FFXIV – Tuliyollal Palace (Pinion's Reach) Speedrun – World Record – 35.800s

This run is very special. It took the absolute pinnacle of my ability even after all my evolution from the recent world recording chasing insanity. It’s what I would consider a “Parkour Limit Break”.

This is the most technically advanced no abilities run I’ve ever done and it required a serious level of focus and coordination. Shoutout to Kiya Ri’shi for the moral support and company while I grinded to obtain it, and for the help to find ways to save the last few fractions of a second to break the 36 second barrier.

With this run I have now obtained all the world records for all categories (“any%” and “no abilities”) of all official puzzles I’ve attempted and ascended to Miqo’te divinity. It might be a good time to take it easy for a while, but probably not ^^;

*The palace is also known as “Vollok Shoonsa”, but according to the map “Pinion’s Reach” seems to be more accurate for its location, so I went with that for the title.

#FFXIV #JumpingPuzzle #Speedrun


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