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Start – 00:00
Paladin – 01:25
Warrior – 08:45
Dark Knight – 14:28
Gunbreaker – 20:59
Conclusion – 26:28
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No mention of Warriors aoe rotation changes that make it worse for dungeons and it being homogenized
Gunbreaker is the best babysitter tank for PF the amount of runs I've save from throwing HoC and my other target able heal defence on almost dead raisers to save the runs
Was this . . . just a 29 minute video just to get to what everyone knew already as a result of all the buffs? Like not to be rude, but you could see the results coming from space, lol.
Talk about telling me you're just not into DRK without telling me you're not just into DRK. I mean, the ONE job that ALL of the first 20 teams to clear Omega Ultimate (including yours, obviously) had in common was DRK. While theoretically GNB has a higher DPS, in most fights and comps DRK outperforms it because of the 2 minute meta (going by fflogs here). You've given a "win" to each of the other three jobs before… but DRK doesn't get it even in an expansion when its this dominant? And it doesn't even come second on your list for its DPS, even though it's arguably the top DPS tank as well? I mean everyone's allowed to have their preference, and we can all agree to disagree, but… if you analyze jobs based on their performance, say all the jobs are viable, and then not give the "win" to the job that has by far the best performance, you're basically saying "yeah, this job will never be the best tank in my book unless none of the others are viable."
Confiteor is pronounced Con-feet-ee-or.
Like combining Con, Feet, and -eor like in Meteor. It means confession in Latin.
PLD is more attractive than ever to me. I dropped it over the past year and now I'm like "Damn, this is real nice". It does feel a little… uh… simple? Below level 68. But at 90 it's very fun.
I am so glad that "the fantasy" was included in your metrics. So often I see jobs get simplified down to just a numbers game and that breaks my heart. Even if you are a high end raider you SHOULD be playing this game because it is entertaining and fun to you.
Enfuriate now can be used during Inner Release without sacrificing an inner release stack.
Im so dissapointed with the new pala like they kept the same tempo of gameplay but removed the only thing that kept me awake while playing it
agree that WAR deserves the win. Other tanks have some issue here or there that is rather noticeable such as the GNB's no mercy not really being well optimised for fitting all of its burst window actions or DRK's defensive kit being strangely magic-biased, having a heal-check-tax on its invuln, TBN having a shield-break-check, etc, PLD had clunky aspects of kit like divine veil (albeit fixed in 6.3) or straight up useless stuff like Cover.
The way WAR is designed now is fairly all-around solid and the only possible big flaw it may have is being under-tuned in damage for certain patches, which is easily fixed in a potency buff. it is the least clunky tank, and that can really go a long way to making a job enjoyable to play. WAR even has QoL fixes like infuriate no longer messing up inner release stacks, meanwhile 6.3 PLD still has stuff like atonement breaking your GCD combo
Paladin is the tank class I favor, and my main class overall.
Watching your gunbreaker gameplay made me wanna die, also double down is once a minute.
sorry MH this video is so full of incorrect information and just weird bias I can't say it's a good one. Besides you main dancer. lol
WAR is so strong now with just a fell cleave buff
I always see WAR is around 11/12 with DRK and out DPS GNB by just 1% and leave PLD behind.
Awesome video and lots of good points across the board! Warrior is incredibly boring for me though, sorry to say. To each their own of course
PLD I miss you bb please come home
Best thing about warror is when the rest of the team are just there for company behind the closed room while you solo the boss.
Honestly, as much as ye try to make it sound close…. It's not REALLY that close.
Not for casual or dungeon content. Warriors in Endwalker aren't 'Strong' they're batshit broken. <o>
Seems like I am the only one who think WAR is difficult (WAR 80, PLD 90, DRK 90, didn't play GNB)
To me, PLD and DRK is quite straightforward, press defensive to be more tanky, and when some special skills than 1-2-3 combo is ready, it is just pop orange.
WAR, on the other hand, is hard to optimized Beast Gauge (I overcapped Beast Gauge as a WAR a lot more times than I overcapped Blood Gauge as a DRK, and PLD's Oath Gauge is for defensive skills)
WAR is also time sensitive CD usage because it is more focusing on self-heal than reducing damage. I most of the time used it at the wrong timing ended up with overheal myself and had no CD left for the next mechanic. Or I use shake-it off without any buff on myself and getting its minimum effects.
Really glad continuation's range was increased, but feels weird to not also grant that range boost to blasting zone. Though personally with that animation I feel like anything less than it being a 10 yalm line aoe isn't doing it justice. Though personally its biggest issue is how demanding the rotation is. Every tank has little things they can do to optimize burst windows for a bit of extra damage. Bringing in additional beast gauge, having a dark arts proc, divine might proc. Gunbreaker doesn't have any additional damage it can get, only damage it can lose. Fuck up your rotation at all, say goodbye to double down in raid buffs. Downtime in fights is a nightmare to deal with. Still hoping they make it so that it has no cartridge cost at some point.
I know with Gunbreaker I manage to handle soloing bosses in the story dungeons with its utility. Heart of Corundum is just really good.
