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#FFXIV #Meoni #fashionreport
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This is my first week playing and even with a trial account I was able to get 80. You rock.
Meoni there's a Jackpot 3 for 15% MGP!
Any helm or gloves us incorrect. Followed your steps and got 72. Not 80.
Thank you for this Meoni!
Thxs agien for info meoni we appreciate u over on siren 😃
I only got 79 from this
The Hat can also use the Neo-ishgardian hats as well. The Striking Scouting and Casting have that silken piece on the head. I got gold for it in my FR.
Just have to mention.. I got kinda geeked out hearing Dragon Quest theme, and victory theme from Final Fantasy, during the parade of nations, at the Olympics lol.
Thank you.
Thanks for the vid! The easiest 80 was indeed easy
dungeon was hard for me 🙁
Thank you, Meoni! This has been very helpful 🙂
I hate that as a new player I can't get 100 this week, because of the dungeons being locked behind the base game and Heavensward, ughhhhhh.
bro thank u
week 3 of me coming back and counting
I got a question as a free trial player who is in his lvl 30s how can I get a snow white dye helmet or dye?
By the way don't go in with some empty slots. You wont get the 80 despite the wording in the video lol.
Didn't feel like farming lol. Full mirage gear for blue mage will also get you 80 score 🙂 it's literally a ringleader outfit. Also, thank you for these videos!
can you put the easy 80 timestamp in your vids? its at 5:50 for this one btw
Thank you again Meoni!
Thank you for this. Got my 80 points.
I was going to make the "easy 80" gear for my buddy who is new to the game, but he only has THM and I don't think he can equip the goatskin leg guards. Is there an alternative that would work?
Perhaps the Goatskin Duckbills?
Thanks for this easy one, you are a fashion Report Godbert!
Got an 88 with your lowest recommended outfit set, Thank you!
Thank you for everything you do sir.
Gotten a 96% and help get that blasted Sabator 2 million MGP mount! TY!!
does it mean people who are new and just finish ARR cannot reach 100 point this week?
Thank you very much Meoni! Got another 90,000 MGP with this, appreciate it greatly.
So, buying the boots then dying the weapon, head, chest, and legs will get you an 84. Jet Black dye was going for over 5k on my server. Super expensive. Lol. The boots can be bought from the gear vendors in the major cities.
Got an 85 thanks.
I actually farmed Skalla months ago because I love the gear sets, so I had several coats to choose from! Made my time in St Mocianne's easier since i got DoW gloves I could use the first go! Boots were 720 in Ul'dah, as you said. I didn't have either of the Little Ladies' Day pieces you suggested, so I used my werewolf head dyed snow white with the other 3 pieces and got a 95. ^^ Thanks, Meoni.
Thank you so much with the easy 80! I recently started and this week the 80 one worked, last week it didn't. Thank you for the guide!
thank you for this! this week was a tough one and this really helped!
Thank you so much as always for this!
I got a 90 with the following :
Headpiece with snow white dye (was Iridescent Hat of Aiming but apparently doesn't work for the silk thing?)
Chest piece with shadow blue dye
Gloves of the Lost Thief
Goatskin Leg Guards
Thank you!