How to Earn 4,000,000 Gil A Week Doing Almost Nothing

For the last few months, I’ve been hard at work setting myself up to earn hundreds of thousands of Gil per day in FFXIV with just a few clicks of the mouse. It was a journey that took a long while to understand so I figured I’d help you all with it as well.

– PolarThief Spreadsheet:
– FFXIV Submarine Discord:
– Mogship:

Time Stamps
1:14 – tl;dr
2:14 – How to Start an FC
2:59 – Two People?
3:27 – Maps
4:33 – Unlock More Subs
4:53 – Sub Parts
8:52 – Repairing
9:21 – Leveling
10:30 – Optimal Routes
13:00 – Future Routes
13:36 – Recap

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Alt Titles

– How to Earn 4,000,000 Gil A Week Doing Almost Nothing
– How Free Companies Print 566,004 Gil Per Day
– Why You Should Run Your Own Free Company
– Is This the Ultimate Gil Farm?
– The Secret to Earning Unlimited Gil in FFXIV

#FFXIV #finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #games #gaming

“Spellbound” Kevin Macleod (
“Smooth Lovin” Kevin MacLeod (
“Bossa Antigua” Kevin MacLeod (
“Screen Saver” Kevin MacLeod (
“Space Jazz” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


28 thoughts on “How to Earn 4,000,000 Gil A Week Doing Almost Nothing”

  1. I can add my own 2 gil on this as the person who mans the subs for my FC. Bubs is correct on pacing yourself. You are right to get hyped about the money, which is awesome, but for most people who started today they'd barely start recouping their investment by Christmas. It's a slow process and you just have to get into a rhythm with it. Also, get ready to grind those repair kits. XD

  2. Ha this is some nice timing. Been meaning to look up those Sectors again. Once tried that Method to see how it goes but then forgot the Sectors after going back to unlocking the new ones

  3. A few tips:
    1. When pointing to any page make sure to add its url on screen. If id didnt know mogship already I would have no idea what did you said mockship, logship?
    2. If you title your video like the way you did without mentioning any fact about half year preparations, newbies who came here for fast gil will simply stop watching you for deceptive content. You will earn 1 view on video but clearly you wont get any subscriptions this way.
    3. This guide is absolutely pointless when its based basically on spreadsheets info, yet you dont provide theirs url's. No one will come back rewatching video to find part with 1 spreadsheet showing optimal build at certain level etc.

  4. First rule of Fight Club…You don't talk about Fight Club!
    Second Rule of Fight Club… You don't talk about Fight Club!
    Also 4 Mill is generous if you are extremely lucky that week. On average, you are more likely to get around 2.5 mill a week.

  5. I've been slowly making my way (making my way ♫) leveling up my sub. I reached level 60 this week so I still have much to do. I have a second one but is like level 20 or something lame like that. I'll rewatch this once I hit level 85, I guess!

  6. This is a hole you don't want to dig in without thinking about it.

    Easiest way to get it done:

    -Create alt Guild
    -Level up for some months in all shark Parts
    -On level 85 Start OJ

    That's it, your done, if your just running a single or two FCs it's imo not worth putting money into modded parts. You see, modded parts are worth millions of Gil, but a full FC of modded parts only makes 8mill Gil more per YEAR. MB price for modded full is like 12 mill per ship

    Once you are done with one guild you can start creating new FCs which needs a second account in the creation process (because of only 1 guildhouse per account on a server while bidding), nice If you need chocobo feathers

    After many months you will end up sending out retainers for dark matter and several characters, are forced to do daily checks on subs on different characters just to get Gil, which you will totally not use or need! This is a Gil easy game

    If it's a fun activity for you it's an amazing time filler tho

    Another tip: create a linkshell for all your Alts so jumping guilds is as easy as opening linkshell to aplly to the FC from there

  7. With a little optimization, you can start earning faster.

    @ 75 – SSSC++ can do OJ (or 78 with S+S+S+C) – I have all 4 subs doing this in just under 4 months after FC founding.
    @ 90 – SSSY++ can do JORZ
    @ 95 – SCUS++ can do MROJZ – and this is my final build through to 110.

  8. I have my own FC with a 4 sub fleet doing this exact method and I wouldn't be mad if they nerfed this. I'm surprised they haven't – especially with the amount of shell FCs you see.

    It's not too easy – it's a lot of work to get it set up and running and takes a while before you see a ROI – but it's a feature that shouldn't be locked behind FC housing imo.

  9. I wouldn’t recommend this route at all. For daily players ++sssc running wreckage/dire will result in 22 hr runs, which will net you more gold per hour versus any other setup

  10. THANK YOU! I have been trying to find information on how subs work but I have not been able to understand any of the information I've come across. This video was HUGE help. You're getting a sub for this sub video.

  11. Have to say, I'm glad I've kinda inherited my FC subs (FC leader is on hiatus, most likely until shortly before 7.0 comes out), so it's mainly working to get them upgraded to reach the current money makers. Just doing the research now to understand before I mess with the current routes that he was using

  12. I run the subs for my FC, I use that gil to fund events like raffles, costume contest prizes ect. It’s really nice to be able to have fun events planned and use the FC workshop to fund it.

  13. Thank you. Because of this video I have a reason for the subs. Before it was a novelty thing to get items without having to pay for them. Having all 4 subs going and, 2 in the late 60s, this plan is so doable and so easy. THANK YOU!!! THIS MADE IT ALL MASE SENCE!!!


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