbars, do you know what that is? You can find it in the General tab (I think) of your abilities, it'll let you use a powerful attack when the limit gauge in the upper left is full


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