Asmongold Goodbye Final Fantasy XIV Chris’ Response | Gaming Kinda
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#ffxiv #asmongold #gamingkinda
0:00 Introduction
1:00 Awesome Video
9:00 The Really Cool Stuff
15:00 More Epic then You Expected
22:00 Perhaps the most important part
30:00 Until the most Important Part
40:00 True Legends
Free trial of FFXIV:
Pretty sure a healthy adult only needs around 6 hours of sleep. I could also just be justifying waking up at 3:30-4:00 am and going to sleep at 10:00–10:30.
It’s a bit over 113K hours if every single second in 13 years was spent on FF14. For anyone curious
8:50 "I don't know why you have to quit entirely" the dude literally just said that he has /5 kids/. You can literally not have personal time at that point until the kids are grown up and kicked out.
The volume extension looks like "Sound Adjustment"
By invitation he means FF14 becoming more sandbox
I totally get the kids priority, been there and lived that (mine are grown now). But, he lost me at New World being such a great and exciting game, I just can't understand the hype for that game, it's 50 hours of my life i'll never get back lol. I wish him all the luck in the world, seems to be a great guy, and i'm bummed to see him leave the space.
I'm absolutely furious you didn't end the video cutting off Asmon and saying 'It was burnout, kinda'.
"I have reshuffled my priorities and I have to cut something out. FF14 is not my preferred game so I'm stepping out"
Such a simple common sense take, why are people even sperging out about it.
there are channel's like soulsobreezy, where there is a lot of community toxic positivity, being dismissive and even spiteful towards people that aren't happy with the game. one of the last episodes i saw of his was him and his chat making fun of asmon's season of mastery wish list and calling it demands… when every video soul does the same thing with his wish lists. there were a lot of wow players that left in 9.0 and 9.1 and a lot of unhappy ones that remained. it was the vocal ones in addition to the ones that left that encouraged blizz to actually listen to the player base. being yes men and groveling at the feet of the devs isn't always the way to get them to listen. a lot of players cancelling their subs told the devs to get their shit together.
I have heard there are over 9000 people on the Asmongold ban list.
Wow, Chris dropping relationship advice. I mean, your right. It can't be good to look at your partner in that light. Damn this is good Chris keep going. Its not about you or her, its about you both and that whole thing sounded really awesome.
Every now and then the veil slips from Zack and he drops a few nuggets of wisdom.
That analogy was so on point though. Choosing to roll around in poo is quite apt.
I mean the original issue with Luis was gross but let's be real, its not that bad. Definitely gross and an abuse of his status but not surprising for anyone in show business. People should be allowed to make their own minds up democratically about if they want to support him.
I mean whats more fun than trying to figure out what a fourth dimensional being maybe. Something that could live outside our known understanding of space-time. To our small minds, it would be godlike.
I mean I don't have 5g and I got sick from coof. I also work for a doctors office.
Shots at Anthem fired…too bad there's noone there to notice.
Chris, I have a question that you can answer, have the rewards in new content always been so shallow of the launch of a new feature? Between Island Sanctuaries and Variant/ Criterion, I'm not impressed. I'm quite let down in all honesty. The content was fun but I had very little reason to continue. I haven't set foot on my Island since I reached rank 10 and showed my friends. That was almost 2 months ago.
Your right Chris, its all in execution. How often and the quality.
I wish I could show Brian a good wow xpac. Then again, this new xpac is more about exploring and doing what you want.
Only old mmo fans like the super grindy old school style of mmo. Like EQ and Ultima Online.
Talents in WoW feels like an invitation to a player like me. I quit before Mists came out only for the talents. Also 600 flight speed on a 3m cd.
1.2 million accounts banned by Asmon.
I mean there's a reason I've watched him for years. Just every now and then you get those nuggets.
I mean, I watch you Chris. Maybe not as much as Brian, but I do try. I once made a joking comment about updating your photo so it seemed more recent and it felt like you did almost immediately. I hope I wasn't rude.
