Learn the ways of Ninjutsu! #finalfantasy14 #ffxivmemes #ff14memes #finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #ffxiv May 11, 2024 by Sigmund Gaming source
As a level 90 ninja if you use huoton in the middle of a boss fight (unless there's LC) we got a problem lol Reply
Whenever I see really rigid rotationsI feel like "cool, can't wait to get thisinterrupted by mechanics!" and theninja's 1 min window embodies that. Reply
No no it doesn't but in a weird way it feels like old school mnk………I WANT MY FUKIN POSITIONALS BACK😡 Reply
As an Invoker player in DotA and ffix being my first mmo that I've played for more than two days, man, I'm so glad I started playing ninja Reply
Its super acuarate from trash mods to boss pull with the opening hahahaha, the only thing that bothered me was the kassatsu to doton ☠️ Reply
As a level 90 ninja if you use huoton in the middle of a boss fight (unless there's LC) we got a problem lol
"Show me ya moves!!"
Ninja is my 2nd favorite Melee class but I LOVE doing flips :3
Whenever I see really rigid rotations
I feel like "cool, can't wait to get this
interrupted by mechanics!" and the
ninja's 1 min window embodies that.
No no it doesn't but in a weird way it feels like old school mnk………I WANT MY FUKIN POSITIONALS BACK😡
yes we Ninja are the best artistic DD ever! 😀
Unrealistic…bro didn't have a rabbit on his head twenty times….lol
Pure gold!!! We need a good flippy RDM one now lol
Tip for non-ninja players: only the final button in the "combo" matters
How it feels when I play ninja: "WHY DO I HAVE A RABBIT ON MY HEAD AT ALL TIMES?!"
I know the ten chi jin combos on my controller by heart now😂 Best job class!
I'm still convince that certain class logos are ment for other class type
My dps is drg and was gonna try reaper. Would you say nin is better than either of those?
As an Invoker player in DotA and ffix being my first mmo that I've played for more than two days, man, I'm so glad I started playing ninja
On a side note, this dude's dance moves are pretty sick just saying.
Meanwhile most complex ive gone is Sage…but cant drop my true main…
Blood for the blood lilly 👀
Its super acuarate from trash mods to boss pull with the opening hahahaha, the only thing that bothered me was the kassatsu to doton ☠️
Literally the actual rotation! 😲
Gotta love the idiot ninjas that doton the boss…
boss moves MOTHER FUC—-😂😂😂😂
Hell yea Ninja got that Vibe