FFXIV Endwalker – Samurai Level 90 Rotation (Tentative Day 1, Changes in Pinned / Description)

Since this was a Day 1 Rotation, changes have been made as following:

– Put Higanbana before Ogi Namikiri on Opener (Video does Ogi first)
– Follow what Valynne said for the rotation past opener below

A Rough Estimate from Valynne about the full Cycle changes (non 1 minute loop, need more testing when raids come up) :

1st cycle at 0m: 2x Meikyo, 2x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers, 1 gcd drift)
2nd cycle at 1m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame (1 filler)
3rd cycle at 2m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers)
4th cycle at 3m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame (2 fillers)
5th cycle at 4m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers)
6th cycle at 5m: 1x Meikyo, 0x Tsubame (0 fillers but requires precise entry into next cycle)
7th cycle at 6m: big pot window burst


I am still testing this and is not final. Will need to wait for Jahaudant to finish his review and theorycraft on his end to see what can change. His final Opener will most likely fix most issues.

This is a Day 1 Rotation from the Media Tour One, it still will push high damage. Just won’t be the most optimal.
ACT is still broken so can’t test damage consistency yet.

I tried creating a 1 minute loop by using the ShB loop rotation to line up with 1 minute buff jobs. It works but it is not exactly on point unlike before.

So far there is an issue of
– delaying higan or lose 1 meikyo stack
– or get higan under raid buff and ogi not (after 2nd use)
– or get ogi under raid buff and higan not (after 2nd use)
– slight delays between higan, or early refreshes

It might be the Skill Speed. Or wrong placement of Meikyo in the opener.
My GCD currently is 2.14.

#ff14 #endwalker #samurai #rotation


11 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker – Samurai Level 90 Rotation (Tentative Day 1, Changes in Pinned / Description)”

  1. Since this was a Day 1 Rotation, changes have been made as following:

    – Put Higanbana before Ogi Namikiri on Opener (Video does Ogi first)
    – Follow what Valynne said for the rotation past opener below

    A Rough Estimate from Valynne about the full Cycle changes (non 1 minute loop, need more testing when raids come up) :

    1st cycle at 0m: 2x Meikyo, 2x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers, 1 gcd drift)
    2nd cycle at 1m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame (1 filler)
    3rd cycle at 2m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers)
    4th cycle at 3m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame (2 fillers)
    5th cycle at 4m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers)
    6th cycle at 5m: 1x Meikyo, 0x Tsubame (0 fillers but requires precise entry into next cycle)
    7th cycle at 6m: big pot window burst


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