The Future of Jobs within Final Fantasy XIV

I’ve been wanting to make a video like this for a while but never really had a reason to until now. With all the hype around Dawntrail and the lack of jobs lore in the foreseeable future, I want use to guess at what our favorite jobs could before regardless! So join me today as we delve into the speculation that is the future of Jobs despite the lack of new lore!

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Disclaimer: The MMORPG known as FinalFantasy XIV Online as well as all its related publications and merchandise are owned by Square Enix. I have no claims to it.

Primary Sources:
Video Games-
FinalFantasy XIV Online

Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume I
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume II
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume III

Alternative Sources:
FinalFantasyXIV, The Lodestone/Sidestory
FFXIV, Letter from the Producer
Published FFXIV Brand Art Books

#ffxiv #dawntrail #lore


25 thoughts on “The Future of Jobs within Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. This is why it would be cool to add base classes to feed into new jobs, and even make a story reason why our old jobs will not help us moving forward. This would mean having to learn something new to face a new enemy.

  2. I agree it does suck I enjoyed the story and things they did to get us used to the new skills through a lore story like it’s the same thing for Naruto I know it’s gonna sound weird but Naruto has his lore in training and getting stronger and this is kinda the same thing take the lore out and now I have a char that just got super strong learning new abilities from no where.

  3. If Dark Knights control their emotions for their power, wouldn't that be Dynamis? Still a cool direction to take them. But I want to know more about Dynamis and what it can really do when not wielded by a depressed bird.

  4. since shadowbringer, ff14 involve multiverse or difference realm which are universe or cosmic threat which bigger than human being could faced before so job quest which mostly involve mentor did not need anymore.

  5. I’ve not long since started playing and think the job quests are great, and think that they should keep doing these if they wish to continue hooking new players.

  6. If we want to explore these job lores further what they can do is just release a set of quests per patch on, 1 job per role and tie it to something that will reap big rewards.

  7. I would say first things first QoL make the combos makes sense like in pvp the button wasting in FFXIV is insane

    Jobs themselves to me should stop at 100 every new one should go from 70~80 to 100 open up when you do certain main quests.

    After 100 to me you should be able to learn a paralel lvl system like the Warriorcof light class where you can actually dual class and get skill that you can use mixed with normal ones

  8. I still think all the jobs should have a lvl90 and 100 quest where you check in and talk with your original teachers again, like they did with 80. I think it'd be nice if nothing else

  9. ooo these are very interesting and I like almost all the ideas! However, I 100% wholeheartedly disagree with what you said for Black Mages. As my understanding has it (this might be outdated info or I just might be entirely misremembering something), the fire, ice, and electricity elements are aligned to black magic and are partly what makes black magic black magic. Conversely, earth, air, and water were aligned to white magic and if a Black Mage were to use those elements, it would somewhat remove their identity as a black mage, they would be more akin to a Red Mage who uses both white and black magicks.

  10. 1. DRKs basically being Sith and Monks being Jedi is oddly fitting
    2. I can imagine RDM using their rapier to mark an enemy, Zoro style, with a rune and then having it explode or bind them in place etc

  11. I love all these. Here are some prestige class name suggestions:

    Gladiator > Paladin > White Knight
    Marauder > Warrior > Berserker
    Dark Knight > Black Knight
    Gunbreaker > Guardian

    Lancer > Dragoon > Dragon Knight
    Pugilist > Monk > Soulfist
    Rogue > Ninja > Shadow
    Reaper > Voidbound

    Archer > Bard > Orator
    Machinist > Technomancer
    Dancer > Entrancer

    Thaumaturge > Black Mage > Evoker
    Arcanist > Summoner > Primal Host
    Red Mage > Virtuoso

    Conjurer > White Mage > Harmonist
    Arcanist > Scholar > Tactician
    Astrologian > Mystic
    Sage > Physician

    (I don't think limited jobs need prestiege classes)

  12. I would like a level 90 Post-EW and 100 Post-DT job quest. Not necessarily full arcs, but similar to the level 80 quests Post-Shb. A way to see what has taken place and how the job has grown in our absence. Those level 80 quests were honestly pretty fun to see.

  13. This makes me want more divergant jobs. A beserker Warrior, uses two giant axes and forgos defense for attack. A paladin that forgoes the sword to heal allies. A dancer that dodges all attack as a tank. A Bard that heals with their songs. A conjurer that uses nature to damage.
    There's alot of really cool jobs that could come about by doing divergent jobs and wouldnt require them to make an entire new weapon suite


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