Final Fantasy XIV Stream Highlights: 08.27.21

08.27.21 Stream: Final Fantasy XIV

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Edited by: ScribbleLiz (


16 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Stream Highlights: 08.27.21”

  1. Alright Scribble. When they implement cross travel for data centers you and WoTT will have to team with NEST for an alliance raid and see how long your brain lasts with the puns.

    Another idea is to see who kills their teammates the most between Ulan and Sophie

  2. I've never touched Delbrum, Zadnor or Dalriada or how ever it's called. By the time I got there, EVERYONE had done their run and no one was running the dungeon past the first area. So guys like me just said, "screw it." Haven't been into Bozja since and it's been months now.

  3. okay I relate way too hard to the flaming in the Southern Front shit at the start.

    I was getting my BLM relic weapon and the amount of people who died to just standing still or doing piss all was way too high (you can't say they were knew, these people had honors) and the amount of people who said they were apart of the Lyon group not going up to do Lyon was way too high. the last Castrum I did had a tank join the Lyon group and not tank Lyon (I tanked him as a BLM) and it was just a yikes


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