Chris if you ever need a healer in content just let me know. I'm usually free on weekends.
I may or may not have lambasted a creator for encouraging these kind of sentiments. If you like the story great. If you don't, it has no real bearing on me or my game. Sucks if you don't like Hildy but I don't hate the people who don't like it or the humor. Or if you skip. Your choice, your sub. Sides you get more flies with honey.
As someone who did p1-p4, make it faster. Why does it take two months at best to get bis on one character when we may have 15? I started off the tier as Ast/ Rdm and found out almost instantly that was a bad idea. You just can't get enough tomes fast enough to keep two jobs going.
You say next as if its not coming out next month Chris. WoW Dragonflight launches in 34 days.
I think Brian should go if he can to Fanfest. 13 years. Definitely he should go. You too Chris!
That was Mr Happy. That whole thing made me tear up a bit with how the community came together to help his family. Then the return of the stupid act debate overwhelmed that and Alex Moukala's big butt compilation of the community singing.
Sorry, Chris that I'm so long winded. Not sure if you'll read this but best of luck to you moving forward.
…..what the fuck am I looking at?
Reactception overload
I like Brian. I started watching you guys cause of his enthusiasm. I've stopped watching him recently cause he hasn't had it. I'm subbed to him still but lack of interaction has lead to me not getting his notifications. I'm paying a membership on his channel that I'm not watching and don't regret it cause I like him. He just hasn't had the enthusiastic FFXIV spark that I started watching for. I'll check some of his other stuff and see if he has it. I will need to find his video about the end of the story though.
Love that you went on a rant about relationships mid video. (and you are 100% correct!!).
I'm glad he's quitting (for him!) . I have found him quite toxic around ffxiv lately. He's right, there is toxicity in ffxiv. The problem been HOW he addresses it, not the criticism itself. I don't think it is healthy to respond to toxicity with toxicity, which is how I've found him recently. I actually unsubbed to all his content, and had I realised this was responding to asmon responding to Brian, I would have skipped this too. Toxicity isn't healthy to my mental health so I didn't watch. It isn't good for anyone. If leaving the game allows him to give attention to his family, do things he enjoys in another game/comedy and has the bonus that it also takes him out of a situation that is causing him to be toxic.. it can only be good (Especially considering why he stated he started his channel). For his family and for his mental health. Good on him for prioritizing that. Both deserve to be prioritized.
I'm happy for him and I wish him the best. If he decides to come back to the game in future, then I hope he enjoys it. If he doesn't, then I hope he is enjoying whatever he is doing. Either way, I hope it is positive for him and for his family. Both come before any game.
i am glad brian finally recognized that he is not having fun with ffxiv and has decided to pursue a different direction with content creation.
from a viewers prospective (and ive been watchin y'all since 2019) its been incredibly frustrating to watch as his portion of ffxiv coverage has devolved into community drama that begins to feel honestly manufactured once it has become the sole focus for months on end.
personally, i disagree with the belief brian seems to have that ffxiv is 'afraid' of change, or failing because it is not changing– FFXIV has continued to grow, change, and evolve over the course of its existence. its perfectly fine to disagree with the direction of that change or the philosophy that drives it– but it strikes me as disingenuous to take the position that unless it is changing how you want, its not changing at all.
i wish brian all the best with this pivot, and sincerely hope that the switch to something he actually enjoys will be reflected in the content he produces.
because his ffxiv content has been a real drag for awhile.
Honestly? Kinda glad Brian's gone. I get the 5 kids thing but overall the dude was just becoming toxic. He turned off I and a lot other fans by continuously trying milk "drama" content by trying to provoke the toxic side of the community. The points he made on his reason for leaving as well just seem like he's baby raging over the fact that FFXIV isn't catering to his specific wants, and therefore it's afraid of changing and is dying because of it (Which is fucking laughable all on its own since FF has done literally nothing but grow since Endwalker's launch LMAO)
I'm sure there will be people who miss him and I wish him all the best, but I think him leaving is for the best.
Who the fx cares😝