endwalker begins on the 16th of june over on my twitch!

twitch: (live every weekday @ 14:00BST)
vods: &
(will be on youtube soon!!)

videos coming soon: 5.3 finale, eden raids & endwalker theories!

if you enjoyed the video do be sure to join us over on Twitch where you can find all of the VODs!


37 thoughts on “REACTING TO ENDWALKER'S CINEMATIC | FFXIV 6.0 Reaction”

  1. We'll be kicking off our Endwalker adventure on the 16th of June (2023, just in case you're watching this in the future) over on Twitch! I'll be uploading more Shadowbringers moments to YouTube soon, including the rest of 5.3, the Eden raids, theorycrafting for Endwalker and more. Thanks for watching & enjoying the content!

  2. Dude, I've been watching your last view videos, and I absolutely love the joy and excitement as you go through the story. It's incredibly infectious and ampifying of my own love for the game. Love that you're getting so much out of it. Hoping to catch a stream on Twitch one of these days.

  3. Man, look at Andy being proficient in Eorzean font with being able to recognise Thavnier and Old Sharleyan and immediately homing onto Estinien's dialogue! The journey pays off!

  4. Your heartfelt enthusiasm brings a smile to my face. It so much fun to see someone else get as excited as myself. So glad you're enjoying this game that so many of us cherish. You got my sub and like for sure. Don't know if I'll ever catch you live on twitch, but I've watched all your YT videos so far. Love it. ❤

  5. Remember, whenever you hear their respective leitmotif, you gotta scream-sing "ON WINGS OF HOPE YOU RISE UP THROUGH THE NIGHT, HIGHER!!!!!!!!! OH HIGHER!!!!!!!!" and "TALES OF LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSS AND FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE AND FAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITH". It's the law, you know

  6. That damn counter melody gets me every time

    "when the world comes crumbling down /
    know I'll be there /
    though our fleeting moment has gone /
    you're not you're not alone yeah

    As you turn your eyes to the stars /
    Oh I'll be there /
    With my chorus guiding you /
    forge ahead"

  7. The Endwalker trailer is actually what made me play FFXIV, and i had NO idea about any of the context. But I could feel SO much emotion from the music and what was going on I had to play. Then when I finally got there to see it and see my screen change, you bet your ass there was tears.

  8. Chills. Every. Single. Time.

    "When the world comes tumbling down, know I'll be there. Though our fleeting moment has gone, you're not alone. As you turn your eyes to the stars, know I'll be there. With our chorus guiding you, forge ahead."

    Keep these words close to you, Warrior of Light. Head held high and ever unbowed, walk unto the End.

  9. Endy after watching ShB trailer: How can EW possibly top that?

    A minute later.. “You know what, that may have been better than ShB.”

    😂😅🤣 I absolutely enjoy watching Endy’s reactions, so genuine all the time! Excited for his EW playthrough.

    Lezzgo Endy!!! We’re all here to walk with with you to the end🤩

  10. 1:50 Every single time I hear this, I think of it in both dragonspeak, and English. YES The chorus and such isn't gibberish, or generic chorus. It's written in Dragonspeak. And is quite interesting once translated. 🙂

    2:36 When the elevator in a massive evil tower spiral thing is safer than the elevator in the Empire State Building. (You can't convince me otherwise. Both times I rode it I couldn't but think. "This is how I die."

    5:27 "Mom! I want Dragon's Dogma!"
    "We have Dragons Dogma at home"
    {The Dragon's Dogma at home.}

  11. I love this trailer so much. It hits all the notes and is so hype! Hope your start to endwalker went well! I'll be checking out the VOD soon and I'm really excited

  12. Your reactions give me life and vigor. Yes Endwalker is HYPE.
    One of my fave tweets was back when the full cinematic trailer was released and someone was like "Estinien really came in here and made it Heavensward 2." XD
    That section with the HW theme gives me CHILLS every single damn time. UGGGGGHHHH so good ToT.

  13. What I really love about the FF14 trailers is that every time the WoL is a bit older. It is just a small thing but I love how it shows the journey of all the Players

  14. my favourite part is where strummer says welcome to come vitra and starts crying and i start crying and everyone claps ps you forgot emet xdd


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