Mike's Favourite Characters in FFXIV

Mike steps into Eorzea after our wonderful community unlocked it as a goal during our September Subathon.

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30 thoughts on “Mike's Favourite Characters in FFXIV”

  1. Keep it up man watching you play ffxiv is so entertaining. Im really glad you stopped streaming poe its such an old boring game.

    Watching FFXIV also feels more engaging. The game has anazing gfx, NPC and imo fun interactions overall.

    I esp like when people take the classes serious. Like when falafel gets flack. Its harmless good fun.

  2. Y'shtola is probably one of the more awesome characters in the whole game. Strong-willed, witty, but yet caring at the same time. Also, Alisaie is kinda that too, but in a different way.

  3. Okay, how can he hate Thancred when he actually helps you in story missions early on (based on him saying he doesn't do anything), but like Papalymo, who actually does fuck all if you don't start in Gridania?

  4. 0:35 Reading the comments… Spoiler: every villain from MSQ/Expansion/Side & Job quest etc is a Lalafell. In fact the race that caused the most death & destruction in the entire FFXIV universe? are Lalafells. At least that's how it feels cause I can't tell apart from being kicked out party or parties disbanding when they see I'm a Lala or being rescue pulled to death cause I had the audacity to say "hai <3 hope u all having a great day ^-^ " in party chat… /sulk

  5. Don't let Mike see this Message Chris, and you shouldn't either if you aren't past 5.0

    I can't wait to get Mike's take of Thancred's growth come Shadowbringers. I think he'd bring a unique take as a father himself, especially with how he feels about him now.


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