I knew they were useless after all…
Rank 1 Non-Standard Speed
Massive shoutout to @twistofisto for doing the mitigation sheet and shot-calling
Video w/coms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PFuqBnoWRM
Done in patch 7.01, on content, with pre-savage gear
My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/glarator
I was just talking with a friend bout this fight. I bet him you could beat ex2 with one healer cos there are so much down time, we did old ultimates for fun with only one healer. Just WOW, fantasticly done!
Now try ex1
tat's cool
Great run 🎉 Love the persona 5 rep‼️
Now do Valigarmanda.
bet they regret those second wind buffs now
Needs more WAR
Nice title, LOL.
the LB meter farming at the start of the fight making the tank LB2 possible for the line stacks at the very end is hella cool. Also the stacking all the boss dmg downs to make the MNK survive the tank tether early on, as well as during projection of turmoil.
Remember people, this is because people are good, not cause games easy or classes are broken.
What are healers?
– me who main SCH –
Meh not impressed it's an easy fight .
Wow, this is awesome! I really wish weird comps displayed on the same speed rankings ;;
"0 Healers"
What do you mean the paladin is right there? 🤔
kilt em
2nd healer strike incoming
Do it without smn and rdm and 0 healer + random players. one with and one without prior arrangement and mitigation sheet. lets see how that works.
Cry me a healer
There's a healer strike??? Among whom what data center? Is this why my ques have been a little longer than usual? Other than that, it's pretty based that you cleared this without a healer if a strike is going, I'll just pick up a healer job and try it out, I've only played Tanks & DPS.
To be fair, this is only possible in the paradise where tanks remember that they have party-wide defensives and DPSs see there is a weeny-tiny button called feint/addler and defensives 😂😂😂
99.5% of FF14 players trying this out for themselves after seeing a video on it:
Dang it.. we keep dying!! Why can't we pull this off???
Did 8 tank run of both fights too just for fun and it was definitely fun, this is dope though. ggs!
Healer strike is alive and well I see…
Omnihealer here, amazing run! This proves how important dps mitigations are, please use them! This fight can't be hard to solo heal, as long as people don't mess up anything and use all their mits it's doable. I bet it's tight with no helears though.
As a side note, I doubt this is possible with Valigarmanda, the fire stacks at the start wipe the party.
No wonder no one joins my pf for this when I’m on healer 😬😬
I did 1 tank 1 healer runs of this on SGE but this here sure is on a different level. Well done!
This is pure awesome!