Healer DPS Matters – FFXIV

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34 thoughts on “Healer DPS Matters – FFXIV”

  1. you can still high blue/low purple just by always casting. maybe not on white mage because of the small weave windows that are also movement windows but if you just cast all the time you can get decent dps even if you have unoptimized heals/lots of gcd heals

  2. As a healer, your main task is not to keep the party alive, that's more of a… byproduct. Your role in a composition is to minimize risk of failure. 'Course, a dead party equals failure, that much is obvious.

    Every moment your party remains in combat is another moment for a mistake. Too many mistakes results in failure. That said, your DPS reduces the time spent in combat… which means that the window for mistakes is smaller, which overall improves your odds of success.

    Every party member dead – tank, DPS, or co-healer – also affects your risk of failure, I'm sure that everyone agrees on that. However, it should be noted that all deaths weigh equally. The party can be seen like a vehicle. The Tank is like the body. Without it, it is fragile. Scratches and dents mean little, though it could easily disrupt the other components. The DPS is like the engine. Without it, reaching your destination will be long and arduous, if not outright impossible. Your healers are more like headlights. Without them, you might suffer one too many crashes and fail to reach the finish. You could reach the end without one of these parts, sure. But goddamn will it be stressful.

    Healing is extremely simple this way. In FF, it's not particularly challenging. Not mechanically, anyway. I wouldn't even say knowing the encounter is difficult, either. Particularly in a coordinated group, Healers really aren't hard to play… and that's because everyone (sometimes maybe typically) knows what their doing (which in of itself helps "minimize risk of failure").

    The biggest challenge they face is their approach to mistakes, flaws, and flukes. Panicking and blowing resources, while not immediately consequential, can add up.

    Still, that only really applies to healers that really care for optimizing. You could totally get by just brute-force healing through things, sure, but the longer that fight goes on, the more you run the risk of some fatal errors.

    To me, I don't bother saying anything if a healer isn't DPSing – assuming I'm not healing to begin with. A party failure is the party's failure, rarely the doing of a sole member.

  3. I feel like the game is currently too scripted with damage not really coming often enough to justify healers having so many healing abilities but so few dps abilities. Just seems at odds with one another.

    As the fight design currently is, I'd think the healers would be more engaging by trading some oGCD heals for some dps abilities. Giving us a couple less "free" heals would make the ones that would be left more valuable. This would also make healers have to think more about positioning/movement and make coordination with their co-healer to optimize things more important.

  4. I'm slowly getting back into confidence in heal and try to control my DMG deal it not much but I try to but I remember in small run I got yelled at by tank for doing dmg an not keeping him alive well it made me very nervous back then but now that I'm lv I am learned the grasp of the dmging as well as the heal thing an kupo's to those that can I'm still learning this.

  5. I always was under the impression healers have to do at least 10% of the boss health… that means 5% each healer… the other 10-15 is done by both tanks and then the rest is for the 4 dps.

  6. I think optimizing as a healer really depend on more factors than other classes in a raid setting. DPS personal responsibilities in their class rotations and mechanics. Tanks, same thing but adding on mitigation and boss positioning. As for healers, same thing as the previous two roles, sans boss positions, but also the human error of the party as a whole can effect optimization. In my case, as a SCH main, its especially punishing because a mistake done by my party (or myself) can cost me an aetherflow to heal them than using it on energy drain. Healers really are the last to refine their optimization due to human error and not just the scripted mechanics the other two roles face.

    i dont care much about parsing, It just sucks cause there are those who just care about parses and judge you for them. Regardless, I still contribute DPS to the best of my ability (parsing purple or high blues, 95 on oracle wooo). I will say, i love ultimates because my role as a healer is much more defined with all the heal checks and what not.

  7. An advice for healers who care to get better, find the right static. Some parties can't handle a hard working improving healer. They want to be heal carried. RUN .. RUN FAR AWAY. They get jealous if they see your good parse. They get annoyed seeing your grey heal parse. They panic when they drop low even though you tell them you know what you're doing. Never stay with a party that doean't trust you with your healing and job. Never give in for people dictating your gcds , cds, gear and even how much piety you have. All of that is YOUR responsibilities. You don't involve yourself in their rotation or gear or mistakes. Then they shouldn't do that to you too. You can be great if you work hard on improving. But a good party is also a must.

