All footage used in this video is courtesy of Square Enix, whom allowed me to attend and play an unreleased development build of the upcoming expansion “Dawntrail” for Final Fantasy XIV Online.
Everything is subject to change and adjustments.
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Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
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The question is… how far away is the MB from the Aetheryte?
dude! thank you so much for the work you have done! you made so many videos in such a short period of time! i cant wait to watch them all! love your work and keep it up! WE LOVE YOU!
Omg…… these zones are MASSIVE
im really happy someone took the time to do this, i expected a lot of info on the now jobs of c, so its nice to see a something on this stuff too~~
While the graphical update is not hugely important to me personally, I appreciate the team's hard work to refresh the game and prepare it for the years ahead. I'm sure I'll really appreciate the update once the expansion goes live, especially as these zones look beautiful. 💚
7:00 Myradrosh – B Rank – aRR
Getting strong monster hunter guild hub vibes with the first city.
4:07 frogge
That gear is probably bought with tomestones
Also it's pronounced "Taw-co"
The claw marks might be part of the Varligarmanda lore
9:21 looks like Machu Picchu, I really like the look of it.
Thank you Meoni for the sneak peaks from a players perspective. Can't wait to dive in on the 27th!!
1:09 those looks like Rumah Gadang, very beautiful zone.
Main city looks with many inca and aztec vibes.
The third zone is just WOW. It might be my new favorite zone in FFXIV,. I really love the mountains in the distance and the grass fields, and some little bit of snow.
I'm going to be visually overwhelmed during Dawntrail, haha. The game looks so gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing this! Wow, those landscape shots are breathtaking…
Thank you Thank you❤
tacos! taco everywhere. definitely in the 'americas'
You lucky guy. But you so have earned the honor. Thanks for sharing.
I think I'll have fun, and in the week of early access just run around the cities, after I've accepted the viper 😉 and watch them in peace. unbelievable what the team of yohida have built here! I was already hyped, but that? unbelievable! when can I finally go there? 😉
You are the best. Your videos make me enjoy the game on a whole another level. Thanks for covering the beauty of it all. That's what makes your channel unique and great.
get you a tacko man
So is the whole game receiving the graphical upgrade at launch or just the new zones
I knew I could count on Meoni to show me the zones ❤❤ it's one of the things I'm most excited about!
the super dense flora looks like new world in a way