A Real Artist's Take on Pictomancer [the new FFXIV job]

I play FFXIV online sometimes, and Iโ€™m VERY excited for the new job class.

Pictomancer Showcase: https://youtu.be/v5gEiLp9aeo?si=BQtEinuFItZq-Ecc
How To video: https://youtu.be/eD__9zLRBu8?si=jmj8j_4SHWyatKGw

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28 thoughts on “A Real Artist's Take on Pictomancer [the new FFXIV job]”

  1. FF14 player checking in, I don't think you made any errors to discussing Pictomancer's spells (which obvs are subject to change b/c game still in development) but the key thing you're talking about regarding the color theory feels spot on! As you said, RGB being the primary palette for PCT's spells might be because of the Warrior of Light, but it also might have the Doylist explanation that FF14 is a videogame we're playing on screens, so despite artists working in physical media gravitating first to CMYK, in this digital medium RGB might make sense to lead with first. Which feels like it plays into what you're saying about how the people who made this job understand color theory and applied that when ginning up the design of the job's abilities.

    This is a great and quick primer on how color theory informs PCT as a job and I think it'll help folks understand more about the initial design of the job, so I really appreciate you laying it out like this. ^_^

  2. Oh, and some additional context because historian: FF14's Pictomancer draws heavily from the character of Relm Arrowny from Final Fantasy VI (which was released on the SNES in the US as Final Fantasy III back in the 90s but has been released as VI on other platforms since). Relm's design as a character class, however, doesn't really delve into the color theory as much: her key abilities were Sketch (which let her copy a monster's attacks) and later Control (which let her take control of a monster and select which abilities they used). However, the artifact armor they're using for PCT in 14 strongly resembles the concept artwork for Relm drawn by Yoshitaka Amano, so her aesthetic is there even if the job itself creates something decidedly different (and more appropriate to an artist, natch) for the gameplay.

    Relm is a spunky girl who swears like a sailor and won't take smacktalk from anyone, and when she threatens to paint someone's portrait, that's when you know she's mad! So it's wonderful to see her aesthetic revitalized here in FF14. ^_^

  3. This actually makes me even more excited to try out the class. Also I dunno if you saw the job stone but there's Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow in the CGI render they used to reveal it! It was predominantly yellow with a cyan symbol and a flash of magenta reflected from the light.

  4. Thank You for the explanation on colors. As one who started out repairing B&W TV sets in the mid 1960's ( Yeah- You have an actual "old person" who is a subscriber and enjoys your channel). and worked on some of the first color TV sets; I can now refer people to your channel for explaining why CRT's use RGB and not the colors they keep arguing about that they claim are "better". They obviously never learned about the color wheel in art. Please keep up the great art work.

  5. RGB, CMYK, and even the version I was first introduced to, the Red Yellow and Blue (and Black and White) paint colors that shows like Blueโ€™s Clues used in some of their episodes, (remember when Blue and Steve were painting that old wagon with the orange handle and pink wheels?) are some of the coolest things I ever learned! No joke, I still remember having my mind blown when I learned red + yellow = orange, red + blue = purple, red + white = pink, blue + yellow = green, etc. and even more so when I discovered the RGB light spectrum! In addition to the classic rainbow colors, ROYGBIV, red green and blue are also just as impressive, as they can make even more colors! And of course, CMYK, when I watched your vid on CMYK vs. Red Yellow Blue, my mind was blown yet another time!!!
    Suffice to sayโ€ฆcolor is crazy cool!

  6. FFXIV player and future Pictomancer main here – spot on! At 4:37 you say "my realm" and it's funny because Pictomancer is based off of another Final Fantasy character whose name is Relm Arrowny, and she's referenced in FFXIV because Pictomancer, in this game, is passed down by an archon (think Magical PhD) named Relm haha.


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