  8. I became a healer main after all the mini internal meltdowns id have from watching healers stand in one spot and only heal.

    Half the time in a dungeon setting im outdpsing the dps. Healers are strong as fuck do not waste their potential just standing there.

  9. The fact that this needs to be said is sad. I feel sorry for the recent experiences you may have had with this issue that prompted you to make a video on it.

  10. Healer dps isn’t hard but I truly didn’t learn how to balance the healing and dps till I did savage…Now I love it lol the key for new healers is to just honestly jump in the fire and learn from your mistakes.

  11. one of the biggest things i just natrualy learned over time is knowing when i can just shove a regen on someone to heal them instead of full healing them there and then if i know another aoe or something isnt coming out soon, this is for both the single target regens and party ones. and back when we needed to consistontly keep a eye on our aggro, it prevents overhealing aggro by a large margin to

  12. From WOW restosham to SCH in FF14 the beginner guide state very clearly that you should throw out damage every now and then … and that is all the time that your friends are not dying.

    I like it when healer can kill mobs in dungeon.

  13. This video is garbage.
    “Healing is easy”
    “I don’t play healing that much”
    “Healing is easy”
    “I’m not as comfortable with healing as some of my friends are and they tell me I play too safe”

    I’ve been a heal main since RuneScape came out with that one mini game where you feed the monsters… I went on to main holy/shadow priest in WoW, until I fell in love with The monk class when it dropped. I played I’ve mained scholar for the entirety of my time playing ffxiv.

    Firstly there really aren’t many healers that I’ve come across that just stand and heal. Maybe when they’re new to a raid or dungeon I’ll see it, but even then, most will at least drop their dots every now and again on a boss.

    Dps should prioritized when you fully understand a pull or a boss. There are very few things in the game that are a one hit KO, so if someone on the party messes up and dies from it because I was focusing on dps, it is 100% my fault.

    I don’t agree that healing is easy. Healing one target is easy. Healing multiple targets with low health, isn’t as easy. Healing when a party member or two need to be revived is even less easy. Healing when the other heal + multiple others are down could be a nightmare. And healing after just being rezzed is probably the worst.

    Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think a healer (that knows the content they are in) should just be standing about waiting to heal the tank, but there are plenty of other things that healers should know/prioritize before they want to focus on dps.

    If you think healing is “easy” then the other roles are brain dead. I’m not saying that healing is hard, but everything that the other classes have to do healers have to do, and just a bit more

  14. Healer DPS is nice and helpful but should not be relied on. If a group is hitting enrage it is 100% because the DPS suck at their job because every fight can be done with zero DPS from heals.

  15. Honestly just by winging it. I feel like a certain measure of bs confidence is needed to play healer, and that's fine. You need to be able to talk yourself through someone ELSE messing up and that can be done. It's not the most fun thing in the world, but it can be done. Honestly I'm a lot more scared if I'm asked to be on tank specifically because I don't know what that version of bs confidence looks like on tank.

    I will say – outside of a few tank mechanics, healers really do get the short stick in dealing with other peoples' fuckups, but if you can work through that then just think of how good you'd be in a group that knows their shit. Think of those first kinds of groups as training wheels. If you can try to maximize DPS while in those than maximizing DPS in actually good groups will come a LOT easier.

    Also your point about letting people die is a necessary one. Sometimes you just can't afford to spend a Lily or Tetra there because you have it mapped out for later. That person gets a regen and a 'good fucking luck' unless I 100% know I NEED them up for the mechanic. Cure II enters the stage there, but only in that edge case. If not, DPS can take the regen and whatever personal mitigation they can spare and use them.

  16. I think having a patient group/static is important to learning how to be a better healer. You’re going to mess up, people will die while you figure out where to use which cool downs it’s just part of the process and having people who can understand that and not just bug out if they don’t have full hp all the time is helpful.

