Monk Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV

I was invited by Square Enix to check out FFXIV Dawntrail early, and here’s how MNK is changing as well as what I think it means for the future of the job!


0:00 Intro
1:13 New Skills
4:37 More Info & My Thoughts
6:37 Tooltips

#ffxiv #dawntrail #mediatour


28 thoughts on “Monk Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV”

  1. Ooh! This has refreshed Monk for me, I think!
    I started playing in Stormblood and I've been a MNK main the whole time, except for most of EW's patch cycle, and I've been actively thinking about changing main for DT, but I think these changes have shaken it up enough that I want to continue as MNK for at least the next expansion!

  2. the thing i liked the idea of monk being the "weave your attacks whoever you like, it's the combo master" type job, kinda fell flat previously with it having a pretty set in stone rotation. easy to fix if you needed to but still. but if this new system allows them to combo however they like while still being optimal thats a great thing.

  3. So what I'm still trying to figure out, is when we get access to that new gauge. Nothing I saw really points out when we get it. Is it a thing we have starting at 50? 60? Or do we not get it til 92 with the upgraded skulls. Cuz if that's the case it's gunna feel weird since we are losing leadin fist.

  4. 5 chakra Six-sided is 1180 (400 +780), if it can consume Brotherhood's Chakra over stack, that would go up to 1580 (800 + 780).
    The Forbidden Chakra deals 340 ogcd
    340 > 400 because Six sided star's gcd is about 4 seconds while probably off raid buffs.
    680 < 800 because its on raid buffs (but risks losing chakra from overflow)
    I'm positive I'm getting these numbers right, but I don't know too much about dps when accounting for skill/spell speed and the value of potency to recast timers.
    I'm sure the intention isn't to forgo spending on Forbidden Chakra for a slightly buffed Six sided, just something to increase potency knowing there's a down time window and you want to end strong.

  5. I really like SSS using chakra, it a good skill right before a downtime phase and meditate is a great followup while you wait to get back in the fight. Now youre less likely to be chakra capped during that downtime.

  6. Another one of those jobs I wasn't a fan of to begin with, and unfortunately it seems like it's going to stay that way because the changes just amplify what I didn't like about them already.

  7. Monk is the third class I've picked up after drg and rdm, just hit 90 this week. Been enjoying running around with a Tifa inspired outfit on my cat man while having a portrait that looks like him hanging upside down in a padded room.

  8. As a monk main the long story short is that, personally, I'm in the six sided star finisher boat. If I continue with 1.94 GCD monk going into Dawntrail that means you can comfortably fit 10 GCDs in 19.4 seconds giving you .6 seconds to get the 11th one in. What I think will be the real thing we need to test is what is going to be the Lunar Nadi combination because now that we have Pouncing Coeurl that is 1200 potency with 3 GCDs vs the 1040 potency but 2 of those are guaranteed crits on Leaping Opo but its probably going to be a case by case basis of do you have 3 Couerl fury then use PC PC PC and do you not have 3 Coeurl fury then LO DK LO. So assuming you have your Fury Gauge filled on all 3 before going into your 2 minutes your GCD buttons are probably going to look like PC PC PC PR LO DK LO EB WR FR SSS and that's not even going into what its going to look like with all the extra weaves we can get in now with an extra 5 seconds of buff windows

  9. I'm amazed so few people noticed the mistake here. The guaranteed crit from Bootshine/Leaping Opo doesn't come from Leaden Fist (right now) or from spending a Opo-opo's fury stack (in DT), it comes from being in the opo-opo stance and nothing else.

    That said, thanks for the coverage ! With all the crazy good videos you've made this past year or so, getting into the media tour was deserved !

  10. Im pretty sure the optimal 2 min (considering you openner is double solar) would be opo > Coeurl > coeurl. It is going to be more potency to do 1 opo + 2 coeurl in the PB window than the regular 3 opos we do in current mnk since we can get 3 buffed coeurl stacks dragon kick will not be the best filler anymore.

  11. The main takeaway from this video is constantly checking my gauge. What made me fall in love with the 6.0 version of Monk was that I didn't even have to glance at my hotbars. Now, Monk in 7.0 is a completely different beast. Goodbye, Monk, my love—you were the last job I enjoyed in this game.


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