I Can't Believe ARR 2.5.5 Ends This Way! Full Cut Scene Reaction

My full complete reaction to the final cutscene sequences of FFXIV A Realm Reborn…


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34 thoughts on “I Can't Believe ARR 2.5.5 Ends This Way! Full Cut Scene Reaction”

  1. I like how at 20:50 that details on how his knees fell forward, but his body fell back.

    That means he was clean cut, separated top and bottom. Rated T for teen censorship right there. If it were Rated M, it would’ve been pretty gruesome

  2. This reminded me about how I and a lot of other players really didn't like Alphinaud in ARR…and I think that was intentional. He was a headstrong brat that figured since he's the grandchild of the great Louisoix he knows how things should be. And as we see here he gets a swift and terrible reminder of reality. Heavensward he rebuilds himself, regains his confidence, and becomes the Alphinaud we love.

    Also yeah the post-ARR story was pretty good. When replaying ARR I enjoyed my time in 2.0, but it had a lot of rough parts even for me, but post-patch story was great and was, for the most part, very very relevant to the overarching story.

  3. Used to be someone who could rarely show emotions. But this game broke me, so if your into the story then you have been warned. For me it happend somewhere around ShB.
    Its like this game gave me tearducts 😂

    For me outside of this ending and the Meth Tower ARR and its patch content where the only times i took a break from the msq.

  4. When I first started around 2 years ago I didn't care at all about the story during ARR. Only the last few quests before the "Uldah incident" made me suspicious of Ilberd and the braves. There are some things that happen and some hints that something isn't right. That's when I suddenly started paying attention. Game gets really interesting once ARR ends. I value very highly how the game won me over, despite me starting off not giving a single shit. I hope you enjoy everything from this point on as much as I did.

  5. If there are still people out there demanding that streamers cry for a given cutscene, they really need to get over themselves. I'm sorry that they make the rest of the community look demented. But I hope the end of ARR will remain an impactful memory for you like it was for everyone else who stuck it out for post-MSQ.


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