One of the prerequisites for the upcoming Eureka Orthos is reaching floor 50 of palace of the dead. Something you have been putting off. However, you want to give the new deep dungeon a go on release so you’ve resolved to head into the palace, and rather than waiting on a group of randos you decided to go it alone. Well in this video I’ll show you how to do just that.
#ffxiv #finalfantasy14 #deepdungeon #potd #palaceofthedead
Hey Namazu, Great video. I really enjoy the way you explain the floor mobs and bosses. Its like an easy to understand guide for newer PotD runners and id love to see floors 51-100 and so on up till 200 then maybe HoH and the new one when they get well explored.
Hope to see a new vid soon
A comment for the algorithm! You’re such a great channel, look forward to seeing your growth!