The State of the Garlean Empire after Endwalker – FFXIV Lore Explored

Video Timestamps:
0:44 Garlean Homeland
2:30 Empires Provinces
4:56 The Imperial Legions
5:01 The 1st
6:42 The 2nd
7:00 The 3rd
8:42 The 4th
11:18 The 5th
11:38 The 6th
12:41 The 7th
13:47 The 8th
14:11 The 9th
14:22 The 10th
15:48 The 11th
16:46 The 12th
17:53 The 13th
18:03 The 14th
19:00 Conclusion and Theories

Endwalker was the final chapter of many stories that began with FFXIV 1.0, with the Garlean Empire story arc being one of the most important.

With the conclusion of 6.0, we that book on the Empire close, but the Empire itself and its remands are still an important part of the story and will likely be evolving into a new story all its own.

Explore with me the state of what was The Garlean Empire.

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8 thoughts on “The State of the Garlean Empire after Endwalker – FFXIV Lore Explored”

  1. Im really afraid how they will deal with the political stuff in Eorzea for me some of the things were not resolved in a good way and it was rushed for endwalker sake. Dalmasca and Bozja were dealt with a good hand even tho some of that had to be resolved in the notes but still was really good and I doubt we will deal with the Garlean empire provinces soon.

  2. As much as all the legions make for great material for remaining antagonists in the world, I'd appreciate it if at least one of them, was presented as allies from the get-go, to offer something a bit different.

  3. Weren't Nerva or his father, Titus, referred to as a coward in previous expansions? I forget who would've said it though… It's been a while. But if so, I wouldn't be surprised if he ran and left his loyal men behind.

    Edit: I believe I remember who called who weak, and it was Lyon calling Nerva a weak and cowardice man. However, Lyon is a man who finds thrill in battle and Nerva appears to be a tactical mind of sorts. Lyon would find men like him a coward because they're not eager to charge in like he is.

    Also it might be possible that Nerva is much younger than we may be thinking. He could be younger than Zenos even, as Titus was remarked to have no suitable heir for the throne.

    I want to meet Nerva, because I don't believe he was really commented on in Endwalker despite us fighting his men.

  4. I like how each of the Legati are references to other Final Fantasy villains their Legions share numbers with, Gaius aside since he's representing XIV.

    Gabranth is the odd one out, but Regula (General Leo), Valens (Hojo), Nael/Eula (Sephiroth), and Zenos (Vayne). Not sure about Quintus and Vergilia.

  5. You just know we'll be dealing with the aftermath of the fall of the Empire in the coming patches. Nations wronged by the Empire looking for reperation, possible Nerva and Titus returning to claim credit for saving the people of Garlemald. I just know we'll be dealing with a lot of angry people looking to make the Garleans suffer for their past misdeeds


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