25 thoughts on “Hydaelyn Death Scene – Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker”
I'm glad this is up, because right as Hydaelyn was disappearing, my game froze and I had to close it. Figures it happens right at the end of the cutscene >.> But yeah, poor Venat. She was such a loveable character right off the bat, and then all that craziness happened and she was left alone to deal with everything herself…and becoming Hydaelyn only increased her burden. I'm so glad they gave you the option to call her Venat instead of Hydaelyn, because I would have been upset otherwise. They may not have spent much time together, but you could tell they were good friends when your character ends up leaving.
This is a game not afraid to kill its main characters, even its overarching major characters. FFXIV turned out to be unexpected emotionally brutal game.
I still find myself coming back to see this every month or so. it's a really powerful sequence that hits like a truck. I didn't want her to go and yet can't blame her for finally getting her well earned rest. it's a moment that still hurts and also fills you with hope. it's powerful in a way I don't think movies or books could ever be.
A thing I really like about this scene is her final closure. Hydaelyn spends half the scene being a plot device to explain everything, but it’s talking to you when it becomes very personal. Answering her lets her finally show the emotions she’s had to hold back for her stoic guiding nature. It’s a very touching scene just to finally lay her out.
With those six words…. she knows her time has come. She can let go of the burden she's held since taking the seat of Azem. Her children can finally forge their own path. She knows that mankind no longer has need of her, and she can fade away free of regrets.
But she can't help but cry. After all this time… these long millenia…. the friend she made in Elpis remembered her. Her friend, who uttered a name she hadn't heard since the sundering.
She knows that friend will take her burden. She knows they will succeed where the ancients did not. Millenia of pain, sorrow, and loneliness… gone. She can allow herself to cry because she's been strong for too long.
This friend, who proved theirself worthy to her in the past and proved theirself worthy again…
In the end, this isn't a bad way to fade away… Surrounded by her children…
Her children, and her friend who she met all that time ago…
I'm glad this is up, because right as Hydaelyn was disappearing, my game froze and I had to close it. Figures it happens right at the end of the cutscene >.> But yeah, poor Venat. She was such a loveable character right off the bat, and then all that craziness happened and she was left alone to deal with everything herself…and becoming Hydaelyn only increased her burden. I'm so glad they gave you the option to call her Venat instead of Hydaelyn, because I would have been upset otherwise. They may not have spent much time together, but you could tell they were good friends when your character ends up leaving.
I know that this may be dumb but do we now anything about the corrupted zodiark crystal?
Perfect songs for this moment are:
Dear Mama – Tupac
Cleaning out my closet – Eminem
God damn chills whenever the blade forms and that music starts
As a legacy player from the beginning, it almost felt like losing my grandma again.
Perhaps it was shock value that made Close in the distance make me cry but now, looking back, this scene and Flow make me cry a lot more.
Time and time again this expansion and shadowbringers tore my fucking heart out. I will never forget these characters.
This is a game not afraid to kill its main characters, even its overarching major characters. FFXIV turned out to be unexpected emotionally brutal game.
I still find myself coming back to see this every month or so. it's a really powerful sequence that hits like a truck. I didn't want her to go and yet can't blame her for finally getting her well earned rest. it's a moment that still hurts and also fills you with hope. it's powerful in a way I don't think movies or books could ever be.
A thing I really like about this scene is her final closure. Hydaelyn spends half the scene being a plot device to explain everything, but it’s talking to you when it becomes very personal. Answering her lets her finally show the emotions she’s had to hold back for her stoic guiding nature. It’s a very touching scene just to finally lay her out.
Wow, you time the music perfectly with when Hydaelyn finally disappears. Beautiful moment.
It still gets to me deeply to this day
Such a beautiful design and character. Good work Yoshi-P & devs for this!
Just finished Endwalker and this scene hit so hard. Such awesome writing and voice acting.
hydaelyn milkers mogging milfilias
That tear that rolls down when you call her by her true name 💜😢
why came i back? to suffer? D: I miss you Venat D:
as someone who bottles up emotions this is the first time i ever cried like real cried to a video game and i still cry with this video
Watch the part where she dies while listening to inheritors of arcadia and try not to cry
Challenge level: Impossible.
I come back here from time to time to just remind myself of the final words of the most heinous murderer in all of FF14.
Whatever her reasoning she is responsible for the deaths of 8 shards , the ancients , and countless other stars. She is a monster.
I don't feel sad when she got her permanant soul death she deserved it. I can only hope we never have another Hydaelyn.
Ahh fuck man i cried seeing hyd mommy die.
14:00 what a PERFECT time for the Final Fantasy theme to start up.
"We will find our way, Venat."
With those six words…. she knows her time has come. She can let go of the burden she's held since taking the seat of Azem. Her children can finally forge their own path. She knows that mankind no longer has need of her, and she can fade away free of regrets.
But she can't help but cry. After all this time… these long millenia…. the friend she made in Elpis remembered her. Her friend, who uttered a name she hadn't heard since the sundering.
She knows that friend will take her burden. She knows they will succeed where the ancients did not. Millenia of pain, sorrow, and loneliness… gone. She can allow herself to cry because she's been strong for too long.
This friend, who proved theirself worthy to her in the past and proved theirself worthy again…
In the end, this isn't a bad way to fade away… Surrounded by her children…
Her children, and her friend who she met all that time ago…
Seeing this give me the same sensation of Jesus' death.
Ost at the beginin 0:58 ?