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#FFXIV #Meoni #Dawntrail
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
I FUCKING CALLED IT THAT WE'D GET A GUNSLINGER OUTFIT! Oh my god it's even more beautiful than I dreamed. My inner child is weeping out of sheer joy for that outfit.
That's gonna be my mainstay Machinist outfit without a doubt.
Also, the coat is a duster. It's a variant of the long coat, but is way more lightweight when compared to the trench coat
they always give us something from the crafting quest i am not worried
@ 1:35:34 in they talk about the rewards from the chaotic being i730 gear in the live letter LXXXIV. So heres hoping the healer boots dont have piety ! Also ty for the videos!
So the Cloud of Darkness mount is guaranteed drop like from doing P4S, M4S, or achievement like Ozma mount?
Looks like Noirdibrand will be one of his shards….who knows lol
Not fussy about that wild west outfit and I expect that hat to not to work on my hroth anyway. Rather my machinist more on the engineer then guns. Am hyped for Hildy though.
Interesting….but I’m enjoying BG3. Much more interactive story.
Shit patch
7:59 is this you saying the most british thing in the most american of accents 😂 love it
Well fuck….gotta do the chaotic…..
How hard is the chaotic going to be?
The Hildebrand image just screams "Bladerunner," doesn't it? That would fit Solution 9 so very well.
I love Hildi's coat.
As for the Chaotic sets, not the biggest fan, the red diabolos one is ok, but the rest i'm not sure of yet.
Not the biggest fan of the CD reward hat. The rest i really like.
The world will end when FFXIV stops giving caster/healer dresses. 💀
Man, I love the Tank armor sets from the chaotic alliance! Wish casters and healers get armors instead of cloth based ones as gear sets 😏😏
The gear looks cool but ilvl should be higher if it’s gonna be a hard raid.
I'm actually not a fan of the Chaotic armor sets outside of the (I assume) tank gear. The custom deliveries set, though? Love it!
Meoni please add your outro again! 😢 when you start saying bye i want to like the vid but by that time it already finished and Youtube wants me to watch a different Video 😂
Boo Hildebrand 😭
Race-locked! Race-locked! 😀
Savage raid is interesting. But people can barely work together in a normal raid so.. lol let’s see how it goes
2:17 The two armor sets in the middle looks like a Devil Trigger form from Devil May Cry.
*sigh* I just can’t with this game anymore. All of the glamours have been looking “same-y” or “cluttered” for a very long time now. 🫤
As someone with "train autism" i haven't been so hyped for non battle content since we built a tank
so basically no content for people who don't got a good guild?
Meoni, hear me out here….. 9ths reflection of Hildibrand! Thats my take.
Detective Noir Hildibrand reflection lol
All my friends quit cuz this is the most boring expansion with no fun side content anyone wants to play. Sad that square thinks the answer to people leaving in droves is more hardcore content instead of mid core content the players are begging for