  17. I've been healing as my main role since 2016, and avoiding this topic for a long time because of the back and forth, but let's see if I can sum up my thoughts on this.
    I'm going to drop some comments from YoshiP:

    1) "Healer DPS is not taken into account for raids" from (EU Media Event 2015)

    2) DPS check is calculated by "They sum up the basic DPS for four DPS and tanks at that assumed item level and cut that by about 10-15% for the minimum clear DPS. Healer DPS is not taken into account when this is set." (2015 media tour. same link as above)

    3) "We don't expect healers to contribute to DPS" (from 2017 media tour)

    Going off of these, it's clear SE does not expect healers to dps during encounters, which is probably why it's such a controversial topic ("if I'm playing the way my class was meant to be played, why change?"). That being said, pure healing gets *Boring!* If I'm going to spend 30 minutes to an hour in a dungeon I've done for years, like the Praetorium or Sastasha, waiting for someone to get hurt, the job is going to get old really fast.
    This, I believe, is why dps is a good thing for healers. Not because it's expected, but because it gives you a new challenge. Keeping your team safe is paramount, but when everyone's fine and you've got the mechanics down, then you can start playing around with the "how much hurt can I throw around before I need to heal?" Question. I've seen a lot of videos saying a healer should do damage, or a healer shouldn't, but given the reactionary elements of the role and pressure newer healers are under (in general or new to a dungeon), it's not always so black and white. Someone can always botch an encounter, forcing everyone to scramble.

    Bottom line, enjoy the class you picked to play. You picked that class to heal allies, and as long as that's being done, you are doing your job. If you decide to do some damage, that's a bonus, and I encourage you to try it, but only when you're ready.

  18. All healers should DPS always, and while in casual content it is avoidable, savage and ultimate content require it. Not DPSing as a healer in harder content is a dangerous game you shouldn’t be playing outside of a static. Moreover, the game design doesn’t require healers to constantly heal and therefore not contributing to DPS is a both unengaging and inefficient.

    Like many healers, with ShB changes, I nearly quit and I have only stayed because healer DPS has never been as rewarding as it is now.

    As a WHM main, WHM is incontestably in the best position it’s been in throughout any expansion; it is finally the best healer at something, and that something is personal DPS. With so much available now, I am actually able to min-max heals and contribute to the fight in a way that is more than being a Medica II bot. I can actually DPS, almost unquestionably out-damage the other healer, often out-damage the average tank, and even out-damage the awful DPS.

  19. ur dps does matter! in Raids and in the rest of teh game even more: Groups with white mages blasting shit with their aoe move faster – could make an argument that if they AREN"t DOING A BIT OF dps on the side, then they aren't doing their job! but since the healer is just that, teh healer – I give u a pass cus ur like jebus healing us filthy lepers that cant even move a half step into ur heal aoe – which btw just means they are in the zone with their rotation most likely. That happens to me as well, even if its right next to you, you don't see at as something taht is calling you into it for some reaosn. idk could use some animation on it liek a friendly green or blue arrow – then we'd move into it for sure thinking it was boss mechanics LOL

  20. I'm in the boat that they shouldn't. Dps isn't required to heal or tank, Tanks aren't required to DPS, so why should healers be required to DPS? It should be a bonus if a healer can DPS, not expected.

  21. I noticed the demand for healers dps is much higher then it was in the past. I recently started playing whm again and noticed tanks expect the healer to dps. I dont mind this but you really need to know your cool downs and my management. I seem to do ok but my management is still an issue at lvl62. I hope this more manageable at 80.

  22. It's shit like this that makes me glad I don't play a healer. People occasionally give a tank or DPS crap for standing in AoE or not pulling certain numbers but nobody gives more shit to someone than people do with healers and their DPS.

    I hate to see what's next… DPS healing being a big thing? People shaming red mages for a tank dying instead of spamming Vercure on them. Don't blame the healer for not keeping people alive. Just like this… don't blame the DPS for not killing fast enough.

  23. Nobody is going to think you're a good healer if you fail to do your fucking job. Hell it's because of morons like you that the very notion of using the healers' healing abilities to brute force mechanics is too much to expect. The only thing healers like you are good at is never making it easy on yourself and spamming attack 1 as if THAT is going to impress anyone.


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