New? Got too many skills? Made the mistake of using a level skip and have no idea what anything does? Just hate reading? Try this guide out!
This guide seeks to teach new Red Mages how to Red Mage properly, without getting too deep into optimization. I’ll be showing off and explaining some openers but not delving too much deeper beyond that and general skill usage. Endgame is a long way away and there’s lots to learn along the way. Start slow and work your way up one skill at a time! Then, graduate to more advanced guides.
Mage Role Actions Guide:
Guide to my HUD:
Dictionary of Terms (if you need):
Rotation images:
Intro: 0:00
Playstyle Summary 1:58
Requirements: 2:43
Role Actions: 3:01
L20, 40. Maim and Mend: 3:30
L1. Dualcast: 3:45
L2, 4, 10. Jolt, Verthunder, and Veraero: 5:03
L26, 30. Verfire and Verstone: 6:50
General Gauge Tips: 7:59
L15, 18, 22. Scatter, Verthunder II, and Veraero II: 9:48
L6, 40. Corps-a-corps, Displacement, and Engagement: 11:10
L45. Fleche: 13:58
L50. Acceleration: 14:24
L1, 35, 50. Riposte, Zwerchhau, and Redoublement: 16:00
Enchanted Combo:
L50. Opener: 19:13
L52. Moulinet and Enchanted Moulinet: 22:52
L54. Vercure: 23:48
L56. Contre Sixte: 26:35
L58. Embolden: 27:06
L60. Manafication: 27:50
L60. Opener: 28:52
L62. Enhanced Jolt and Jolt II: 31:17
L64. Verraise: 31:46
L66. Scatter Mastery and Impact: 33:26
L68. Mana Stack: 33:49
L68, 70. Verflare and Verholy: 34:31
L70. Opener: 36:05
L72. Enhanced Displacement: 38:06
L74. Red Magic Mastery: 38:28
L76. Reprise and Enchanted Reprise: 38:51
L78. Enhanced Manafication: 39:52
L80. Scorch: 40:44
L80. Opener: 41:28
L82. Red Magic Mastery II, Verthunder III, and Veraero III: 41:51
L84. Red Magic Mastery III: 42:09
L86. Magick Barrier: 42:35
L88. Enhanced Acceleration: 43:54
L90. Enhanced Manafication II and Resolution: 45:07
L90. Opener: 46:11
Outro: 48:04
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#FFXIV #Endwalker #RedMage
8:20 In Shadowbringers a 30 Mana Difference was still considered Balanced. Only a 31 or more difference mattered.
Did they Change that in EW or is this a mistake in the script?
Is it good to use jolt then follow up with Verthunder/Veraero?. Sprout here 😊. Because i always use jolt then follow up with verthunder/veraero. I never use long cast first.
Sweet! One of my two favorite jobs in the game.
Now I want to make a Red Mage named Verluigi.
A couple things I'd say to anyone looking to pick up RDM:
To elaborate on Displacement/Engagement, think of Displacement purely as a positional skill, like Dragoon's Elusive Jump. It has its use, but you need to be careful, since careless use will disrupt or even kill you. Meanwhile, Engagement and Corps-a-corps (since you're already in melee) are free oGCD damage skills, and should be used as such. If you really want, you can keep one charge to have a Displacement if you need it, but in general Engagement is the reason you stay in melee range instead of jumping in and out whenever you have enough for the melee combo.
Relatedly, don't try to get too flashy with it. The thought of the fencer dashing in and out for the melee combo is cool, but it's very easy to misjudge when you need to actually hit your Displacement to get out of range in time. Not that I'd know anything about dying to that. Not at all.
Verraise is an incredible valuable asset to a team, but as any healer will tell you it sucks to blow your Swiftcast just for your other healer to beat you to it by a heartbeat. Communication is important. That said: you have an instant raise every three seconds instead of every minute, take advantage of that!
