let’s talk about it…
Hello everyone I am Jmulls of Jmulls Gaming and welcome to my little corner of the internet!
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In today’s video, I talk about what Final Fantasy 14 can learn from for design direction going forward from it’s competitor, World of Warcraft The War Within!
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Once on the official forums for FFXIV someone asked me to design my ideal patch cycle, and I did. It was basically the SB patch cycle with exploratory zones releasing earlier. I was mocked relentlessly and told my ideas were unrealistic. This was EW. Now in DT these same white knights are complaining that they have nothing to do on top of hating the story. Crazy how that happens.
World of Warcraft learned from Final Fantasy 2 years ago, but after endwalker Final Fantasy just didnt upgrade after having the hype. It just stayed the same, I want more challenging stuff in FF14 like more raids, and mythic plus, BUT FF14 has the better storyline and you feel the progression of your character.
Not sure why they didn’t release multiplayer blu masked carnivale encounters
And yet if you frequent places where wow content is discussed a lot of ppl are just saying that the new zone is already dead, that there s no one there, the world content lasts 2 weeks and that if you are not a raider or dont do m+ the game is horrible, so I think just taking wow content structure is not enough it has to be better than that.
XIV already has daily quests. thats all WoW has for the open world, ten thousand flavors of daily quests.
Non-raiding content, an actual open world with things to do or god forbid at least interesting things to see, maybe (just my opinion personally) a LITTLE bit of individuality and choice in how I play a Job that can separate me from other players, an engaging and hooking new player experience that isn't just "wait 100 hours it gets good trust me," man… I can go all night. FFXIVs only saving grace was a big one, its story, and well lmao hey that sucks now guys.
But nah eff that instead we can play on our phones while sitting on the toilet
FF14 used to have its story and that was it. Now it has nothing.
One thing I've always wanted from FF14 was to flesh out the actual world a little bit more. For a game that tries really hard to make the world feel really expansive and alive in the lore, going out into the zones themselves makes it feel so incredibly barren.
I haven't played WoW since DF and I really remember loving The Waking Shores because of how much detail and attention that was there. You had the spires part with dragons patrolling between them, followed by their babies, or the nests on the top with sleeping dragons next to eggs, or frogs and alligators in the water, or you had the beach with dragons eating recently hunted mobs. You had the centaur hunting zone right next to the waking shores, where you would see patrol of the giant buffalo things and a centaur hunting party would come along and kill them. Not to mention how good some of the sidequest storylines there, that gave you NOTHING, actually were
I imagine FATEs are supposed to feel something like that, but most of the time they just… don't. FF14 zones are just giant empty maps, with huge invisible circles placed that allow one type of non-unique mob to spawn that wanders completely randomly.
I showed my childhood friend your videos and apparently he knows you from uni! Small world! Great content man.
For what I’d like from WoW in FFXIV, I’d love to see Chocobo Racing integrated into MSQ, much like how WoW has racing in quests. They could give our companion bird standardized stats for those sort of missions. I recognize I’m probably in the minority on this though.(I actually adore the stealth missions they began in EW and wish DT had more.)
There is plenty of non raidong content coming. The problem is, the advertised content is appearing increasibly late.
Also the thing that FFXIV should work and improve is the open world content, besides maps and hunts, it's basically useless.
What’s funny is lack of non hardcore content used to be a huge issue in WoW.
Hello! Just discovered your channel very recently.
A funny thing I've found about the profession changes they did in DF is that it's been very good for the people I personally know that were really, REALLY into professions. Gave them lots of ways to skill express by studying each of the trees and plotting out what gets them the most of what they were looking to do.
Conversely, people that weren't too into it before found it understandably confusing and kind of unfair on account of not being able to re-spec or undo mistakes made outside of just waiting it out.
Which I think works to some degree? Upside is that those that were already into it or could adapt definitely got more into it now, and those that weren't felt disenfranchised.
The big upside — at least from what I've seen — is that I'm really seeing crafting being significantly more engaging. For equipment I've started remembering who made what, and hitting them up if I want to have something made. Same with people coming to those that are really good at making top-end consumables for the same reason. It's felt more socially engaging.
On the topic of top-end content and everything else, there's some level of fall-off that happens once you're only aiming for mythic slots on the Great Vault where I'd actually say you don't need to do delves any more. Despite that, I like doing them on less geared alts because you can get some good money from bountiful delve rare crafting materials, and the rep gains from weekly clears isn't small. I've hit renown cap without meaning to simply because I like doing delves for funsies.
Cheers and you've definitely got a new sub from me!
Yoshi pee's "Log in when there's a patch and log out once you've finished all the content in two hours and play another game" is simply an excuse to put in as little effort as possible.
"What FFXIV can learn from WoW"
Is the answer if yer gonna steal breast milk from the fridge don't get caught?
Well, well, well, how the turn tables…
WoW gets interesting classes. Xiv gets….a Painting class. Yay.
Fantastic video, loved it – (edit: to add, I agree FFXIV needs to have its world feel “alive”). I think GW2 is the best for this, but WoW is certainly catching up fast. I’m loving WoW right now, it’s surprisingly fun to have such variety – feels like a WORLD of Warcraft.
It would be fantastic if WoW took on some darker, more mature stories (could be unvoiced, side story). That said, the lore is very interesting and I can’t wait for housing.
I would say they need to look at other games instead. For example, Guild Wars 2 has the best MMO world exploration I've seen in the genre. It's fun clearing maps, and there are fun secrets to find even inside of cities. Their versions of fates also feel more exciting as they can change the map in some ways. It's not perfect, but it's much better than FFXIV.
Personal rule for FF14, only buy the new expac once the game has finished all that expac's patch quests. Tons of other games to play while waiting for those to drop.
Does only new stuff count? There's plenty of non raiding content.
i do not want to go back to having to do 25 WQs a day for *insert item here*thats why i love FFXIV. i do my weekly crafting stuff, gathering as i do hunts for "sacks of nuts" and just other stuff. the crafting in WoW during BFA was good enough. i was my guilds achemist for raiding. they used to sit and watch me try to proc cauldrons (which i did a few times) but then looking at FFXIV's crafting system went to the other extreme. gear, meteria melds, buff food etc. i yearn to not need to be statted decently well to make stuff. i like being able to repair my gear tho so thats nice.
i thought about it and realized there is literally no reason to play the game on expansion launch if you arent raiding
you get more content for less money by just waiting for the last patch, getting the expansion for 50% off, subbing for 1-2 months, doing everything and quitting again
the gear system in ff 14 is the worst of most games. There is just difference in skills and HP lol but the stats are all the same. every job is the same. no reason to grind anything.