Is FFXIV PVP Fixed? My Thoughts on 6.1 PVP Changes

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42 thoughts on “Is FFXIV PVP Fixed? My Thoughts on 6.1 PVP Changes”

  1. The large 3 scale battles there's just too many people, and then they made them have even more players. I can't target anything properly with controller during that.
    I hope smaller scale pvp will fix my issues with it, I wish Duels were more populated, but I tried queing once for it, I'm still in that queue 62 days later.
    Also Objective based modes like Rivalwings, will be much better than just kill focused ones which the large scale one seems to be.

    EDIT: The thing you said about Frontline was super true, I get Rivalwings, (after having had to watch a 30 minute explanation video and then setting macros for communication and then also reading a written guide), but the other 3 way modes, I don't get them, will never get them, I don't know why I'm always losing when I feel like I'm doing objectives, but they don't seem to matter.

  2. I definitely think that the PVP changes are going to do well and that its a perfect time as well. There's no way SE could have foreseen the huge amount of WoW refugees coming over to the game for Endwalker, but they wanted to fix PVP regardless. The timing however couldn't be more perfect, you have WoW refugees who prolly know and love pvp, even if the PVP they've been exposed to was a little rough, and a new mode for them to sink their teeth into. Combine that with all the reworks and i think SE will be getting a lot of feedback regarding what they can improve upon in PVP.
    I've seen a couple suggestions in the comments that i like already like more maps, or different numbers like 10v10 or 15v15, or stuff to spend money on. I think all of this is great and if SE listens and makes the right changes PVP could actually be good going into 7.0. Let's just hope they fix frontlines by trimming it or getting rid of it altogether.

  3. Even though SE's track record for PVP isn't great, I'm exited for the new pvp mode and new reward structure. Really hope it turns out good.

    If everything goes well, I'd like to see them do a major rework of frontlines in the future. Larger "capture the objective" type game modes can work, but the current maps aren't great, especially with how some of the objectives are placed. They also need to get rid of the whole 3 team thing.. If they need a lore reason for why it would only be 1v1, just say it's the grand companies mixing their units for training purposes/wargames or something. 1v1v1 is just frustrating and 72 players is a clusterfuck. Maybe make the maps smaller and change it to 16 v 16. Two alliances per side.

  4. One element about the reward structure that I'm still curious/nervous about is the actual pace of progression. If the "top tier" reward is level 25 (and the pseudo max is 30ish), how long will that actually take to reach? How many matches on average will I have to play? Obviously they don't want to make it take too long to reach 25 but they also don't want it to be too quick. Finding the appropriate balance there is going to be tough especially considering there's no real history to learn from.
    While it's a different game and system, I think it's still worth thinking about Halo Infinite. Originally, there were too few meaningful rewards spread across a battle pass that was way too slow to progress so people complained. Then they changed the progression to make it faster.. and people complained when they capped out the pass and and there were no more rewards to chase. You're never going to be able to escape at least some people complaining but given the stigma that PvP already has in FF14, they really do need to get it mostly right on the first go.
    Anyway, I'm excited to jump in (and likely get my butt kicked) when it goes live. Other than the 24 man, the new PvP is probably what I'm most excited about in 6.1.. and I'm not even a hardcore PvPer by any means.

  5. Small scaled, short matches with a clear objective? Yes please.

    Frontier feels like it never ends, partly because you just end up running around a lot, not doing a whole lot because you're drowned in the sea of other players, it's not terribly exciting. I really want this new mode to be good.

  6. "I can't win 100 victories in front lines"

    Man Mr happy you're making my achievements look really good right now reaching 300 wins and close to get 300 wins to onsal

  7. I think the most important things about the pvp changes are these two: Short matches and a reward system where everyone can get the armor without worrying about their rank. The biggest issues with current pvp are that the matches take FOREVER, and that only the top rankers can get the cool stuff, so most people didn't bother. Making it easier to jump into and out of with a more generous reward system will get more people playing.

  8. IMO, one of the largest flaws with XIV pvp was making frontlines 3 teams. It meant that in a truly balanced scenario, the average win rate for any given game is 33%. While winning (or placing 1st) really didn't mean that much in the long run, losing 66% of games (on average) doesn't feel very fun. You can really see that shine through in the chat for any frontline, often devolving into a blaming match or misplaced complaining about being placed in a GC other than their own.

