FFXIV: Final Fantasy, or MMO First? (Live Letter 68 Summary & Thoughts)

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Live Letter 68 was full of information for the foreseeable future of Final Fantasy XIV! In this video, I’ve tried to condense it all into only a few minutes, with some comments, and questions. If you like this format, and would like to continue seeing game news, let me know! I must say, I am also very excited that XIV will not have NFTs. Thanks Yoshi P!

“Footfalls” Music/slides copyright Square Enix
“Fear Not This Night” copyright Jeremy Soule & Skar Productions


5 thoughts on “FFXIV: Final Fantasy, or MMO First? (Live Letter 68 Summary & Thoughts)”

  1. Xan. I do agree with both sides. As MMO it is essential to group with people and to be honest…the doesn't want people to feel pressure. Well, that is kind of an excuse. We ALL have to leave our comfort zone. Real world doesn't have "safe spaces" or has to make you feel comfortable. The real world is harsh and full of dangers and is sometimes unforgiving. Feeling cannot always be first and foremost. As sometimes the harsh truth doesn't care about how someone "feels." On that the trust system for dungeons I can understand…DPS waiting for 45 minutes just to complete part of MSQ is horrible. That being said. Trust should never be for trials or raids. That is where you really need group content and communication between players is key and it will HELP you build your social skills (which may younger generations need badly) – I say this as Gen Xer as I still see young people struggle with telephone calls, interviews etc… too much social media / texting and not enough face to face or verbal development of social skills. Primarily good raid groups do well because they do use their social skills / communication. If someone is new. Will it be painful or hard at first yes…but coming from EQ era..that is point you only get better at something by doing it over and over (training).

  2. as and old mmo player i hate that u can play most mmo thies day solo like why r you even play an mmo if you arnt gona do anything with other players just miss the old time were mmos made your talk to other people

  3. It's a silly concern. That's like saying consoles players should be encouraged to play online with people because it has an internet access. It is an option for those that are not inclined to play with others such as many of Final Fantasy fans. If you think about it, this wouldn't really change anything for online players. For those that joins FFXIV for single player experience, they will strictly treat it as so. And online gamers will continue play with other people as usual. We will just gain single player gamers.

  4. This reminds me of the rumbling about the Trust system before Shadowbringers, and just like then I don't think it will kill multi-player in FFXIV. It's an option, no more, no less. In fact, most people forego the Trust because they prefer the faster pace running with players, plus more loot, but it's pretty sweet to have that option to do it solo. For one thing, it's a great way to learn your role–unlike (some) players, the NPC's know how to do all the mechanics. You just have to learn your job. Secondly, it's great for the people who play FFXIV for the story, because now they can do the dungeon at their own pace (like stopping to read the lore notes, for example), and watch all the cutscenes without having three other people tapping their feet getting agitated. I don't think options are ever a bad thing, nor do I think forced interaction is necessarily preferable, or more beneficial, to letting people do it on their own terms. That's just my two cents.😁


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