FFXIV: Xbox Status Update 2023 | MMO Discussion

FFXIV: Xbox Status Update 2023 | MMO Discussion
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9 thoughts on “FFXIV: Xbox Status Update 2023 | MMO Discussion”

  1. I personally don't think it'll ever come now that's becoming the last three generations and Endwalker was so huge they'll definitely want to probably market rhe next expansion as console exclusive tbh its weird they dont tout it more with how entrenched PS is with SE.

    I also don't think anybody's necessarily a jerk everybody's working within their own best interest its in SEs best interest to get the best price they can for their game, it's in Sony's best interest to keep a very popular live service game exclusive to their console and it's in Microsoft's best interest to get it on the console however they can everybody should be working within their own best interest and that doesn't make anyone a jerk imo.

  2. I'd rather them use their resources working on it's current platforms than making an Xbox version right before a graphics overhaul. It's really not hard to find a second hand ps4 if you really want to play FFXIV. Buy a keyboard and mouse, and you're good to go.

  3. I think it comes down to numbers. Look at other MMOS on consoles and look at the Xbox population. ESO their ps population is 3x more than Xbox. The question comes to investment and dev time. Phil has to come with a big check and Xbox board is looking like the numbers don’t add up

  4. SE has signed that deal Sony has put out. To block games coming to Xbox. Just look at how many games SE has put on Xbox after FF7: Crisis Core. ZERO!! The FF7: Crisis Core Re-master is the last game SE has released for Xbox. No FF7 Re-make. The smaller games are on everything else outside of Xbox. Just look up the ABK deal. I do have a screenshot of it. Most likely. A video was done on it, here on YouTube. It's a new Dragon Quest game coming to Xbox. It most likely was in development hell. SE will just push it out just to be done with Xbox 😭

  5. My take is: if Sony is willing to go after individual franchises/studios to bolster their game lineup – how come XBox didn’t cultivate the same strategies?

    They’re more than willing to dump billions on entire publishers for exclusivity, but people still complain about for Sony continues to target smaller fish. I’m confused and will continue to be so.

  6. Yea, that not happening…. Like you said Square Enix in Sony have time of agreement. But I don't know why people complaining about exclusive, like literally X box have some exclusive that sony boy want as well, but they aren't really complaining about it. Like guys come on! Exclusive games aren't anything new, and you should be use to it. But you're right Final Fantasy 11 was on X box 360 But I'm pretty sure Microsoft , Yoshi- P , and Square are the bigger Issue why; mostly Microsoft probably not wanting their player based to play online for free; or Yoshi-P. And I'm going to have say Yosh-P, due to the fact that FF16 Wasn't on Xbox.


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