The Only Tank Guide You'll Ever Need (FFXIV Endwalker Patch 6.5 Edition)

Truly the greatest best ultimate Tank guide ever

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0:00 Intro
1:14 Picking a Tank
2:36 Enmity
5:38 Defensives
11:17 Dungeons & Raiding on Tank
15:18 Damage
16:23 Role Actions
17:05 Positioning & Grouping
21:16 Outro

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28 thoughts on “The Only Tank Guide You'll Ever Need (FFXIV Endwalker Patch 6.5 Edition)”

  1. Why do you think PLD and WAR are good main tanks while DRK and GNB not? You never really elaborated on the reasoning. WAR makes sense, self sustaining and all but PLD always felt more OT since they have so many support skills.

  2. TO BE FAIR – before Holy Shelltron had its self-mitigation feature changed from block to % damage mitigation, paladins SHOULD have been the offtank in most groups because Intervention was just a better damage mitigation tool than Holy Shelltron in level 90 content.

  3. wtf, i thought you were supposed to make bad jokes? there were some actual bangers in here. and where the heck are my signature Azu pronunciation mistakes for me to giggle at??? 0/10 video.

    Side note: it might have been nice to include what parrying/blocking actually does damage-wise since the game doesn't make it extremely clear. I always thought initially that these completely mitigated an attack and then I was confused why I was still taking damage while Bulwark was active lol.

  4. started playing a few weeks ago , did not want to tank at 1st (thought that it is hard bla bla) after getting my mnk to 60 i was like , lets try dark knight (he looks cool) , im having a blast leveling him up (70 atm) and its so easy that i can play it drunk , i love it

  5. Video was great! I'd say that war definitely the most main tank of main tanks and drk is definitely the most off of off tanks, i think gnb and pld are both hella interchangeable as tanks. Idk if im the only one that feels that way

  6. Drk has the worst mit by a mile lol tho if being technical war has the worst personal "mit" but the best sustain. Ie it takes more dmg but heals it up.

    Drk being the "anti magic" tank makes it useless as a mt because its mit sucks except the very rare magic buster or autos.

    Also, gnb is a better mt than pld. Has better sustain and enough % mit buttons that you can even mit autos and still have enough mit for the next buster. Holy sheildtron is good but its nowhere near heart of corundum either.

  7. For warrior there is barely any reason to use holmgang in trash packs anyway. Nascent flash/bloodwhetting is basically an invuln in trash packs on a 25 second cooldown. It's insane.
    I think the only dungeon I would use holmgang is mount gulg with the massive pulls that dungeon lets you do. God I wish they would let you do that more often… I hate that there isn't a single dungeon in EW with even a triple pack pull.

  8. lol yesterday i was leveling up dark knight and gun breaker so i can start playing tank more and today i’m thinking maybe i should watch a video then i see you post a tank guide🧌

  9. Bolide is NOT MITIGATION IN DUNGEONS! people pop that shit at full hp. i let them die. if you communicate ahead of time.. and then pop it at like.. so 20%.. sure.. thats acceptable….. i guess.. BUT NOT FULL HP.

  10. Love the guide, not to mention the production of the video.
    Just to add, 'kitchen sink' refers to the 'everything but the kitchen sink' saying about when you move out of a house and leave nothing behind.


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