Love these videos tbh some of my favorite of your work
Overall, to me Paladin 6.3 rework was a blessing. I was afraid, what it might be like, but now it's easier to maintain, and the even minute burst is easier to hit within party buffs than before (since PLD didn't have an actual burst previously). Still, it isn't dealing highest DPS out of all tanks, but in my book, with the easier to handle burst, it did receive a boost. But I disagree that PLD does the lowest DPS out of all tanks. I've seen that WAR does a little less than PLD. And yeah, its invuln is still with the longest cooldown, but it has no other drawbacks whatsoever. And overall, I think PLD's are now used more because of the rework. They were pretty scarce before.
Here's my order for the best invulns: 1. Hallowed Ground (PLD), 2. Superbolide (GNB), 3. Living Dead (DRK), 4. Holmgang (WAR).
Why Holmgang last? Well, it's effect, I think, is the worst. Holmgang only makes sure WAR's HP doesn't fall below 1 point as long as it's effect lasts.
Living dead on 3rd place is imo, justified. Now that it has a self-healing added into it, it is better than Holmgang, but it can still cause KO if used wrong.
Superbolide is 2nd best. While it reduces GNB's HP to 1 when activated, it provides the same invuln like PLD's Hallowed Ground: GNB doesn't take any damage while it is active. It is then up to healers to handle the rest.
And I already told, why Hallowed Ground is the best.
I think DRK unfortunately has to be declared the winner with current tanks, even though I don't really like it's design. It's the top dog in high tier play because it's just the minmaxer's dream. Right now in the 92 clears of TOP on FFlogs only 6 groups don't have a DRK. The first clear to not have a DRK was after 25 teams had already cleared.
When it comes to offense it's just too much better than other tanks at exploiting burst windows and dealing with downtime (because of continuous mp regen) that it naturally pulls further ahead in Ultimates full of those things, and it already had a lead on the other tanks in Savages. It can put way too much of its damage pretty much wherever it wants to in its rotation since so much is oGCDs.
Defensively DRK is also the best tank unless you manage to find a fight with no magic damage. Dark Mind being on 60s is absolutely huge, and the way that shields become better with more %mit while other %mit stacks worse can actually be relevant with high enough incoming damage. Oblation is up for basically all the damage you want it to be if you use it right. Living Dead is on a 5 min cooldown but since the changes is probably stronger on a per use basis than Superbolide.
Really the only even kind of weakness that DRK has is a lack of sustain, which quite honestly isn't a big deal when healers have so many oGCDs and your co-tank can probably give you something. Other than that the worst you can say is how it isn't literally the best at some niches that other tanks still have, like how it only has the second shortest Invuln or is not quite as good at handling high damage to both tanks as Warrior and PLD.
It's my least favorite tank to play right now with the least inspired feeling design, but if you don't already have a DRK in your group you probably go DRK if you want to make the optimal choice.
DRK main since the beginning and still loving it ❤❤❤
As someone who hasn't Pladin leveled up past lv60, this video makes it sound like PLD has been lobotomized in 6.3 lol
Everytime you said AoE damage I hear "A wee damage" 🤣
The DPS really is the only thing keeping me from loving new PLD fully. Love the new rotation, reworked veil, all that stuff is great.
But….give atonement 20 potency buff and that should be all it needs. Atonement does make roughly half of its total DPS, so combine that with possibly royal authority and it should be remedied.
Now buff it back to 550 potency per atonement…
Kind of glad I'm not the only one who finds warrior boring. I love GNB overall and the paladin defensives (passage and veil mostly).
God I love 3 warriors and a gunbreaker
I love PLD. I'm glad you included fantasy as a pro, but I still need it to be more magic focused. I still think it's held back by being stuck to Gladiator. I feel like before 70, it's kind of dull in the magic department. I wouldn't mind it getting a stronger rework in 7.0.
I was SO SURE my beloved DRK was going to feature as the last (or loser) considering how busy it is and the fact that it doesn't have much sustaining. It surely was a nice surprise.
WAR seems to be top pick for most casual and to mid end content, and even in high end where Holmgang cd can be exploited to full effectiveness. Otherwise right now considering only high end gameplay, DRK seems to be the top pick by far. Even during DSR and now with TOP, DRK has the highest clear rates and the most picked job in any comp (and I mean the most picked job and not just most picked tank). While both WAR and DRK do benefit from downtime optimization and during reopeners, it's lowkey hilarious to see DRK outdamaging most dps during their burst (except for NIN and SAM probably).
My Abyssos static had some healing problems that we didn’t address well, and it ultimately culminated in me dying THREE TIMES to the tankbuster bleed (not even autos, just the bleed) in P5S as a DRK despite using the appropriate amount of mit for the swap (Shadow Wall, The Blackest Night, Oblation, and Dark Mind). I just slowly bled out and neither of our healers really cared. We got the P5S kill on our last night of prog for the week, and in preparation for next week, I bought a WAR level skip to 80, leveled it to 90 that weekend, and switched to WAR for the following week’s P5S clear and P6S prog. I never wanted to be that beholden to a healer again, and WAR delivered for me. I had never played it before and we got the P6S kill that second week, followed by the P7S kill the week following. Unfortunately we disbanded after 3 weeks of P8S phase 1 prog because our healers basically refused to heal and we couldn’t do mechanics with the deaths we were having, even though we weren’t messing up mechanics that often, BUT Warrior was a super quick pick-up-and-go tank that I learned in one weekend, and is still my favorite tank to play when I don’t know how my healers are going to play. Definitely recommend the job to anyone who wants to start tanking or wants to be more self-reliant for content.