  9. PvP is bad in XIV because either damage values are just too low, or hp values are too high, so no single player can actually do anything on their own.

    Plus, the lack of damage is what makes the matches stalemate so easily, or last forever in frontlines. The whole pvp game just needs to be completely overhauled imo to be simpler and faster with regards to combat, and slower with regard to objectives.

  10. i swear i thought in a previous liveletter they mentioned the feast rewards could be purchased?
    if there really is no new wolf mark rewards, and the new currency has nothing new and the feast stuff isn't there, are the crystals just used for catch up?

  11. I understand the feeling people get on frontlines of "not mattering", but when you get to know how everything works and play some more you can start to have way more agency on the outcome of your matches. I've always found the "earlier" games, when everyone's just playing for the dailies, are pretty messy and chaotic, but when you put some more time in and start seeing the familiar faces of all other 20 players who also grind the mode for fun stuff makes more sense and what you do actually matters. And even if not, a couple good leads can actually help to carry quite some weight.
    The mode is still a flawed mess like all grand scale pvp are but it can be fun and less mindless than it seems. I've just grown to kinda love it.

  12. The biggest problem with the Feast, I think, to a lot of people was the extreme gating of any sort of rewards and being penalized so heavily (like losing ranks) if you happen to get a streak of bad teammates. Otherwise it's a really fun mode, and I'm sad to see it go away. But when there's no real incentive to run it outside of top 100 play is…ehhhh.

    That said, I also enjoy some of the frontlines – Seal Rock and Onsail are fun and chaotic. And even the ones I enjoy less, I've suffered through getting all the mounts and titles. I wish Rival Wings would pop more (though bless Revival Wings for keeping it going, you all rock so much — which is another point. FF's pvp community might be smaller than other games, but it's one of the most chill, supportive, and fun I've been apart of.)

  13. Omg the FOMO part……………..I KNOW Yoshi-P said………..
    but now………….they said it will be gone FOR GOOD…………
    it's not fair for new players/returning players………………….

  14. 99% chance they have exclusive stuff for trophy crystals. It looked like they had a 10k cap hgeld at any one time… yet the series 1 battle pass gives like… 24k.

  15. I'm so stoked for the pvp revamp. I'm not a big pvp guy, I'd rather play co-op, but I will be spending lots of time with this next week. Looks much more rewarding and less wasteful of your time.

  16. I'm excited to see the new mode. Cart Push isn't my favorite game objective, but I'm really tired of the three team dynamic in frontlines. If it was up to me we would see some new frontline type matches with only two teams.

  17. This mode will be dead in a month, than it’s going to be like couple of premade groups running this for final tier glamour reward 🤷🏾 hope I am wrong tho.

  18. Will the new mode be fun or another pointless PvP grind? Looks like the same 3v3 mode we already have but now there’s a giant crystal. I don’t see this being popular.

  19. I swore to myself never to join Feast again after being farmed 20+times for achievement kill count, during a match with a really bad setup. Though this won't prevent me from trying out the new mode.

  20. Hot takes possibly but
    – Frontlines needs to be just 24v24
    – Rival Wings needs to be part of the daily roulette.
    – Only provide rewards for the winning team.

    The last take may seem harsh for beginners but its apparent majority of players simply just participate rather than actually learning the game modes. I honestly believe that would increase the quality of matches and be better for the longevity of PvP.

  21. tldr: no. the gameplay just doesn't work. pvp doesn't feel good with the animation lock and slow moving HP bars. it can be fun, but it will never be "good" pvp.

  22. I actually enjoy playing the feast but it’s impossible to get in a match when it’s not the beginning of a season. I hope they could bring it back in the future.

  23. I'm looking forward to smaller scale faster matches. I tend to play melee, and huge battles usually suck for melee. You can either rush the other pile and get blasted, or stay back and do nothing, or go off to small side objectives and hop le for some small skirmishes.

    I know it's a different game, but in WoW or GW2 I had a lot more fun in the big BGs as a healer or ranged, and melee became fun in the smaller scale stuff.

    I wish I was playing FF during some if the old feast seasons with the armor/cape rewards. They're sick, and I'm sure I could have gotten a few friends to run them. Hopefully stuff like that becomes available in the future (not those exact sets, just stuff like that. I want armor for my melee, not clothes)


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