The Red Mage Paradox | FFXIV Dawntrail

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44 thoughts on “The Red Mage Paradox | FFXIV Dawntrail”

  1. As a red mage main, I feel very called out. I practically live for getting the opportunity to play raise-bot. When the party falls apart and due to dumb luck it's just me and the tanks left and I'm able to almost singlehandedly raise the entire party… I feel like a GOD.

  2. I think RDM should be able to spend gauge for triple cast in place of melee combos just for those situations where they gotta move. Like maybe 20/20 for an instant cast that gives tricast instead of dual cast after a spell.

  3. I for one, am on of those players that Likes to use casters/healers stats focus more on spell speed. I will max out as much CRT and then Spell Speed and then whatever I want as a 3rd, that's just my play style. I like to cast faster. If I had a lot of gil I would set more armor for specific attribute stat but I am poor.

  4. RDM for life, screw any meta… was my main job in FFXI and switched to it asap during SB.
    It never was about damage, we are a swiss army knife and in the right hands make the difference between failure & success.

  5. I alwaysgot asked why i didnt just play BM

    Right up until i would save entire guild runs.

    Ive never found a class in ANY MMO Ive liked more than the utility RM brings to every scenario

  6. I remember pentamelding spell speed on my astro and cracking it out being the only reason we survived a savage raid with no healer lb3 with half the members down because i just… hit lightspeed and blasted raises like it was no ones business.

    It was really funny.

    I used it mostly for Bozja

  7. it's nice that, at its worst, a job in ff14 maybe looks at the other jobs and goes "I wish I could do their damage". I've never seen anyone make a video about how Red Mage can't clear X boss, or how Machinist can't be used in Savage content. The balance is pretty good in this game.

  8. Is RDM damage really that bad? Because yea sure i don't get numbers like Reaper, Sam or Summoner but other classes i frequently outda-mage 🤔
    Also, frick duty finder groups, i have saved soooo many runs due to hard rezing and still usually only get 1 commendation out of 7 possible. Ungrateful ppl. =/
    Literally, i main Redmage since Stormblood and my cat boy still struggles to get enough for mentor while my Catgirl, that doesn't even have 1/100hours of playtime of my main already breached it :/

  9. Been maining RDM all these years and that still hasn't changed. It's not just my favourite class, but also the one I play best. It's perhaps the only class I can truly play blindfolded if I had to.

    Though nothing makes me sadder than saving a wipe and getting 0 comms for it at the end. Has happened before and that always ruins my day. Lol

  10. My only complaint about RDM: When my white and black mana are even I don't get a guaranteed proc on verholy/flare. Which means I'm constantly pushing to get one higher than the other with no verstone/fire procs sitting so that I don't waste any procs.

    But it's still one of my favorites, and I love taking it into new raids for the chance to salvage runs (assuming I'm not the first one dead XD).

  11. BLM: Your DPS is paltry! Your utility stops at 1 buff and 1 damage mitigation! Your rez is but a gimmick! The only thing you bring to casting is shame!
    RDM: You underestimate my power. I'm a walking Healer LB3. You are but a greedy DPS who will never receive comms. "I" am MORE than a mere DPS. It is "I" who command the commendations!

  12. Only thing they need to do to make RDM better is adjust its auto-attack damage to be the highest of the casters. I mean you have a sword for crying out loud, you should do more auto-attack damage than someone bonking a monster with a staff or a book.


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