This video literally came out at the perfect time, I really wanted to try a magic class and I kept looking at red mage but I was so confused trying to even attempt at using the class it threw me away and I tried multiple times I was just lost. Thankyou for this awesome guide!
One question though when starting red mage should i just go to a practice dummy to get used to everything to be safe, or just wing it and run a dungeon or maybe PoTD?
So, with the openers you presented, what happens if you get a proc on either your pre-pull verthunder cast or on your swiftcasted verthunder? Wouldn't that be a "waste" of the acceleration proc?
Also, during the downtime between 2-minute burst windows, would you recommend holding off on enchanted melee combos to line up with 1-minute party buff windows (assuming you don't overcap gauge), or to go right into melee as soon as you hit 50/50?
Versk flexing with the TEA weapons to dab on us verpeasants.
I top myself off with a vercure during lulls so I'm one less thing the healer needs to worry about. It's also a perfect spell to trigger swiftcast to raise dead people.
Thank you for the guide. Just finished 6 classes to Lv 60. Not sure which alt job to lvl next. And the notification bell brings me here. Cheers. Lot more exciting than the SUM
me a RDM main that’s cleared p4s already
“Oh thank god I needed this”
Thanks a lot man ! i was the one that popped into your stream this week and was confused about wich job to do the MSQ with. Since i'm having the best time ever with RDM, and with your guide now, i can correct the mistakes i've been making and keep going until 90.
Thanks a lot for your guides and for the trouble of making them. I know it's hard.
BTW msq today gives so much exp that i'm leveling both DRG and RDM doing only them (alternating the jobs between the obligatory DG's) and i'm almost at the same level range with a 3 class (MCH). At least until now (i'm on heavensward right now).
When you're going to do the DRG one ? have any agenda for them ?
Again, thanks a lot.
Can’t wait for Ninja
At first I hated Red Mage, but after watching this video, I can say Black Mage is harder for me now. (I know you made a Black Mage guide so I apologize.)
Verthanks for the vervideo!
vercure and dual cast: it works of course on itself too but the occasion to vercure+vercure (2nd is instant) is more rare than vercure itself. but you could throw a heal to 2 targets this way.
This is great – Thank you!
Feel like a birthday here when I start to level up my alt job the RDM guide popped-up where I was struggle about it
I got the feeling that I understand the concept, only if I set the hotbar and keybind right, I would mess the rotation a lot less
Hey Wesk, I have a suggestion when it comes to the karaoke openers. For gcds you should say their names at a set speed, even if it cuts you off, signifying the ogcd truly is that fast. As of now, it all sounds like the same kind of jumbled mess when you say the full name anyway and I believe defeats the purpose of contrasting it with the normal opener. Love the guides
Great video as always! One thing I'm wondering if you thought about, and maybe just left it out due to min/max complexity (which I imagine is what happened), is the use of swiftcast, acceleration, other instant casts, and melee attacks to align Fleche and Contre Sixte cooldowns with weave windows during your rotation. What are your thoughts about that?
Did any other fencers cry when he said Redoublement? Though I do appreciate the pronunciation of Flèche
how do you do that flourish?
i'm so happy engagement does the same damage as displacement now.
i tried to minmax those few potency by doing displacement as much as possible, and now it's much comfier to just almost always use engagement
One thing to note that I noticed in the video is that embolden only buffs your magic damage. At 46:52 it was mentioned oGCDs are buffed by embolden but they sadly are not since they're not considered magic damage.
my primary use of vercure is to guarantee a dualcast proc for verraise.
it's super annoying when your damaging short cast spell fizzles for targeting reasons, like the boss jumps away or out. If i still haven't figured out the fight, i might even default to it until I see the flow of battle and know I can still damage the boss
It's going to take me until the next expansion to get used to your Endwalker video intro after watching so many of your Shadowbringer videos.
'verthunder, verthunder' verthundercats hoo!
I JUST got RDM to 90 last night, so this is a godsend. Thank you!!
Finally Red Mage!!!